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Everything posted by maidensarah

  1. Moving away from family would of course be sad but we’re not the type that speak every day or see each other every weekend or even every month and we don’t rely on family for support. We’re already looking into areas and jobs and are happy with what we’ve found. It’s just deciding on an area to start with. So really my main concern is the children. There’s no one reason why we may want to move except for trying out a different country, experiencing a different way of life in between the usual things like working and school. We’re happy with life here, have a nice house, cars, husband has a good job, I start a new job tomorrow though it’s just part time in a school to fit around my children’s school. I’ve been off work since having my first. It’s just more about trying something new. I like adventure. My husband is happy to go for it. I do worry that he could not earn as much as he does here as he does have a particularly good salary, that depends on the city we choose to be near. But if I could get a job that would help and we’ve been used to one wage for years anyway. So much to think about, it’s just making the actual decision that seems to be hard!
  2. We are thinking about submitting an EOI however I keep changing my mind, mainly because I have small children who I worry about uprooting. I’ve been to Australia before for a year (12 years ago now), I travelled a bit, worked 7 months of the 12 and stayed for a few month in both Sydney and Brisbane. I wouldn’t have come home if my visa hadnt have ran out, but I was only 21 so it’s easy to have an adventure. My husband’s never been but I’ve always talked about it with him and we’ve recently been speaking to a recommended Migration agent and we are just deciding whether to do the Skills Assessment for my husband and submit the EOI. My main concern is my children and that they’re settled in school. They are 6 (7 next month) and 4 (5 in May). They go to a nice school, have nice friends and teachers. It is such a scary thought to think that I’d be taking them away from that and into an unknown school to start again. I know children are adaptable but they’d still be different. Neither of them are particularly sporty and I hear about schools being very sporty. They like being outside and playing games but my oldest doesn’t like competitive things, it’s just not his personality. He’s more into the academic side of things. I realise that we don’t even have a visa granted (yet) however I have to think about my main concern before submitting the EOI. I’m interested to hear from other parents that have moved. How did it work out (or not work out) for your children? Thanks
  3. Hi, I’m just wondering if anyone can tell me the names of some nice suburbs around an hour commute from Sydney CBD so I can research house prices to see if we can afford to live there? Just looking for usual things people ask for with the main thing being nice schools and commutable to Sydney CBD. NSW could state sponsor my husband’s occupation and his job prospects would be better in Sydney which is why we’re looking at this area, just not sure if we could afford to live within a reasonable commute. He currently works in London and we live 50 mins away by train. Thank you
  4. I was able to claim tax back when I was on my WHV, provided I wasn't working again afterwards. People tended to do it towards the end of their year. Got quite a lot back which I used most of for my flight home
  5. An insult to my beloved Steve Harris
  6. Okay thanks, so it would still be possible to start with a 457 then transfer to a 186. I was just wondering if that was possible as it reads a bit like if your occupation is on the short term list then there would be no chance of becoming permanent. The company will be experienced in doing internal transfers for positions all around the world and so getting visas etc should be something they're used to but yes the Australian part is the new bit so speaking to a migrations agent sounds like a good idea. Thanks for your help
  7. Okay thanks. Will see what happens!
  8. So basically, my husband already works for the company and has done for nearly 6 years. They're just setting up in Australia (they're a huge company) and it's possible he could go and work over there as they will need someone experienced in that role to set up etc but his occupation, Senior Finance Manager, is only on the new temporary 2 year visa list for the 457 and I wouldn't go out there if if there was no option to become permanent if we wanted to, and I would hate to have to leave if we loved it and we have 2 young children aged 6 & 4 so don't want to mess them about. I wondered if they nominated him for the 186 whether that is a possible option to still become permanent even if his occupation is on the short-term list for the 457. Hoping this makes sense!
  9. Can you only apply for this 186 visa once you have already been working in Australia on a temporary visa or can it be applied for outside Australia if eligible? thank you
  10. Travelling on a Working Holiday Visa 2005-2006. I want to come back but still working on that
  11. Are there any occupation lists for this or can any company sponsor for this visa? Thank you
  12. ^ I've found it now and unfortunately Finance Manager is only on the short term list. Do you know if this is effective from now or March '18?
  13. Thank you for this info. Do you know where I can find the lists for the short and long term occupations? I was looking on the Australian government website earlier but couldn't find links. I would have 2 of school age so that would definitely have to be taken into account
  14. Hi everyone, My husband's employer is expanding to Australia and advertising internally for his position (Senior Finance Manager) to work in a new Sydney office as they will need someone experienced to set up. Can anyone please advise me which visa he would have to get for this? I assume the company would go about arranging it but just wondered what it would be called, if it's temporary how long would it be for and would there be a chance to get permanent residence? I'm a bit confused by the recent visa changes! thank you
  15. I live in Northampton and you're right, it's a bit rubbish. I've lived here all my life. It has its nicer and rougher areas, like anywhere. Though going into the town centre is pretty dismal. Not how my grandparents would have described it back in the day though. There seems to be a lot of entitled youth. It has lots of lovely surrounding villages, though, and is conveniently placed next to the M1
  16. I remember when travelling in Oz 10 years ago as a young 20/21 year old suddenly craving Colman's English Mustard. Was never bothered about it before. Tracked some down and now I love it. Remember buying Marnite in a Sydney British shop too. And in Cairns found another Brit shop and raided it of Monster Munch.Now, the other way round, i do miss those 'Morning Coffee' biscuits by Arnott's. I used to eat packets of them on the train to Paramatta
  17. How funny; we're from Northamptonshire and looking at Adelaide. Will have to watch that one later!
  18. I quite watching it. Just to see scenery of Australia, the different houses etc
  19. Ah yes sorry I was looking at the wrong section. So 5 points for experience. I'd be very surprised if he didn't get 20 points for the results of the English test but assuming he got 10 this would still be enough points overall
  20. Thank you. He got 30 points for being 32 years old (realise this will drop by 5 points when 33 in November), he would get 20 points for English, 10 points for 3 years' experience in Finance Manager role, and 15 points for a degree =75 Are the Emigration Group a good migration agent?
  21. No, he hasn't yet done the skills assessment or English test. Are they both done online? Thank you for the information
  22. When you do an EOI for a 190 visa, do you have to put for which state, or does it do for all states and then any of them can invite you to apply? My husband did a points test yesterday and had 75 points thank you
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