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Everything posted by scuffythetugboat

  1. Rest assured people. If the Australian government aren't going to make money out of it then the idea won't get on the runway, let alone get off the ground.
  2. What in the world has all this to do with the original post????
  3. There will be more booms in the future along with more busts. Perth is famous for it. No one seems to listen when you say it.
  4. Another thing, don't assume that all the jobs you see on Seek are still vacant.
  5. I wouldn't be leaving the UK if I was on £160k. The grass is not always greener, especially in Perth as it's brown most of the time. This is my second time here and I won't be coming back for thirds.
  6. It isn't you. The rental market in Perth is a very good indicator that a lot of people have left town. I'm working at the moment but I'm off when this job comes to an end or I've had enough ( $7 for a midi of beer being a small part of it). As the locals say "I'm totally over it"
  7. Onslow on the Wheatstone Project. The official temperature was only 46c but it was a lot hotter than that @ 56c where we were working.
  8. Australian weather!!! 56c where I work last week. Stuff that.
  9. Look you lot. The prime minister said yesterday that we don't want to see house prices fall. So it won't happen.
  10. Crikey! With all those qualifications and your experience you'd have no worries.
  11. A long time ago, during the 80's, a family arrived at Sydney airport only to return to the UK on the next available flight.
  12. You don't seem to have much of the pioneering spirit. Calm down. Wait until you get here. Things will work out.
  13. The advice I have been given by my Superannuation fund is that if I retire from the workforce in Australia and I am over 60 then I can take the whole amount with no tax deduction. I can go where I like after that and work in another country if I choose, so long as I don't work in Australia again.
  14. Be careful. Paying tax on your lump sum in Australia may not mean that you won't have to pay more tax in the UK. Residency for tax purposes is the key to it, so find out the facts first.
  15. From what I've read so far, if you are a UK resident for tax purposes and you receive a lump sum from your superannuation (pension) fund then the Inland Revenue regard it as an unauthorised payment which will be taxed at 55%. I am in the process of finding out myself exactly how it will affect myself and I would advise others, especially if you have $600,000 to consider, to find out for themselves. Get professional advice or contact the Inland Revenue yourself is my advice. My plans are on hold until I know exactly where I stand as 55% is an eye watering amount to pay on top of the 15% tax paid putting it in.
  16. A lot of Australians with Australian qualifications are looking for the same work that you are so you may find it difficult getting in front of them with a WHV.
  17. All real estate companies exist only to introduce the buyer to the seller (I was told this by an estate agent in the UK when I wanted to ask some difficult questions about a sale ). After that the legal people take over and complete the sale. ( Stated by the same agent) There is no justification for the existence of agents nowadays. The internet has some benefits.
  18. Personally, if you don't see all green lights ahead of you, don't bother. Very often, what you want out of life is staring you in the face.
  19. Down the track, for those that eventually come here, you may have to go through a pre employment medical for some jobs. These are very popular and thorough, in fact they are so thorough they amount to an attempt to kill you.
  20. A few more were added from the Palmer Nickel Refinery. Where I work quite a few of the Safety Advisers are brand new out of the box. One was a TA on her last job.
  21. I'm with Australian Super. I was not happy with my balance going down with the stock market and the prospect of it sinking further so about four months ago I put all my money into cash. Now it doesn't go down. Now I'm happy.
  22. it also seems than many more people approaching retirement still have considerable mortgages. The future poor. Easy credit comes home to roost.
  23. If he's got past the system, how many others have?
  24. So can you claim a capital loss then if the rate were lower than when you could have sent the money over? I don't think so.
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