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Everything posted by TheOptimist

  1. <p>LMAO! I know - long story, had some 'privacy' issues so though had better just to be in the safe side! Sorry if I freaked you out! lol xxx</p>

  2. <p>Hi there, thanks for the message <img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png" alt=":)" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />. Things okay here thank you - riding out the time till I know my fate. Had my Visa Medical on Monday so fingers crossed that's all okay and hopefully I am on track to getting my Visa granted in November. The waiting is killing me! How are things with you? xxx</p>

  3. <p>How are things? Hope you got over to Oz safe and sound and that things are great! <img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png" alt=":)" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /></p>

  4. <p>So do you have your visa sorted and ready to go? Just noticed your status thingy. Where in Oz are you headed? <img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png" alt=":)" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /></p>

  5. Hi Nando65, I think all of the things you mention are optional. Lots of people I gather use agents and lots do the paperwork themslelves. I couldn't afford to use an agent so I did it myself and whilst everyone's circumstances are different, I found following the guidance fairly straightforward (albeit a bit daunting!). As for top loaded MEDS/Police checks, I top loaded my app with my Police check, but not the MEDS as after paying for the app I couldn't afford the MEDS in the same month. My medical is on Monday - eeek! Good luck with it all - you must be relieved you've submitted the application. I felt a massive sense of relief when I finally lodged mine. Now its just a case of waiting patiently!
  6. Think I can appreciate how relieved you both are! Great news! Thanks also for passing on your knowledge re: timescales. We have the same CO, and I was waiting for the dreaded 5-6 month email but perhaps I won't get it afterall...fingers crossed!
  7. Oh no! We have the same CO but I haven't heard anything at all from them. This is a bit of a disaster. I need to know when I can ship my life and am currently on the other side of the world from my OH...:arghh: Looks like we'll be apart even longer, then.
  8. <p>Yay, we're friends! <img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png" alt=":)" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /></p>

  9. thanks for this - and let us know when you get some great news! I'ts not that I am in too much of a hurry (well, a quick answer would be lovely buy very unlikely) more aware that requests for information can be open to interpretation and I don't want to send in the wrong info! Good luck
  10. I can imagine the frustration. I think I'm going to find getting the balance between asking the questions I need to know answers to without harassing my CO a challenge. Good luck with it all.
  11. Wow! Have you had much contact with him and if so have you found he responds to emails etc? How long ago did you lodge your app? (I haven't been around for a while and am completely out of the PIO loop) Hope its all going well for you. Its a small world! :cute:
  12. Here is my info, so far... Application lodged by post 5 July 2010 (toploaded with police check) - 47SP and 40SP Received email confirming receipt from London office on 15 July by CO and asked for further information. I found it rather strange that I wasn't asked for Meds info at this point. Did anyone else find this? Yiikes. Its all very scary. Like the mother of all job interviews.
  13. Hi Salma, Thanks! Yeah, we're providing those extra bits to prove the "genuine and continuing relationship" part, as back up. Its all so mind boggling isn't it! Good luck to you too! Kat
  14. You won't have anything to worry about. We have to use things like letters, photos, bank statements, travel documents etc, because we don't have a joint bank a\c or a joint lease/mortgage, so we have to back up our claims with anything and everything we can get our hands on. Its pretty peicemeal at present but we're slowly finding more evidence. We're also getting Stat Dec's from about 5 people, some in Oz and here in the UK despite DIAC asking for only 2. We're using the theory that it won't hurt to get as much as possible.... x
  15. We haven't lodged yet, but have to before my OH goes back to Oz, so we'll be lodging in late June early July. Its a bit scary to be honest as I still have to find the money from somewhere but can't risk waiting (there are a few complexities with our case). My offer stands, if you need any moral support, feel free to vent! I'll be glad when its done! Kat x
  16. Don't worry. There is a lot of work involved, but if you do a little at a time you'll soon get through it all (at least thats what I'm telling myself!). I've also found it important to have 'time off' for doing and thinking about other things, otherwise I'd find myself going mad! Good luck! Do you know when you are planning to lodge?
  17. I was in this situation a few weeks ago, and I struggled to know where to start! We firstly went through all the evidence we had, and identified any gaps, then started to backfill wherever possible (this included for us contacting airlines etc for proof of travelling together, finding old cards\letters, getting copies of bank statements etc). Then we asked friends/family for statements (still waiting for some of these now). Now we need to start writing our individual statements. Next, I need to send off for police checks etc. I found that the most methodically I could gather things, the more sane I have remained but I'm not done yet as there aren't enough hours in the day! We're getting starting to get there slowly! Good luck - and feel free to PM me if you need any advice, sounds like we are at similar stages! :smile:
  18. <p>You make it sound so easy! (apart from the plasters). Haven't decided on the type of photography yet - I really need to find myself a decent course when I'm finally settled. I love landscapes though - but also love pop art so like the idea of doing something a little more contemporary too. I guess time will tell! <img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png" alt=":)" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /></p>

  19. <p>That's pretty impressive stuff if you've only done a course in it! I thought you must have been a pro! I love all that kind of stuff - if I had the time/money/space, I'd love to get far more involved in photography. My lovely brother gave me an SLR camera recently (actually, it was a swap for my bike), but I am loving it! One day.....</p>

  20. <p>Wow, the stain glass is lovely! Is that your work?</p>

  21. Thanks for your words of support! Its reassuring to know we won't be struck off automatically if we make any minor oversights! Wow - poor you, sounds like an expensive business, but I'd be doing the same as you, its too important to risk posting! Good luck - and don't worry about whinging, it happens to the best of us :laugh:
  22. Thanks! I don't feel very organised though - in fact I wonder if allowing too much time creates additional barriers and means you just have more time to freak out! Fingers crossed for you
  23. Its so scary isn't it. I am at that stage where I am convinced I'll forget something or miss something - its driving me mad! Good luck, and keep in touch with how you get on? Are you using an agent or going it alone? KS x
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