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Everything posted by rammygirl

  1. Well it states that no evidence is required for this, although it reserves the right to ask for it. So on application you need to state what you have but not provide evidence. Land is property so you can use it as an asset, less of course any mortgage you may have. They do expect you to have cash for the move for a good reason, you will need it! But if you plan to sell assets to fund it that is OK too. I would be honest as they can ask for proof, and their estimates are reasonable as you may not have work straight away and moving and set up costs add up.
  2. You can add clauses to your side of the contract. You can make your offer subject to finance and satisfactory survey. The former is common but the latter less so. When we made an offer on a house we added the survey clause, owner was perplexed never had one done, house was fine......... seemed that in SA people rarely had surveys ( more common now). Anyway we found some issues we were not happy with so pulled out. The owners refused to return the deposit, as said we were nitpicking and the survey did not show anything major and looked fine to them. We had to pay a solicitor to ' remind' them that the clause specifically said survey to OUR satisfaction not theirs. We did get our deposit back but it took a while. Also in a hot market we found that agents actively discouraged subject to survey clauses. Seems that people are happy to pay over the odds in some places without surveys..............
  3. Depends on the state. In SA it is ok to DIY as long as not anything hard wired to mains. In QLD it is forbidden even to change a plug. You can google to check. We still use adaptors for things with transformers but changed plugs for others. Bought new power chargers for our iPads as more convenient so now have both, which is useful. Beware should anything still be under a warranty cutting off plug will negate it, although most things are not worldwide warranties anyway.
  4. Depends what list they are on CSOL or SOL better on SOL. once you have a skilled independent visa you can work in any field. Only an employer sponsored visa will tie you to a specific job. So theoretically you can get a 189 visa as an electrician and get a job in a restaurant. Some jobs require a license in Australia but that is different from skills assessment anyway.
  5. Second that using my electric fry pan and BBQ whilst my kitchen is being replaced now. Bought it in Aus they are available in K mart.
  6. Last remaining relative won't work for parents. Onshore aged parent visa is possible though.
  7. I really find it hard to believe the landlords do not want to maintain their investment. I wish our tenants would have reported small things instead of leaving them to create bigger ones! After all essential maintenance is tax deductible. We we have been on both ends and our landlords have been OK about most things and got them sorted but really needed to spend a bit more!
  8. Have you considered moving to another state like SA for example? There are reasonably priced properties nearer the centre. People are friendly too. We knew our neighbours well in our last rental and now we have moved to the hills. Bot neighbours have introduced themselves and invited us round. Deends on on your budget too but retired people here have plenty going on and social events that don't break the bank.
  9. They mean the equivalent of. Use the recommended exchange rate but evidence can be in any currency.
  10. Well it says please send your response to the contact details below, why not do just that? Don't over think it they need to know you have got the message and are complying with the request. Let them know all is in hand and attach evidence then upload the police checks. It is a real human the other end you know and they are not trying to trip you up, just process things efficiently.
  11. Reply as requested providing evidence that you have either done or requested what they ask. So use the link to send police checks or proof you have applied for them. For medicals send evidence you have at least booked or undertaken medicals, the results will be sent directly. The 28 days is to respond to the request not to have necessarily completed it, after all for some people police checks can take months to obtain depending on the country and medical clinics can be booked for weeks ahead. We actually booked our medicals within the 28 days and sent the proof, but didn't have them for 6 weeks.
  12. Yes the second home stamp duty applies even if the first home is in Australia. It can add quite a few grand to the costs too! As usual a regulation set to cool the buy to let market is a sledge hammer and hits people like us who simply want a UK base as well as our Australian home. Possible I guess to transfer the Aus home into my name and get the UK one solely in Hubby's name, haven't looked into it too closely yet.
  13. rammygirl


    She was already greatly missed from the forums she participated in. Thank you for sharing the news. I will say a small prayer for a lady I never met but liked a lot.
  14. You can't get a nomination approved without RCB. Did they not explain why it was refused? You need to find out why it was refused to see if it is possible to address this before re applying. The RCB have criteria your employer needs to meet, so I can only assume it does not meet them or has not provided enough evidence. Do you/ they have a MARA registered agent?
  15. If you read further in that document it tells you that once citizenship is approved you still have to wait for the ceremony for conferral of the actual citizenship . As that can take several months you are allowed to travel as long as you have a valid visa whilst you are waiting for this. Either your PR visa or an RRV if the travel portion of your PR visa has expired. it is only on conferral at the ceremony that you become a citizen and your visas are no longer valid. At this point you will need an Australian passport if you wish to travel abroad. Stages are, application, test/ interview, approval, conferral ( ceremony). the longest wait is from approval to conferral for most people and you can travel between these two stages.
  16. You can travel once your citizenship has been approved ( normally within a couple of weeks of the test) and before the ceremony, provided you have a valid visa to return to Australia. You do not have to stay in Australia for the wait, but you need to be in Australia for the test, decision and ceremony. Unless you are applying from overseas as a special case.
  17. Just a reminder if the travel portion of your visa has expired you will need an RRV to travel until you have your Aus citizenship and passport.
  18. So are you in the UK now? I am a bit confused if you are submitting under transition shouldn't you still be working for the employer? also you do know that decision ready applications no longer get priority, although if the agent has done the paperwork well it will be granted quickly once allocated to a CO.
  19. We'll good that you are already there. But I think baby will still need a visa if born whilst you are TR, if you have an agent they will tell you. They are more reliable than immigration staff as they can be a bit flaky and have been known to give wrong advice.
  20. Congratulations - when is the baby due? Most likely they will put the application on hold until the baby is born then as long as employer agrees baby can be added to application and they will both need medicals. alternative is that she has the x ray! as they can protect with a shield and the levels are very low! although it may depend what stage she is at. this will mean you can get the visa but the baby will then either need a child visa or be born in Australia, in which case they will become a citizen at birth. you really need to discuss with the employer as well as this can impact your start date. you need to go through all possibilities really.
  21. if all the paperwork is good it doesn't take long to process. Only hold up if high risk country and need external checks. Let us know!
  22. to do the medical you need the TFN number you get when lodging the visa application.
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