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Everything posted by cartertucker


    <p><strong><em>Yippee!......We have been approved.....:jiggy:.....Sooooo, happy</em></strong></p>

    <p> </p>

    <p><strong><em>Kelly :v_SPIN:</em></strong></p>



    <p>Thanks Dawn, really good of you to be thinking of me....Im really hoping we get the good news tommorow....:cute:</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>I shall let you know if we do, dont you worry!</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>Kelly :v_SPIN:</p>



    <p>Hiya...been thinking of you....Hope things all work out, im sure they will, you sound like you have put across your point really well....:yes:</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>Kelly :v_SPIN:</p>



    <p><strong><em>Thanks Mandy...It was really nice to get your message of support....:cute:</em></strong></p>

    <p><strong><em>I really, really hope I hear something too....(17 weeks tommorow since submitting!) :swoon:</em></strong></p>



    <p><strong><em>Happy Birthday Jill.....Hope you have a great day :jiggy:</em></strong></p>

    <p><strong><em>Kelly :v_SPIN:</em></strong></p>



    <p>Now Cath, what are you doing? :eek:</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>Do I have to start doing my own PR work.... :biglaugh: <a href="<___base_url___>/forum/news-gossip-chat/67173-176-visa-granted-waiting-meds.html" rel="">176 visa granted waiting on meds</a></p>



    <p><em><strong>Hope you have had a nice day :0)</strong></em></p>

    <p> </p>

    <p><em><strong>Mayby have a catch up tommorow, if your free? :unsure:</strong></em></p>

    <p> </p>

    <p><em><strong>Kelly :v_SPIN:</strong></em></p>



    <p><strong><em>Hiya Tasha, im sorry I missed you earlier....(my eldest's laptop is broken & so he is using mine until its fixed...Well, I suppose when mine was broken, I borrowed his!) & so sometimes its not me signed in...</em></strong></p>

    <p><strong><em>Mayby have a catch up tommorow, if your free? :unsure:</em></strong></p>

    <p> </p>

    <p><strong><em>Kelly :v_SPIN:</em></strong></p>



    <p><strong><em>Congratulations on your approval...Really, really fantastic news, I am so happy for you & your family, what a weight off your mind....Have a fantastic time Celebrating....:jiggy:Well deserved!</em></strong></p>

    <p><strong><em>Kelly :v_SPIN:</em></strong></p>



    <p><em>How are you? :unsure: (Have you been on your holidays? - If you are, hope you have had a fantastic time)</em></p>

    <p> </p>

    <p><em>Only 5 left for April now & then onto May! :jiggy:</em></p>

    <p> </p>

    <p><em>Kelly :0)</em></p>



    <p><strong><em>G'Day!....Hope your flights went well & your starting to settle in....Been thinking of you, so excited for you :jiggy:</em></strong></p>

    <p> </p>

    <p><strong><em>Kelly :v_SPIN:</em></strong></p>



    <p>I did read that Cath, I really do think that the future is gonna be so much tougher for people & that if we think its been hard (which it blooming has!) then imagine in a few months! We were never on the CSL anyway...But I do thank goodness I applied for the 176....Just getting slightly anxious now to actually get it! Even my son is saying 'what if they dont give it to us'!!!! </p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>Kelly :0)</p>



    <p><strong><em>Hiya Dawn...No news yet...We are at 16 weeks now, so really hoping to hear something soon...Will let you know when I do! :spinny:</em></strong></p>

    <p> </p>

    <p><strong><em>Thanks for thinking of me...Kelly :v_SPIN:</em></strong></p>



    <p>Hello...Just wondering if you have had any news on your sponsership yet? You are a very early April applicant & we already have alot of approvals from middle of April....Do let me know....</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>Fingers crossed for you</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>Kelly :0)</p>


  15. <p>Thanks for your message...I dont think i'll be getting it for a while yet...So just gotta keep busy!</p>

  16. <p>So pleased you wrote a recci report....Thanks :0)</p>

  17. <p>Im signed on now...& youve gone!</p>

  18. <p>Hiya, we are hoping to be moving in March/April 2010....Hoping for some good news for us all soon....Kelly :0)</p>


    <p><em>How are you doing? This last part is the toughest, dont you think, it seems to be going on forever! :dull:</em></p>

    <p> </p>

    <p><em>Kelly :v_SPIN:</em></p>


  20. <p>Brilliant news, I bet you are so relieved....Think that deserves a glass of something relaxing! ;0)</p>


    <p>WOW....your last week!!! :spinny:</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>Hope everything is going well, have a very safe journey & please do fill me in when you have settled....</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>Kelly :v_SPIN:</p>



    <p>Wishing you the best of luck with your medicals today...Im sure you'll be fine & it'll be a great feeling to get them done, at last! :yes:</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>Kelly :v_SPIN:</p>



    <p><em><strong>Hope your having a fantastic holiday...:cool:</strong></em></p>

    <p> </p>

    <p><em><strong>(Love your avatar by the way:laugh:)</strong></em></p>


  24. This 'to do' list can be found in the back of 'Australia & New Zealand' Magazine too....:cute: For sale at WhSmith every month :yes:

    <p>We are hoping to go over in March/April time, all being well....Our agent advised us to wait until we get approval to get medicals & p/checks done....</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>Kelly :0)</p>


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