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Everything posted by PommyPaul

  1. you can't go wrong with nab, as a long time customer and someone who originally opened their account from the uk as you have i'd say you're in for a trouble free experience...
  2. when i'm back in the uk i love the access to motorsport venues, the gorgeous countryside and winding country lanes...
  3. it's a bloody hard one mazza, on a side note despite how hard it is for them i'm sure they'd rather you did what is best for you... there's no easy way to say goodbye so really i can't offer any advice but good luck for the new life downunder!
  4. feeling the love can relate to every reply here!
  5. disclaimer.... not everyone will like the same things :tongue: I love being away from the crowds, i love posting on the local radios fb and getting my song played out, i love being a jack of all trades/bush mechanic and it being one of the most respected professions, i love roos, i love the utterly scorched fly ridden openness..... What do you love?
  6. PommyPaul


    Welcome Kirsty fire away with the questions
  7. must admit i've always worked longer hours and harder since i've been in australia, an easy week is 50 hours but can often be upto 90, am on salary as well which sucks lol... can't complain really though as i enjoy the work... wouldn't do it otherwise
  8. bloody terrible weather in moree! damn blue sky and 20 plus degrees everyday, still in jeans and jumpers though
  9. it's not really reality tv though, more like a talent show, i find it very inspirational, some amazing hidden talent....
  10. Anyone else as sad as me and quite looking forward to it starting tonight?:jimlad:
  11. Craziness, basically those visas are there in writing but not really available, in that case i'd say your best bet is trying to get that whv and then looking for sponsorship whilst here.
  12. that's crazy! what's the point in them offering a visa option which is basically unobtainable! just out of interest where is the info on the waiting time for this visa?
  13. do you have many other relatives in the uk? i'd have thought since both your parents live in australia you'd be eligible for this, good luck mate. https://www.border.gov.au/Trav/Visa-1/115-
  14. i was just as bad kelly, is a bloody scary process, good luck with everything and hope it's a great adventure and new lifestyle for you are your family
  15. could i ask why is he unhappy in England? sounds lie a bit of a cliché but being in Australia often won't solve the problem for the young fella, it sounds like he's lashing out at you as he's hiding problems inside, could be a million things causing it but often as the saying goes we hurt the ones we love and I'm sure despite how he's acting towards you he loves you very much really.
  16. i had the same thing as you, lodged visa, didn't declare any offences and then my police check came back with a suspended sentence for criminal damage when i was a very stupid youth many years ago.... i just sent it off and my permanent residency was granted without any questions about the offence, think they're really only interested if it involves actual jail time
  17. i have to admit i've always thought states and territories are a bit pointless, i'd like to see the whole country lose all it's red tape... e.g changing rego etc etc when moving and just be a united one state australia
  18. Where do you.. or where would you prefer to live? i've always been a country lad, have lived in cities and it was ok but i do like being away from the rat race
  19. shocking! poor people! why on earth were they doing manoeuvres over roads, houses etc... i thought all high risk display manoeuvres were supposed to be over empty space
  20. the sad thing is though that if we all stopped visiting Thailand because of the terrorist threat i bet they'd do a lot better job of hunting out the terrorists than if we all carried on visiting... although I'm probably just be overly pessimistic... either way it's a pointless gutless act of terrorism
  21. good on the immigrants, i know i'd do the same if i was in their shoes
  22. i miss the motorsport of the uk, bugger all racing on aussie tv these days unless you have foxtel and the distance to the tracks is a pain. finally going to start building myself a new track car soon though just a bit more of an adventure getting to the track haha
  23. what kind of sports or general hobbies does she enjoy?
  24. from another paul, keep posting mate, many of us love the uk as well and would really like to hear your posts from there!
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