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Ellie 2

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Everything posted by Ellie 2

  1. Umina is very family orientated. Beach is on Brisbane Water ,so no surf. If you want a surf beach you would go farther up to places like Wameral, Forresters, Bateau Bay, Blue Bay, Toowoon Bay etc. How ever, you would have to consider where your partner would be working.
  2. 43.2 here just now. Been that since just after midday.
  3. There are rentals in the Baulkham Hills. Northmead, Winston Hills area that have rentals around your budget. These are older, but very good, suburbs which have excellent schools, sporting facilities, restaurants and shops.They are close to Parramatta and not far from Pennant Hills. Westmead, Norwest and Baulkham Hills rehab hospitals are nearby. The rehab is for people who have undergone major surgery . Hope this helps. There isn't really a bad suburb in the Hills District, it's simply where a person feels best.
  4. This makes me so angry. I have brought up four sons and had six grandchildren in my house with a pool in the yard with no fence and never the hint of an accident. Why? It's simple adult supervision and rules. My home has key locks on all windows and door so small children cannot get outside on their own and when they are there has always been an adult there to supervise them. All pool fences have done is make many adults complacent. If a toddler wants to do something they will find a way as has been so dreadfully shown this summer . PLEASE never allow your toddler to get anywhere near water without supervision. Legislation is not helpful.
  5. Shudder to think what the electricity bill is going to be like. So many days, in the last fortnight, aircon has been on 24 hours a day.
  6. Didn't it occur to you that as you were going to live in a different country that the food available could well be different also. You could make your own fruit juice if you can't find any to your liking, there is plenty of fresh fruit available. However, if you intend to stay, it might be a good idea if you try to get used to Australian food,
  7. I've had a quick flick though this thread and I was wondering if the "little green eye" was at work as the posters who dislike Sydney don't live there. I've lived here for over 50 years and I have never heard a Sydney sider say that it is the best city in the World - best in Australia yes, Australia is the best country in the World - yes, but most people think that the country they were born in is the best, even if they don't live there. The only thing that is really expensive in Sydney is real estate. Food is more expensive that it used to be, wages/salaries have risen dramatically but if you shop smart you can still eat very well on comparatively little. I have seen many changes, not all good, but Sydney is not as bad as is being made out, as I said in the beginning, maybe the little green eye is showing itself.
  8. The EU have just signed a trade deal with New Zealand.
  9. Funny I haven't noticed that in 45 years of frequenting Parramatta.
  10. There is a tremendous amount of redevelopment going on in Parra at the minute, which is good for your boyfriend. Apart from the transport aspect,which has been already mentioned, there are plenty of top class restaurants etc that would suit a couple with no children. Parramatta is definitely on the up. I would agree that if you had children it would not be the best place to live. Some of the best schools in the Sydney area are to be found north of Parramatta.
  11. You don't have to go as far as Coffs for nice affordable beaches. Have a look at the Central Coast and up as far as Newcastle. Not that far from Richmond or Sydney.
  12. An independent Scotland could join the EU. That has already been stated by the EU and Spain has said that they would not oppose it.
  13. The area around Umina and Ettalong could suit you. A fair bit of development has gone on and there is quite a reasonable number of things to get involved in. I have a son who has a business in the area and his in-laws moved up there from Sydney. It is only about 10 minutes to the station in WoyWoy. The population in the area covers the whole range of ages - children to retirees.
  14. Not necessarily. I image the new word could be classified as a synonym.
  15. And the UK debt is how much? If that is the true figure the SNP have put it to good use - not squandered it. Scotland provides Westminster with billions more each year than it receives back. Why do you think Cameron et al were up in Scotland promising the earth just before the 2014 referendum? If Scotland the basket case they make it out to be they would be happy to get rid of the country. The English government is not known for its philanthropy. Oil is not the be all and end all of the Scots economy, I believe the difference the drop in price made was -0.09%.
  16. Why don't you look at Newcastle? Work is available, plenty of nice places near the beach to live and you have friends there. More affordable and not far from Sydney. Why not keep your home and then if things don't work out you will have somewhere to go back to and you will have scratched your itch.
  17. Ellie 2

    Gout tips please

    I find Colgout really good. I get it on prescription. Don't know if you can get it without. If you goggle you will find lots of information on how to reduce uric acid.
  18. I think if you take your citizenship certificate with you, you should be all right. The date on that and your reason for travel should suffice.
  19. Unfortunately some do not want to compromise. I know this from bitter experience! Not going overseas but interstate. Divorce granted but no mention of going interstate to be with another man! Would not allow children to visit father despite the fact he was willing to pay fares. She is now in 4th relationship and children, now in teens, don't really know their father. Yes, I'm biased, but I think an awful lot of men get the rough end of the stick where children are concerned.
  20. I too came in 1966 and stayed in Bradfield Park Hostel. I had 2 sons when we arrived, one was 3 and the other almost 2. Both of them have voted since they were 18 but were not citizens until a few years ago when they applied for it. No hassle as long as you can prove when you arrived in the country or provide evidence of schooling etc.
  21. I agree that this information is pertinent but it is not the Dept. Immigrations job to point it out, people have to inform themselves of legalities that may affect them. There are legal barriers to moving within a country also. That is if they are adhered to!
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