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$150 for a check up & clean for a child from the dentist!


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We're in WA and Medicare has sent us a teen voucher....by what I can make out its for a check up...not looked at the finer details yet!

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We're in WA and Medicare has sent us a teen voucher....by what I can make out its for a check up...not looked at the finer details yet!


hi we had that last year...but now we are told we are not entitiled to owt..even though hes only 14 in full time education hes still not entitiled to the voucher...I will pay for my sons teeth of course but come on,,thats taking the P...!

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That's odd my daughter is 15 and she got one...have they got a FAQs on their website



yeah its coz we dont get any help from the goverment i:e dole or family tax ....not too worry..im hopeing to win the lottery on satarday....then we can all have a nice set ov knasher's.

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Ive just got off the phone to dentist...cant believe how much they want to charge me for a clean and a check up for my 14 year old son...come on now are they having a laugh or what??


be lucky he does not need a filling mind you when you take him the dentist may say he needs a few fillings or even a brace, i was told that for both my kids they needed braces 14 thousand dollars.

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The school dental van does come to the schools in Victoria but only remember once when my children were at primary school.


The price sounds about right to me that is what they charge.


Community health have a dental service but its for low income and pensioners.


You can always use the dental hospital if you are prepared to wait a while.

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Dentists here are robbing @#%## be lucky he does not need a filling mind you when you take him the dentist may say he needs a few fillings or even a brace, i was told that for both my kids they needed braces 14 thousand dollars.


jesus thats bad...why is it so expensive.i cant believe how much thy charge...when i go back to england i might just get one for laugh seem as though there free...

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At the NHS dentist I worked at until recently, checkups were free until the 'child' was 18, but cleanups (hygienist appt) were private and cost £50 for half an hour, whether for a child or not


...im sorry but ive never paid anything...i dont no what dentist you worked at but if your on working tax credit all dentististry is free....

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Dentistry is incredibly expensive here. It's best to get an extras Private Health Insurance I think as a minimum. I just had a wisdom tooth out and it cost us $990. Admittedly I had intravenous sedation and the PHI didn't even cover this...we only got about $250 back...the gap was huge!!

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We're in WA and my children get free dental from the school dentist until they're 16



Yup, this is true for us too. I had to sign a form right at the start of school to say I allowed it. We also have private cover, we're not rolling in it either but we consider it an essential.

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Guest Guest31881

I think the biggest problem we face as migrants from the Uk to Australia is that the vast majority of us would have used NHS dentists in the UK and got cheap if not free dental work, To come here and realise just how expensive dentistry is without the back up of insurance or the NHS is a shock to the system. If you paid to go private in Th UK then it would probably be a comparable cost. But I went to dentist before leaving the UK and paid £ 190 for a full course of work, That was the maximum cost under the NHS. I came here and after a few months needed an extraction. it cost over $100.... if they had told me the cost first they would not have had to give me anaesthetic, they could have done it while I was passed out from the shock of the cost...

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I think the biggest problem we face as migrants from the Uk to Australia is that the vast majority of us would have used NHS dentists in the UK and got cheap if not free dental work,




I've not been on the NHS in the UK for years due to moving around a fair bit, so have had to pay directly for private dentists. I don't find the costs very different here to be honest, they're probably a bit higher but only because of the exchange rate - $ cost for a treatment is about 2x the GBP value, so a crown here cost me $900, it would easily have been 450 GBP or more at home


So I don't think it's that dentists here are that expensive - it's just that most of you are probably used to not paying real dentistry prices


I think insurance is an absolute must if you have kids approaching teenage years, when braces and/or wisdom teeth issues may start arising

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Has anyone ever used Noble Dentist? http://www.nobledentist.com.au/ - I am sure I read about them on here several years ago, looked at the website and thought how good a deal it looked - at the time I'd just finished paying for some root canal work so it was too late for me to save anything at the time, but I'd love to know if anyone has any personal experience of them.

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