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Is it time to give up..............


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Hello again everyone!



Ok so i'm back... well i never really left, i log on periodically and browse the posts looking for a glimmer of hope. For those of you who don't remember me, My husband (Heavy Crane Operator) and i had a 457 sponsor (Freo Machinery), contracts signed, medicals done, sent and approved.. our many ducks were in a row and we were weeks away from having that oh so coveted and (for us) extremely elusive visa in our hands. Alas it was not to be, as this was in May of 2009 when the big changes were made to the 457 and our application like so many others was just cancelled.

So here we are January 2012 and we are still dreaming :yes: Maybe we're crazy... probably. You see, i do stop thinking about Australia every now and again but it is never too far from my mind. In fact, we never commit to anything here for longer than a few months just in case an opportunity presents itself and with two small boys this is not really ideal. We keep getting to a point where we start to say "ok, we'll buy a house" or "Lets plan next years holiday" but then we hear little things that again give us hope that Australia may yet happen for us. Like just lately we hear that Northern Territory State Sponsorship may be about to open up to Crane Operators and similar occupations. We are always sending resumes etc and there is no shortage of jobs being advertised. Getting the visa is the problem. We are willing to go to the less desirable places and put in the time and effort. Also FIFO for us would not be a problem as currently my husband is only home 4-5 days a month and is in another country working the rest of the time. We actually would have more time together on most of the FIFO rosters than we do now!


So i ask you should we give up on our dream or keep living in hope?


Thanks Guys, sorry for going on a bit!:smile:

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Guest ianandmel

Hi Gracie, sorry to hear about your bad luck the last time. I would vote for not giving up. We have been dreaming about it for ten years exactly this year, came close, lost out again...it was heart breaking sometimes. I ended up going for a degree I knew would help me to get a job in demand and now, 8 years later, we're finally in the run again and I am applying for jobs. We're not giving up, it will work out at some point. I think if you are so keen on giving it a go, you would just keep wondering what you missed out on if you gave up now. Good luck with everything!!!

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Thank you,

Gosh 10 years. i thought we were bad heading for 5! I have thought of topping up my degree but with my husband away and the two boys, studying isn't a runner at the moment.

All the very best to you both, i really hope it works out this time for you.:biggrin:

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Hi Gracie - while I always think people should follow their dreams I don't think they should do that at the expense of living their lives. Don't put your life on hold while you spend years hoping something will change that will allow you to make the move or you run the risk of missing out on a good life that you could have where you are (and not realising until it is too late). Hope things turn out well for you and your family wherever you happen to be living. Remember life is the journey - not the destination.

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The only thing about getting State Sonsorship is that you require your occupation to be listed on SOL 1 or 2.http://www.immi.gov.au/skilled/_pdf/sol-schedule1-2.pdf


Also you would require a Positive skills assessment before you can apply for SS, I have read on PIO that NT can take up to 30 weeks gain SS from NT.


Also there are major changes coming to the GSM programme in 1 Jul 2012, that you need to lodge an Expression of Interest and then you are giving an invitatin to apply, but you are ranked against other applicants and highest points will get an invitation. http://www.immi.gov.au/skilled/general-skilled-migration/skillselect.htm


It would be best for you to run through your case with a RMA to find out if there is an option for you to get to Australia.

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You do sound desperate to get here. But do go and have a chat with your husband about why as that may settle things for you one way or thr other. Consider things like the fact that i am assuming with him working in another country that he is getting well paid - is he tax free? You may find that here you would be worse off financialy. People say money isnt everything, but it is a lot.

Be careful about thinking of going to "less desirable places". That may mean a less desirable life and so begs the question why you would want to do it.

If though you find that you really do want to be here then look at changing the situation for yourselves. For example, could you do a degree part time or even through the OU. There are a fair few people that do that in order to qualify for the visa but never acutally use it when they get here.

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Hi Gracie,


Know how you feel, we got caught up in the May 2009 scenario. Sat down to click the button to process the application after filling it all out

a few days earlier only to find out the bad news! We'd sold our house during boom time and moved into a house offered by my company in hopeful anticipation of gaining a visa. However, we decided to give up, buy another house and rent it out to gain more income. Then last April my occupation was added to SA list - to cut a long story short we decided to go for it and we had our visa by early May just sneaking in before my 45th birthday in August!. We'd been working towards a visa for 5 years by the way, I just think for many people it is a long, long process. Then we had to sell the house and lost a bucketful of money turning grey in the process. I've since noticed my occupation has been removed from SA list, it was back on their SMP for just three months. You just never know what's going to happen and it is truly horrible to be caught in no mans land after working so hard for skill assessments etc


I really feel for everyone caught up in this as it takes over your life and you can have to make some pretty serious decisions - especially financially - before you even get the visa. I think if people had passed skill assessments then they should have been allowed to process their visas full stop. Maybe get some advice from a good migration agent about your situation though I expect you've already been there. I wish you all the best and hope it all works out for you whatever you decide.



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Thanks everyone... Still alot to think about.


I know saying we would go to very remote areas etc might sound strange but if that's what it would take initially to satisfy the terms of a visa be it 457 or state sponsored for regional workers then that's what we would do until such a time as we could apply for PR. Hubby is working in another country but for a local business so no he is not tax free...


Al.. Congrats.. wow! You really have been on a rollercoaster!! It is stories like your that make me believe that it will happen for us eventually :smile:

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Guest Sianburton

The only thing I would say is that life is what passes you by whilst your busy making plans! Dont give up on your dream as if your not trying theres no chance but dont miss out on life either. What if it doesn happen and you've spent 5 years, 10 years even 15 years not living just incase. Book that holiday, buy a house you can always take the visa up after your holiday and rent the house or sell it. And if the worst happens and you dont get to go atelast you wont have put your life on hold.


Fingers crossed for you though x x x

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Don't Give Up!!!!


It does take over your life in one way or another. This whole process is so involved and you are made to jump through hoops. Our parents cannot believe the amount of paperwork and stress involved.


OMG I feel absolutely awful. I was on a "down" day today as I felt we were getting nowhere fast and I felt my husband and I needed to have a chat and get back on track with all of this and stay focused. Anyhow, after just reading about Gracie and Al, I have just given myself a good talking to for being so stupid. Best of Luck Gracie and Al - you have done so much already to make your new life in Oz a reality that you shouldn't give up.

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Guest nikkidel

Don't give up. 8 years ago we were talking about making the move. Since then my hubby has done a degree, changed career, and gained professional qualifications...we got our PR last September (the visa process took 2 years). Took a while, but we got there!

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Guest Frankie79

Gracie, this is very similar to us apart from we didn't nearly have a visa in our hands, just the application. We started the process in June 2009 with my husband getting a skills assessment for IT then everything changed. We are stll trying but it feels as though our life is somewhat on hold "just in case". Our daughter who wasn't even 2 at the time is now 4 and the longer it goes on the harder it will be to take her away from family and friends, plus we're not getting any younger. Good luck with whatever you decide!

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My question would be what is your occupation? My next question would be why don't you train for an occupation which is in demand, remember their are two of you and you can always look to yourself and your occupation. This may not be possible thats why i ask the question.

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I'm with Sianburton, life is what happens when you are busy making other plans and sometimes that life can be far better than anything you may have planned for, just keep your eyes open for what is on offer for you, dont spend your life chasing rainbows. Life is too short to spend years waiting for anything!

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I'm with Sianburton, life is what happens when you are busy making other plans and sometimes that life can be far better than anything you may have planned for, just keep your eyes open for what is on offer for you, dont spend your life chasing rainbows. Life is too short to spend years waiting for anything!


but its also too short not to make sure you do the things you want to do-and if emigrating is that thing then arm yourself with as much info as you can to reach that goal- whether its visiting as often as possible to be certain its what you really want- or retraining to match the skills list!! I think there are lots of us who would regret it if we hadn't done everything possible before we gave up!!

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My question would be what is your occupation? My next question would be why don't you train for an occupation which is in demand, remember their are two of you and you can always look to yourself and your occupation. This may not be possible thats why i ask the question.




This is just what I was thinking. You mention topping up your degree - what is your occupation? If you're absolutely desperate to get there then I'm sure you could re-train for a job that's in demand. Good luck whatever you decide.

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  • 2 months later...
Hi everyone,

We didn't give up and by some miracle it's happening!!!!:biggrin:

Should be touching down in Perth in May.... fingers crosses anyway. Thanks for all the encouragement.



Nobody should ever give up on their dreams. Well done and good luck!

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