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5 best and 5 worst


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In your opinion what are the 5 best and 5 worst things about Victoria?




5 best:


The beaches on the Great Ocean Road

The better salary

The nicer house to live in

The weather

The schools


5 worst:


Real estate agents

The standard of driving

The outdated (by UK standards) sexism, racism and homophobia

Lazy colleagues at work/'sickness'

The fact they dont sell marmite

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5 best:

The variety of thing to do within 1 hr of home

Employment opportunities

I can afford a house with a big garden and have the weather to use it!

No one cares if you go to the shops with no shoes on. No one cares about much really...

Any local events get great support


5 worst:

The cost of house rental (not renting anymore but it was annoying)

The standard of driving

Big shopping centres, we spend to much in them

They dont sell prawn cocktail crisps

Christmas is in summer (applies to all of Australia)



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The fact they dont sell marmite



Um, I thought you could get Marmite here? It's just it's branded as Our Mate because there is an Australian brand of Marmite which isn't the same as British Marmite. It's my understanding Our Mate is the British Marmite with the same labelling and everything.


I don't eat the stuff so can't confirm if it's the same but I'm sure someone else will come along and confirm or not.

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Five Best

The high country and Northern Victoria

Mornington Peninsula

Diverse entertainment, something for everyone

Four seasons of the year

Great life


Five worst

Lack of Public Transport for everyone

The present State Government No money Do nothing


Price of housing

Casualisation and under employment

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Thanks Jurls I will have to look into that. Oh I forgot the grafitti, yeah thats a big annoyance for me and the fact that (and who agrees with this?) the Australians seem to have no sense of humour whatsoever, its not that its a different sense of humour, its that there is NO sense of humour. they never laugh at anything, they are not funny, they do not try to be funny and they do not find anything funny!


Anyone agree?

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Thanks Jurls I will have to look into that. Oh I forgot the grafitti, yeah thats a big annoyance for me and the fact that (and who agrees with this?) the Australians seem to have no sense of humour whatsoever, its not that its a different sense of humour, its that there is NO sense of humour. they never laugh at anything, they are not funny, they do not try to be funny and they do not find anything funny!


Anyone agree?


I'm laughing at your posts if that's any consolation :wink: :wubclub:

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But your British right? So you would be laughing!!!! Honestly, Im not saying Im hilarious or anything, but where I work if I say something a little droll they all look at me, the room falls silent, they just dont get it....and if its just cos Im not funny or they hate me or something, let me assure you, they dont laugh between themselves either, they dont find ANYTHING funny. I mean, even slapstick humour, someone falling over, they wouldnt smile at that, so whats the chances of them understanding anything more subtle, and they dont have any understanding whatsoever of sarcasm. They just cannot comprehend that at all!!!!!!! Im not complaining, Im just observing, its bound to be different to the UK, its just interesting and I find it funny!!

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Guest StuckontheCC

Ooooh I miss prawn cocktail crisps.....and I'm not paying for out of date expensive ones at the pom shop!


When DH was in Hong Kong on business he popper into M&S and brought home a few large parckets of the skips rip offs...mmmm

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The Australians seem to have no sense of humour whatsoever, its not that its a different sense of humour, its that there is NO sense of humour. they never laugh at anything, they are not funny, they do not try to be funny and they do not find anything funny!


Anyone agree?



Well my husband is Australian and I certainly wouldn't have married him if he didn't have a sense of humour. :err:


Mind you, people keep thinking he's British and he's keen to leave Australia and go and live in the UK so perhaps he isn't a normal Australian :biglaugh:

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Australians have a very dry sense of humour said with a dead pan face and I have often seen posts on here about rude Australians etc and how they upset Brits at work but I have lived here long enough to know they are only joking.


I think the British sense of humour has changed and is no longer as subtle and has become very focused on as you say"falling down" putting down sense of humour , eg the office, the reality TV shows that put people down. Its not really funny at all. Innuendo can be funny and the Brits were very good at it. Know some of my friends still are.


So just think about it the next time an Aus upsets you or you think they have said something rude.

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Guest The Pom Queen

5 Best:


Large property

There is something for everyone no matter what your taste you will find a suburb suitable.

Sports/Entertainment etc

Wilsons Prom



5 Worst

Weather (it's ok for the first few years then it seems freezing)


Everything is so spread out

All the open areas are being built on

Not much choice in supermarkets

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Thanks Jurls I will have to look into that. Oh I forgot the grafitti, yeah thats a big annoyance for me and the fact that (and who agrees with this?) the Australians seem to have no sense of humour whatsoever, its not that its a different sense of humour, its that there is NO sense of humour. they never laugh at anything, they are not funny, they do not try to be funny and they do not find anything funny!


Anyone agree?


Not sure why you find this blobby, all my friends, family and work colleagues love to laugh as do I and I have a good sense of humour and find lots of things funny. Once again, you are making a generalisation about 25 million people, can't agree, with due respect.

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Five best


Better weather than back home no matter where you are

Better public transport in most places

Fabulous eating out opportunities

Far less chavs

Olde worlde charm in the country


Five worst


Whinging poms

Whinging poms

Whinging poms

Whinging poms

More whinging poms


It`s a different country. If you want to find litle Britain........stay at home.


If you are adventurous and open minded enough you`ll get along just fine!

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Guest StuckontheCC

Some of us aren't here because we chose to come here, rather fell in love with an Australian overseas so when you compare what you had to what you have now it doesn't always come up trumps, saying that I was also brought up as an expat in the Middle East so my heart doesn't lie with the UK fully.


I can also confirm that while in London all and I say all of my Australian friends whinged about England so it does swing both ways.


Oh also when the vast majority of my Australian friends returned to Sydney it took them a long time settle in some still haven't and have thought about getting on plane back to the UK. It is expensive for them also as well as difficult to get decent jobs with their experience as they are over qualified and the job markets are much smaller here.


Just a perspective from the other side.

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1. Weather

2. Transport (not accessable for all, not enough routes, dirty, slow, overcrowded)

3. Too image concious

4. Beaches not great

5. Expensive



1. Lots to do

2. Not too far from other places

3. I'm struggling here ........

4. I'm struggling here ........

5. I'm struggling here ........

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But your British right? So you would be laughing!!!! Honestly, Im not saying Im hilarious or anything, but where I work if I say something a little droll they all look at me, the room falls silent, they just dont get it....and if its just cos Im not funny or they hate me or something, let me assure you, they dont laugh between themselves either, they dont find ANYTHING funny. I mean, even slapstick humour, someone falling over, they wouldnt smile at that, so whats the chances of them understanding anything more subtle, and they dont have any understanding whatsoever of sarcasm. They just cannot comprehend that at all!!!!!!! Im not complaining, Im just observing, its bound to be different to the UK, its just interesting and I find it funny!!


Honestly? That is really surprising. Where do you work? A morgue perhaps?

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But your British right? So you would be laughing!!!! Honestly, Im not saying Im hilarious or anything, but where I work if I say something a little droll they all look at me, the room falls silent, they just dont get it....and if its just cos Im not funny or they hate me or something, let me assure you, they dont laugh between themselves either, they dont find ANYTHING funny. I mean, even slapstick humour, someone falling over, they wouldnt smile at that, so whats the chances of them understanding anything more subtle, and they dont have any understanding whatsoever of sarcasm. They just cannot comprehend that at all!!!!!!! Im not complaining, Im just observing, its bound to be different to the UK, its just interesting and I find it funny!!


I totally agree with you, I've been here ten months and can absolutely confirm that some of them (most) have very little or no sense of humour at all and no understanding of sarcasm!

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1...worst education

2...worst drivers

3...worst weather

4...worst TV

5...AFL...what the hell is that load of s---!



1...best, erm not sure!

2...best, mmm still thinking!

3...best, there has to be something!

4...im really struggling!

5...Nope...sorry, cant think of owt!

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