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So...Who shipped very little?


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We shipped 7 boxes and left the rest of our stuff with family and friends pending our return to the UK - We invisiged we would be away for 2-3 yrs.

We celebrate 5 yrs in Feb!


The things we took we deemed to be important items to us that were small and expensive - therefore making them cheap to ship


There is no point shipping a massive item that would cost $100 to replace - just buy a new one.

A Playstation 3 however is $300 (let alone the games) and is cheaper to ship. It's surprsing how this simple ctiteria helps to narrow things down a bit and justify your thinking.

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It really does depend on your own circumstances. So many people are horrified at the idea of moving to Australia with anything less than the entire contents of their house + car but that wasn't for us. We knew when we moved in together a couple of years ago that ultimately we would probably move to Australia so we didn't really invest much in furniture that would last apart from the bed (have to get a good night's sleep!). Plus we were living in a rented place so all the whitegoods were taken care of and built in wardrobes reduced our need for storage.


We weren't entitled to a migration baggage allowance (I'm an Aussie and OH is on a temporary partner visa) but I wrote a friendly email to Singapore Airlines pointing out what a loyal customer I'd been for years so they gave us 30kg checked baggage, which was very handy. I reckon with what we managed to carry on board we took over 40kg each in total. Ladies, make sure you squeeze as many small but heavy things into you handbag as possible! And also be sure to take your laptop in a separate case to your carry on so you can stuff a bit more in there too. My OH's laptop is tiny but the laptop bag was bulging.


We have shipped 4 tea cartons, which will hopefully arrive around the end of the year (we just flew in to Adelaide last week) containing either personal effects we couldn't part with or things that were compact enough to make it worth sending. Our boxes included DVDs, books, Wii, computer monitor, souvenirs, personal documents, stereo and other things. Another consideration was that we didn't want to be sitting in an empty house for a couple of months waiting for things to turn up when they weren't really worth waiting for anyway.


So far we've been here less than a week and already ordered a bed, lounge suite and fridge. As soon as they're delivered we'll be moving into our house (staying at my parents' place for now). And none of it has cost the earth so we're pretty happy it was the right decision. If you pay the marked price for everything you may find things expensive but it's important to remember in Australia it's sort of expected that the customer will ask for a better price and you're missing out if you don't.


We certainly didn't bother packing linen, it really wasn't worth it. Just bought a pack of 2 bath towels for $20 and they feel quite soft. Also looking at doonas (what you call duvets) and the prices vary from about $30 to hundreds, depending on what you want. Although I did buy a couple of new packs of M&S knickers before we left :)

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Id love to hear from those that shipped very little over....:wubclub:



What made you decide not to take much?


Are you happy with your choice?


Anything you wish you had shipped?


How hard (expensive) have you found it to buy almost all things again?



We are planning on only shipping over very few items...

Kids toys, a couple of good quality mattresses, a few tvs/games consoles & photos/paperwork :yes:




We brought over 10 boxes, mainly OH's tools and kids favourite familiar toys


Dont regret it one bit



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Completely agree! OH believes im obsessed with Oz- er no we are actually going in a few weeks so we have to do these things.... oops sorry I have to do these things!! He keeps says saying "relax, everything will fall into place" er yes because im pushing it in lol!!




People dont believe my Husband is actually going, they say hes too relaxed! :cool:


Come round & take a look at me~YES WE ARE GOING!!! :arghh::arghh::arghh:

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It really does depend on your own circumstances. So many people are horrified at the idea of moving to Australia with anything less than the entire contents of their house + car but that wasn't for us. We knew when we moved in together a couple of years ago that ultimately we would probably move to Australia so we didn't really invest much in furniture that would last apart from the bed (have to get a good night's sleep!). Plus we were living in a rented place so all the whitegoods were taken care of and built in wardrobes reduced our need for storage.


We weren't entitled to a migration baggage allowance (I'm an Aussie and OH is on a temporary partner visa) but I wrote a friendly email to Singapore Airlines pointing out what a loyal customer I'd been for years so they gave us 30kg checked baggage, which was very handy. I reckon with what we managed to carry on board we took over 40kg each in total. Ladies, make sure you squeeze as many small but heavy things into you handbag as possible! And also be sure to take your laptop in a separate case to your carry on so you can stuff a bit more in there too. My OH's laptop is tiny but the laptop bag was bulging.


We have shipped 4 tea cartons, which will hopefully arrive around the end of the year (we just flew in to Adelaide last week) containing either personal effects we couldn't part with or things that were compact enough to make it worth sending. Our boxes included DVDs, books, Wii, computer monitor, souvenirs, personal documents, stereo and other things. Another consideration was that we didn't want to be sitting in an empty house for a couple of months waiting for things to turn up when they weren't really worth waiting for anyway.


So far we've been here less than a week and already ordered a bed, lounge suite and fridge. As soon as they're delivered we'll be moving into our house (staying at my parents' place for now). And none of it has cost the earth so we're pretty happy it was the right decision. If you pay the marked price for everything you may find things expensive but it's important to remember in Australia it's sort of expected that the customer will ask for a better price and you're missing out if you don't.


We certainly didn't bother packing linen, it really wasn't worth it. Just bought a pack of 2 bath towels for $20 and they feel quite soft. Also looking at doonas (what you call duvets) and the prices vary from about $30 to hundreds, depending on what you want. Although I did buy a couple of new packs of M&S knickers before we left :)


Thats a great post, thankyou....Good to hear that its not so bad if you dont stock up on lots of things before you go :wink:

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We took very little of our furniture and as a consequence spent the equivalent of £1500 in a Salvation Army shop, buying sofas and bed frames (I refused to buy 2nd hand matresses - they were another £1200) on stuff that looked like Aunty Mabel had passed away on... I really don't know what shaped our decision to leave so much behind - especially as my employer footed the bill. in my defense the last few months were a blur.

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Im seriously thinking of bringing a few boxes with me now, even if i have to wait 70days!


Technically, you do without it for 70 days, but are only waiting in Australia for 35 or so (depending on how long before you leave it gets shipped). We've been here six months and I'd say we're now at the point where we have re-bought everything that we had missed. It is very true that once you start thinking in dollars it is not so expensive.


Apart from the Dyson I just saw advertised for $1100! http://www.harveynorman.com.au/product/1256978401744/dyson-dc-motor-head-vacuum-cleaner

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Technically, you do without it for 70 days, but are only waiting in Australia for 35 or so (depending on how long before you leave it gets shipped). We've been here six months and I'd say we're now at the point where we have re-bought everything that we had missed. It is very true that once you start thinking in dollars it is not so expensive.


Apart from the Dyson I just saw advertised for $1100! http://www.harveynorman.com.au/product/1256978401744/dyson-dc-motor-head-vacuum-cleaner



aah i see, i havent looked at the small print properly so its maybe not even as cheap as i thought, maybe theres add ons. That was with seven seas. i'll look into that stuff once ive actually applied for a visa, just winding myself up the now!

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Does anyone have a rough idea of how much it would cost to ship over a few boxes? just photos, cd's and a playstation. Just stuff like that


We just got 4 boxes 50x40x60cm ordered via pss door to door to perth wa for 185 all in, max weight of 30kg per box

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Mmm, interesting replys :wideeyed: I often hear people saying we should buy towels & bedding....

I cant believe that a towel would be that much more expensive in Australia....Really, is it! :eek:




He wasnt planning on taking them, as really unsure about the cleaning side of things :confused: I wonder if he should though?


If he got a job with a company (rather than being his own boss, as he is here) wouldnt they supply the tools?? :unsure:

a wudna bank on that kel, a was told to take every tool i had. Their tools are different to ours
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Guest jemandrich

we are only taking clothes in suitcases (4) and shipping one box with fed ex as a friend can get us a really good discount and in the this box will b my pauls boutique bag lol and a few of the kids toys not alot tho and some photos and my sons footy trophies! we are starting from stratch as far as furnature etc! a new life down under with my OH and two gawjus kiddies really excited cant wait! this weekend is the sad goodbyes!! got friends and OH family over for a party on sat then early xmas dinner with my family (25 altogther) on sunday! i will prob look like a puffer fish wen i get on the palne coz of crying lol so far i dont feel emotional its just everyone else lol and wen i dont cry back they get upset more coz they think i wont miss them! of corse i will ive just waited so long for this i dont feel sad just happy and excited!! xx

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Does anyone have a rough idea of how much it would cost to ship over a few boxes? just photos, cd's and a playstation. Just stuff like that



DITTO---- id love to find out cost per box.,., box size.,., I can then roughly work out what to take and what to leave. (do they have one about 5ft5, 2 foot wide to carry about 8 stone?.,., but dont tell the wife just yet! :wubclub:)

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DITTO---- id love to find out cost per box.,., box size.,., I can then roughly work out what to take and what to leave. (do they have one about 5ft5, 2 foot wide to carry about 8 stone?.,., but dont tell the wife just yet! :wubclub:)



:shocked: cheeky! We dont really have much to bring at all, might even be able to fit the photos etc that i want to bring in the suitcase. oh is a typical bloke, says a few pairs of boxers few tops and shorts and hes sorted, hes crazy!

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We brought a 20ft container packed solid! OH has several thousand £'s of tools so well worth it (jeyes fluid to death!) kmart, target and big w are great for all your everyday household stuff- bedding, towels and kitchenware. I bought my dyson for $450 on the net from over east, half the price of the stores in perth.


Im astonished at what people throw away here- we use the freebies section on gumtree and quokka - there are masses of tvs, fridge freezers, sofa, outdoor tables and chairs that would do til your container arrives. We got a brand new double bed for the guest room only 5 minutes wawy from where we live!


I still buy masses of clothes and books from the uk, most of the companies i use do free or really cheap shipping to oz and its usually here in just over a week.


Theres nothing i really miss or cant get over here and the best thing ive discovered is the irish bacon in coles- best bacon butties ever!


Good luck with the move Kelly, drop us a line when you get here


Donna x

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  • 2 months later...

Hi this thread has been useful however I'm still caught between shipping and airfreighting my goods out. I'm flying out next month and lucky enough to get a 40kg baggage allowance and golf carriage with Emirates. This then leaves me with my road bike and two tea chests (possibly one if I'm stricter on what I take with me) to take out with me, airfreight quotes seem to come in at double that of shipping but it's the 70 days compared with 14 that's causing me think twice. I want to do the Sydney triathlon in April and am worried if I ship my bike won't be out there in time. Can anyone recommend any good airfreight companies?


Looking forward to getting out there,


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