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Doubts ~ Whose had them?


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Hi Kelly,


I had my first real wobble when we had found a buyer for the house and that feeling of 'what have we done' only got stronger as our moving date got closer. Emma will tell you there were days when I was at work and would ring her in floods of tears as the doubts I was having about the move were really affecting me. I was the driving force behind the move pushing Darren for skills assessment etc., but when it came down to it I was a wreck. I started to notice things more with my young nieces and nephews and would cry at the thought of not seeing them grow up, things I wouldn't have even given a second thought had we not been moving. I did at times feel like we'd backed ourselves into a corner and that we just had to move even if we didn't really want to as I'd been 'banging' on about it to my friends and family for so long, although they'd have been happy for us to stay. We have been here 6 wks now and for those that are friends with me on f/b they know we haven't had an easy time of it. Darren loves it here started work after being here for a week, Danny was struggling until he started school but he loves it now apart from the lack of socialising after 6.30pm lol, Charlotte is really finding it hard as it's proving difficult for her finding a job and me well it's not a place I'd call home, well not yet anyway and if I'm totally honest I won't start to call it home until I know the kids are settled. We have had problems finding a long term rental as we brought our two small dogs over, I've resolved that issue now and we move into our new rental on Monday, so hopefully, once we have our stuff delivered and have familiar things around us then things may start to settle down. I'm not expecting it to iron out all the cracks but do think it will help. I do think at times we could have made a very big expensive mistake but I would have spent the rest of my life kicking myself thinking 'what if' had we not done it. I am in this for the long haul and am going to give it 100% and if it doesn't work out here then so what at least we gave it a bloody good go!


I really do think it depends on the individual and what you feel is right for you and your family. I for one do see our future here looking beyond the doubts I still have, however, who knows what the future holds but as it stands the prospects for our two children are alot better here than they were in England and like us I expect your main reason for moving was for your children.


Well I apolosie for the chapter and verse reply but it is a true picture of where we are at, at the moment.


Good luck with whatever you decide to do x


Sebbers its about time you update your location on here !!!!!!!!


Whatever happens , you have chased your dreams ! Most people just seem to talk about it, you have done it ! Good luck to you and your family.:smile:

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remember the reasons for going, will it be a better life for you all?.

also remember on arriving it will not be a better life by any means, so much to do and even the basic things seem drawn out, i remember on moving there the first time my car breaking down and suddnely realising i had no idea who to call, and no idea of the emergency numbers either, over time when the home, furnishings, schools sorted and work it rolls together. those days become weeks then months, wobbles will be normal, tears too.

remember, 'if your're going through hell, just keep going'

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I remember when we moved over to Oz, had all the same concerns and worries as everyone else, coupled with hope and optimism. For us it did not work out, we enjoyed the beachlife but found it all abit mundane, nothing ever seemed to happen. We had watched all the tv programmes, read lots of literature and visited prior to moving out but we both new within a few months that it was not for us, the cost of living was similar if not more than at home, wages were substantially lower than at home, house prices were going through the roof, we had less spare time than in the UK and no family to help. We stayed for several years, not because we liked it, just because we wanted to give it a go. We formed friendships, intigrated into normal life, but deep down we new where we were better off. Overall it was not a complete disaster, we had some fun, we got citizenship, but for us nothing compares to life in the UK and it took a move to the otherside of the world for us to realise. We have been back several years now and have absolutely no regrets about moving to Oz or returning to the UK, we often joke about moving to Oz, "its supposed to be really great over there"

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I remember when we moved over to Oz, had all the same concerns and worries as everyone else, coupled with hope and optimism. For us it did not work out, we enjoyed the beachlife but found it all abit mundane, nothing ever seemed to happen. We had watched all the tv programmes, read lots of literature and visited prior to moving out but we both new within a few months that it was not for us, the cost of living was similar if not more than at home, wages were substantially lower than at home, house prices were going through the roof, we had less spare time than in the UK and no family to help. We stayed for several years, not because we liked it, just because we wanted to give it a go. We formed friendships, intigrated into normal life, but deep down we new where we were better off. Overall it was not a complete disaster, we had some fun, we got citizenship, but for us nothing compares to life in the UK and it took a move to the otherside of the world for us to realise. We have been back several years now and have absolutely no regrets about moving to Oz or returning to the UK, we often joke about moving to Oz, "its supposed to be really great over there"




Nothing wrong with returning at all, the thing is you had the opportunity, took it, gave it a good go and saw its not for you, and came back to real home, thats what its all about



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Guest Sebbers
Sebbers its about time you update your location on here !!!!!!!!


Whatever happens , you have chased your dreams ! Most people just seem to talk about it, you have done it ! Good luck to you and your family.:smile:



Consider it done and thank you

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I haven't had time to read all the replies so not sure if this has been mentioned....... ensure your relationship is strong before you go, I remember reading on here about couples going over to AU and seeing it as a 'make or break' for their relationship, hoping that a new environment would bring spark back to their relationship.


On that note, if there is children involved - a wobble could be more than that.... please read the sticky on Chat about 'Children - what happens if one of you wants to go home....' its worth getting this out in the open to ensure that part of the relationship is clear.


Good luck, there are thousands of people who have made a brilliant move to AU (And thousands who haven't). Would you regret it if you didn't try?

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Guest tandcmum

After having a new development in our plans this week in the form of a job and sponsorship offer I have started with the doubts again and i just know that it's going to plague me at many different points towards our move. Mine are mainly financial concerns, we don't have a lot of money and we are going to struggle I know it, but then again we are struggling here, with no prospects and no chance of getting ou of this 2 bed flat we are renting so I know we have to at least give it a go. We are both pretty determined to make this move.

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Guest guest17301
After having a new development in our plans this week in the form of a job and sponsorship offer I have started with the doubts again and i just know that it's going to plague me at many different points towards our move. Mine are mainly financial concerns, we don't have a lot of money and we are going to struggle I know it, but then again we are struggling here, with no prospects and no chance of getting ou of this 2 bed flat we are renting so I know we have to at least give it a go. We are both pretty determined to make this move.



Dont worry too much about the finances Suze, remember we came out without much and we made it, own our own home now. It all seems much easier when the sun is shining and so much to do for free. If you can live on the breadline in Scotland you'll have no worries here. You'll be fine x

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I think Fi and family are a great example of 'going with the flow', they made the best of what they had when they arrived until they were a two wage household without ever regretting their move. Respect to them


To the OP my worry set in when we got the visa - that's when it all became very real and I thought OMG can I do this, until then I think I'd convinced myself that we'd get turned down at the last min. My advice - expect it to be different, expect to feel 'out of sorts', and go with the flow - we have and not regretted it for one single moment.

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Guest guest17301

Thanks Ali, thats a really nice thing to say! We had our wobbles too though, I remember posting a thread a few months before we moved with severe collywobbles about our lack of funds!


It all melted away when we got here though, I really did have my rose tints on, Perth blew us away to be honest. I think we'd have been happy in a tent!


Obviously its easier once the money situation sorts itself out and you do have to be sure of at least one steady income.

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Guest tandcmum
Dont worry too much about the finances Suze, remember we came out without much and we made it, own our own home now. It all seems much easier when the sun is shining and so much to do for free. If you can live on the breadline in Scotland you'll have no worries here. You'll be fine x


Thanks for that Fiona, I know once we get there we will have one steady (good???) income and hopefuly 2 incomes before too long. It is our dream and we have to make it happen, but i know there will be lots of :arghh: before we get there....lol

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Guest Burchos

It is so comforting to know others fee the same way. I have been so excited all the way through the application process. Now we have our visas I am petrified. I keep bursting into tears, my stomach is in knots and my head is going to explode and I am not sleeping, worrying about what the future holds for us. Sometimes I think it would be easier to stay!

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Dont worry too much about the finances Suze, remember we came out without much and we made it, own our own home now. It all seems much easier when the sun is shining and so much to do for free. If you can live on the breadline in Scotland you'll have no worries here. You'll be fine x


I agree, we came out with enough money for a cheap second hand car and 2 months rent. We both got jobs and within 2 years we had the new house, new car and finally getting somewhere. We were stuck in a 2 bed flat as well in Ireland. I went into super organised mode when we first came here, took about 2 hours and 3 laps of the supermaket to get the groceries as I bought just enought for 7 lunches and dinners etc. We look back now and it seems so long ago and just laugh. Being broke in the sun seems a lot easier than being broke in the rain!

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It is so comforting to know others fee the same way. I have been so excited all the way through the application process. Now we have our visas I am petrified. I keep bursting into tears, my stomach is in knots and my head is going to explode and I am not sleeping, worrying about what the future holds for us. Sometimes I think it would be easier to stay!


Of course its easier to stay, but easier isnt always better.

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Hi Kelly,


Everyone has doubts, we had ours and you know how it turned out for us!...I guess you have to ask yourself how big your doubts are? You have the benefit of a reccie behind you, yes it was super hot when you were here but the reality is its very hot for quite a few weeks of the year (but its also mild and lovely for quite a few weeks too!) You only got a snapshot....have you done pros and cons? Did you love it here overall? Did you feel relaxed and 'at home'? Are you anxious and jittery about the forthcoming move or excited but occasionally nervous? Lots of questions to ask yourself but look deep inside and your heart will tell you what you probably already know xx


We did love it in WA ~ NOR....It seems the type of place we would love to live

I can so imagine myself being a 'lady what lunches' down at Hillarys! :laugh:


I suppose the circumstances of our reccie werent great, in fact they were awfull, my baby was only 3 months old (also suffers with reflux!) & the heat was too much for us all, coming from a very cold Uk, our bodies were in shock!


We have decided that we are going to make our move in March/April next year, so hopefully weather wise, we can arrive as its cooling a little :cool:

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SO im not leaving for a better standard of living. Im leaving for a different life, with new challenges, new friends, and a new perspective. A chance in a lifetime.


But my doubts, are tiny compared to my hopes and dreams. Lifes an adventure, and its easy to stay with what you know.


Seconded, but having real trouble trying to explain that to our family and friends who don't want us to go. They would rather us be able to put it down to something tangible such as earning more money or having a bigger house and they would maybe understand better but I have never thought that would be the case in the first place. Have to say though that we are fortunate to have family and friends who are supportive even though they may not understand.:notworthy:

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Seconded, but having real trouble trying to explain that to our family and friends who don't want us to go. They would rather us be able to put it down to something tangible such as earning more money or having a bigger house and they would maybe understand better but I have never thought that would be the case in the first place. Have to say though that we are fortunate to have family and friends who are supportive even though they may not understand.:notworthy:


Si , most of my family look at the news and they understand. I know aus has it's problems but the uk is getting so much worse in so many aspects !


Reckon when we get another cold snap at Christmas and I'm down on the beach they might understand !

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Si , most of my family look at the news and they understand. I know aus has it's problems but the uk is getting so much worse in so many aspects !


Reckon when we get another cold snap at Christmas and I'm down on the beach they might understand !


My wife, Trusy, is already looking for Christmas menu's she can cook for when we have a summer Christmas lol.


The problem with us is that we aren't giving them a definitive reason for going other than "we want to give it a try". Fortunately I have a brother in Auckland and one who has been travelling the world as a violinist for the last eight years so my parents are sort of used to it. The unfortunate thing is that except for six years in the Royal Navy Submarine Service tweny years ago my mother has always had me close if she needed me.


They are supportive but still come out with the odd "We don't care if you two go but you can leave Jacob with us". I am hoping they will be able to visit wthin a year or two of us getting there and then making it a fairly regular trip once they retire taking in both us and my kid brother and his family in NZ.


If I don't try then I will never know. The only thing worse than a bad decision is making no decision at all.


Good luck



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Guest VickyMel
My wife, Trusy, is already looking for Christmas menu's she can cook for when we have a summer Christmas lol.




Hi Si

I once had a christmas pudding ice cream :wubclub:.

Instead of flour there was icecream but all the fruit and cherries and spices were in there.


If we hadn't been using the MIL traditional xmas cake (don't want to upset traditions!) - or if I had a decent freezer - it is something I would have tried again.


Trusy might want to check it out - if she finds a good recipe I'd love it as I have not been taken with the ones I have seen so far.



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Guest VickyMel
We did love it in WA ~ NOR....It seems the type of place we would love to live

I can so imagine myself being a 'lady what lunches' down at Hillarys! :laugh:


I suppose the circumstances of our reccie werent great, in fact they were awfull, my baby was only 3 months old (also suffers with reflux!) & the heat was too much for us all, coming from a very cold Uk, our bodies were in shock!


We have decided that we are going to make our move in March/April next year, so hopefully weather wise, we can arrive as its cooling a little :cool:


Good on you Kelly


It really did sound as if your trip was a comedy of horrors with the weather and little un.

Heat can be awful if you are not used to it and can zap every last bit of strength from you.


You can always come to Melbourne and visit for the summer :cool: PS - as long as I can visit you in winter when Melbourne gets too cold for me :wink:



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Good on you Kelly


It really did sound as if your trip was a comedy of horrors with the weather and little un.

Heat can be awful if you are not used to it and can zap every last bit of strength from you.


You can always come to Melbourne and visit for the summer :cool: PS - as long as I can visit you in winter when Melbourne gets too cold for me :wink:




You would be more than welcome to come visit us :hug: Thanks for all your kind/supportive words

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