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Doubts ~ Whose had them?


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Not "doubts" so much Kelly,we (or i!)know its not the best move for us financially anyway,we've accepted that,more a case of me being a bit superstitious tho tbh,IE is it meant to be? in june we'l have had the visa 3 yrs,hse was on the market for about 8 months after getting visa,didnt sell so we validated,when we came back there was a long illness in the family so we couldnt market the hse for a yr till it was over,we obviously were'nt going to emigrate with that going on,put it back on the market about july last yr but still no luck with buyers,cant keep knocking 5k off all the time or we'l be docking in oz with thirty bob and a sticky toffo in me arse pocket,so i just wonder if it will ever happen tbh,time will tell,we live in hope and various other cliches:rolleyes:

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