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Finally, we have our visa!!!!!


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Guest bindog1uk


CONGRATULATIONS GUYS, really pleased for you, have a good weekend


:hug::hug: Lesley & Paul :biggrin::biggrin:

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Guest Sebbers

Congratulations only just seen your post, if any family deserves it then thats you, after all the setbacks you've had, your determination has got you through. Good luck with the move x

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Guest Karen and Colin

Congratulations guys. When we first joined the site in 2009 you were going through hell with one thing and another just so glad it has finally come good for you. Hope you had a fab time celebrating and have an even better time when you get to Tassie.

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thanks, not sure yet Chris were putting house for sale and hoping it sells so we can just go instead of having to go validate and come back.


So today has been great had a good long chat with mum and dad and explained everything to them first time weve really sat and spoke properly so its put me at ease i in know they,ll visit and have given me their support so im much happier. i think today its began sinking in were actually going:yes::wub:

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I've followed your story on here, but have never had anything useful to say, so haven't posted before.

You have been through so much to get to this point, I hope everything goes smoothly from now on; you deserve to be very happy.:smile:

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Well im actually pretty speechless and an emotional hyena this morning!:jiggy::cry:


WEVE GOT OUR VISA YA BLOODY DANCER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


we uploaded our pccs last nite and considering how excellent our CO has been i had a nagging feeling we may have the email this morning, and there it was

Visa granted 14/4/11 permanent resident must enter by 28/3/12.


I think i may be in a bit of shock as jamie is jumping and dancing around for the whole world to hear and im just shaking??


We planned this nearly 5 years ago and so much has happened in that time, its been an unbelievable emotional rollercoaster for us but here we are on the other side. The worst of it is Jamies dads not here to share this with us, he was our biggest advocate and i know he will be immensly happy and proud. I left a good job with promotion, went to college and uni,( lost jamiesw dad) had to leave as we were living on pot noodles we were that skint! Paid out ridiculous cash in trying to become qualified, jamie eventually got it, and on the day we went to apply to SA for SS it was 27sep and all the changes came in, so the door was shut. We started looking for ENS and after months and months of phone calls, emails knock backs we got offered a wonderful job in WA on the monday absolutely delirious with happiness to have it revoked the next day due to visa issues, this devestated us and at that point we had to re-evaluate how much more we could take and we were willing to pursue our dream. During this time those that know us know about my son. Jamie was ready to give up but i trudged on (like a dog with a bone me) and eventually after all changes with SMP the beautiful Tassie ahd us on their list, with alot of luck and hard work we gained SS form them, and well the rest is history, today we have the golden ticket.

So if you want something that much never ever give up we are proof with detemination you will get ther in the end x


I know for a fact we could not have done this without the people on this site, it has been an amazing source of information and support for us and how i managed to do the app myself. Sounds like an oscar acceptance speech but i wanted to say thankyou for all your help and support especially to a few peeps,

Gollywobbler, Siamsusuie, Ali, HappyLass, Dawny, Pommypaul, Vickymel Pabs, Joanne, Daniel (B.M.S), Sue Yullis, Julie, proview, suunyday, ozcans theers loads of others who i,ll thank in a bit when my brain begins to register and a few old members no longer on here!


Going to go now got a few people to phone love to you all:hug:


Amazing news! Don't know how I missed this the other day as I'm never far away from the site!







Hope Oz brings you all you dream of :cute:

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