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Starting to Panic abit !


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Well as some of you know, my OH has become unemployed.


He finished work last week, and we have about 10 weeks of his vaction pay to live on. I am working, however, my income just about covers the rent, and car payment and will leave us about $65.00 a week for food, fuel and everything else, when OH's money runs out.


He has had 2 interviews for a job in Adelaide, however, it is now the waiting game... as they have to present it to head office to seek approval for the position.


He also has applied for 2 other jobs one in Melbourne and one in Townsville, so far nothing, not even an interview.


He is going to be picking up The West today and on Saturday, as these are the best days to look for jobs in the paper.


He was supposed to get some work as a brickies labourer, however, this has not panned out.


I am not pinning my hopes on the jobs through recruitment agencies, possibly because I have never had any luck with them.


Has anyone ever gotten a job through a recuritment agency that has posted on Seek, if so would love to hear from you.


Worse case scenerio for us is that OH can't find employment, and in 10 weeks time we will have to make a decision to head back to Canada. I know that for a family of 4 we won't be able to survive on $65 a week, and at least if we land back in Canada we will have family and friends who would be willing to put us up.


So watch this space, hopefully I will be posting that OH found employment and that we can continue our lives here in Australia, or else I will be posting that we will be heading back to Canada.


Just getting a bit worried.. hell I was less worried when we arrived 2 years ago, and had no jobs to come to and didn't know anyone.





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Guest guest33730

All the best Karen,


Hopefully you will be able to be in control of your decisions rather than circumstance dictating them!!



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What line of work is your hubby in? There seems to be a lot of work around at the moment so I wouldn't worry too much too soon. As you said, you were less worried when you first came with no jobs to come to. At least he ahs ahd some experience now. Something will turn up.

Is your OH prepared to travel a bit? I reckon WA and Perth is more buoyant, jobwise, than any other Aus city but it depends what line of work you are in I guess.

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Hope u find something soon but let us all know what his skill is as younever know someone on here may be able to put you in touch with someone. Also as you havebeen there 2 yes can you get any state assistance until you get through this blip?

Michelle x

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Guest famousfive

I know it is hard not to panic but try not to,something will turn up.In the meantime why not try a few paper or catalogue deliveries to help the holiday pay last longer.I do this at the minute because things are tight,some only pay $50-70 per week but others can pay $200 per week,depends on the round and whether you have to deliver and collect or just deliver.I know it is not ideal but the hours are short and flexible to allow plenty of time for other job searches.They advertise in local newspapers.Just a thought.

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Guest terraformer



Just wanted to send you lots of hugs, I know how stressful it is when the OH hasn't got a job. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

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