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Which State is best for older teenagers


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As most of you are aware, OH is busy job hunting, as he won't have a job as of the end of September.


We are willing to move interstate at this time, as he is the main breadwinner, and will go to where ever he gets a job.


Been in Perth for almost 2 years now, and to tell you the truth, my almost 17 year old twins are getting a bit bored with Perth.


OH has been applying for jobs in Adelaide, Melbourne and Brisbane. I haven't really researched these areas, as when we were emigrating, we researched Perth as that is where we were headed to.


Can anyone living in South Australia, Victoria or Queensland give me some insight to the pros and cons of their state and if it would suit two almost 17 year olds.


Also, I will need to find employment as well, and was just wondering how hard it would be for me to get a job (saying that I have had 5 jobs in Perth in under 2 years lol). I do admin, personal bankruptcies, work for state gov now... so can turn my hand to pretty much anything.


If you could let me know that would be great. At the moment no job offers have come in, but we are busy pounding the street.


Thanks again.





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Okay, I'm biased of course, but it has to be Melbourne! Lots to do for teenagers, great public transport links, lots of sport, shopping, coffee, beaches, music etc. Of course there are the bad things that every place has, too, but after much experience, it has to be Melbourne :biggrin::biggrin: Good luck in your job search. Love your attitude.

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As has been said it depends on your children and their interests.


If they like live bands and music has to be Melbourne.


If they like being at the beach 24/7 then it has to be Queensland or New South Wales coast.


I lived in Sydney with friends before I was married and we liked it and then we heard about Melbourne, so we packed up and moved down to Melbourne. Liked it more. Something for everyone here.


Although have to say it depends where you live in any of the areas. If you opt for the suburbia outlying suburbs its probably no different to where you are now. To get into the thick of things need to live within 5 to 10 km of the central city in all States I believe. Closer the better.

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Although have to say it depends where you live in any of the areas. If you opt for the suburbia outlying suburbs its probably no different to where you are now. To get into the thick of things need to live within 5 to 10 km of the central city in all States I believe. Closer the better.


I agree. Thats one attraction of the smaller capitals....far more affordable to buy closer to the city.

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hey karen ..how u doin ...sorry to hear of o/h loosing his job ....im sure its only temporary and summit will be round the corner ....have u thought of maybe movin within perth to one of the suburbs closer to the city ....or the likes of mandurah / rockingham area ...where the girls would be able to access the nightlife etc a little easier ...i know livin in the vines must be picturesque ...but it is a bit far out ....maybe a lot cheaper than movin interstate ..where they may not be happy either ...just a thought ...hope it works out for u whatever u decide :hug:

julie x

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Melburne!!!berwick is an outer suburb, and there is plenty for teens to do here - girls mostly just wanna shop - and fountain gate is 5 mins away. Great cyling at lysterfield park with pro cycle tracks, the train s walking distance and 1 hour you are in the city. i think riding on the train is half the fun! we ahve all the usual movies, bowling and local pubs/cafes. I have girls, so i know they are going to have a great time as they get older. Boys may be a different story? Maybe they need more pubs etc? If I had been a teen girl living here, i think i would have been very, very happy!

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