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Australia, a nation of Happy people


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The happier people are, the more likely they are to give time or money to charity, the largest ever study into global charitable behaviour suggests.


The survey - conducted by the UK's Charities Aid Foundation - suggests that well-being is a more reliable indicator of philanthropy than wealth.


The survey took place in 153 countries, covering 95% of the world's population.


The "World Giving Index" placed Australia and New Zealand joint top, with the US in fifth and the UK eighth.


The index aims to analyse global generosity in giving money, time as a volunteer or helping a stranger.


Researchers from Gallup found that predictably some of the richer countries with strong histories of philanthropy come out top, such as Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the Republic of Ireland.




1. Australia, New Zealand

3. Canada, Ireland

5. Switzerland, USA

7. Netherlands

8. United Kingdom, Sri Lanka

10. Austria

Source: Charities Aid Foundation



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Guest guest37336

Hi Rob.


I know statistics can always be misinterpreted, BUT.


I will admit that the willingness to volunteer for all manner of projects in Australia always amazed me. They 'seem' to be of the mindset that if they have the time they will indeed volunteer for many a worthy cause.


As far as being happier, I think this goes a LONG way to contributing to society. If you are of a happier mindset I think you are more willing to help others and do what you can.


Mindsets come and go, but for the most part I think Australians are a happier nation, Ok so they all moan and whinge to a degree, we all do, but in the main they are a happier nation.


Or should I say more at peace with themselves, good, bad, or indifferent I reckon they are far happier with their lot in life than a lot of other countries.


Cheers Tony:wink:

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Guest The Ropey HOFF

Its because the weathers fantastic in Australia and people are happy to come out of their homes to do things for others and when its sunny you have a smile on yer face and your more willing to put your hand in yer pocket and give more to charity, whereas in the cold miserable wet uk, people huddle together in their houses to keep warm and they think if i take a fiver out of my pocket and give it to charity two things will happen, firstly my hand would get frost bite and secondly the fiver would get soaked and ruined. Thats why Australia is TOPS again. lol

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I totally agree with Tony,, i was gobsmacked at the generosity shown when someone is in need ,be it a local house fire or the terrible bush fires last year. I have never known anything like it and it does make you feel proud to be part of this country.


Cal x

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Guest famousfive

They are a happy lot and generous in times of need.They have a strong belief in pulling together when times are tough,an admirable trait for any peoples.The sunshine sure helps put a smile on folks.

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Guest chris955

It's strange, another survey I just read had the USA far and away the most generous nation followed by the UK, then Canada then Australia. Maybe the horrible cold wet 13 month long winters encourage people to make phone or online donations ? :laugh:

Yet another has Luxembourg as the most generous, followed by Norway, Sweden, Ireland, the UK 8th, the US 9th and Australia not in the top 10.

A different one has Luxembourg at the top, the UK at 6th and Australia at 15th.

Australia leads the world for members of voluntary organisations.

Iceland is the happiest nation on Earth and is bloody cold so I guess the weather really doesn't make people happy which many of us already knew :biggrin:

What does this show us ? The internet is full of conflicting statistics ?

Australians are certainly happier than many other countries.

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What does this show us ? The internet is full of conflicting statistics ?



Can't say, as you've not really fleshed it out and provided stats, are you talking about private charitable contributions as % of GNI/GDP for example, because that wouln't be comparable to this survey really (which is factoring in financial aid, voluntary time & helping strangers)

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Guest guest37336

Here we go, dons hat and ducks for cover.


Rob has posted some very interesting statistics, how true they are I have no idea, BUT.


I general the people of Australia do have a far happier mindset, that is not saying it is better, worse, etc, they are just happier.


Now I am the first to admit that the weather can in a small measure contribute to how we feel, but I think that is to dismiss the bigger picture.


Like it, loath it, couldn't care less, the Aussies in 'general' are a far happier race of people. Just why I don't know. IMO it is for several reasons.


They are happy with there place in society, happy to be a land far enough away from other lands that seem to be ever craving for something else.


They also tend to look upon themselves as just that, themselves, for better or worse they are Australian and tough sh7t to anyone else who doesn't like it.


We on the other hand seem to be striving all the time to prove something to other countries. Long gone are the days of Mother England, of colonialism, of going to other countries and at times inflicting on them the 'way' to live their lives. We are no longer a nation that is looked upon with a great deal of respect by our so called underlings or colonial cousins.


Why should any other country look upon us with any great affection when we as a people have dome all we can to kick ourselves when we are down, we are the worlds best at knocking everything English.


At the end of the day the Aussies are simply Australian, and God forbid anyone that says Australia should become yet another homeginised version of any other western country.


I am not saying this is right, they annoy the hell out of me now and again, BUT. Like it, loath it, Australia has found peace with itself.


It does not want to punch above or below its weight, it is plain and simple AUSTRALIA AND PROUD OF THAT FACT. And I for one applaud them for that simple reason.


Cheers Tony:wink:

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Guest chris955

I, like others, see it slightly differently really. Australia seems to be constantly trying to punch above it's weight and is very sensitive to how the world sees it. The UK seems to me not to care less how the world looks at it and is quite happy in it's own skin, that's not to say all the people are happy. I think happiness very much depends on where you live obviously.

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My 2 pence worth......

It has nothing to do with the weather.

People really need to realise how far away Australia is, most think that a 24 hour plane trip is a long way......... Go back a few years to when it was a 6 week voyage or an expensive plane trip taking a few days with many stops, when you needed to take out a mortgage to make a phone call, so the only viable communication was done by mail. Am I painting the right picture????

Now arriving into a country so far from anyone or anything you have known with only the clothes to start your new life. If you were lucky you would know someone but most of the time you had to adapt and make friends quickly.

If you seen someone in trouble you helped out as they had nobody else nor did you. Something that continues today however to nowhere near the extent of the past.

I honestly think that the Australian way of life is being watered down because of the immigrants we are getting (no disrespect to anyone) Just look at all the £10 POMS that wouldn’t be allowed in, most of these people worked bloody hard to call Australia home, while today the privileged few that get in do nothing but complain about how bad Australia is (small minority)

Once again I think the “Americanization” that people talk about comes from the people coming over with money, being able to afford huge houses, large cars and the best of everything. Something most can’t achieve at the minute due to exchange rates etc, so once again some feel ripped off. But you can’t blame a country full of migrants for wanting something better than what they had.

“like others, see it slightly differently really. Australia seems to be constantly trying to punch above it's weight and is very sensitive to how the world sees it.”

Once again it comes back to the people “Australia” isn’t trying to punch above it’s weight. However what you will find is that people are proud of what they have achieved, something most wouldn’t of dared to dream about in their country of birth. So they are happy to wave the flag and most of all be proud to call Australia home.

“The UK seems to me not to care less how the world looks at it and is quite happy in it's own skin, that's not to say all the people are happy”

You can look at it this way, people don’t care about what the world thinks about the UK, because they don’t care enough about the place themselves!

Now I’m not saying Australia is utopia because it isn’t, Australia has its faults like everywhere else but the point I’m trying to make is....... Most people have had to struggle to make Australia home, they are happy with what they have achieved, they help out others because that’s what a community does.



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Ive been in my tiny part of Australia for nearly 10 weeks. Now because my OH is working really hard and because of school we havent gone far afield so my comments can only be on what I have encountered so far.


Everyone no matter what their jobs have been lovely, even when I have been a complete and utter incompetent idiot they have been great, from banks to shops to Centerlink to the Driving licence people, Doctors, Doctors receptionists, Hospitals and hospital receptionists, Estate agents, all have been "no worries"


The whole place (like I said where I live!) has a laidback relaxed approach that we Brits only ever have when we are on holiday if we are lucky.


Now whether this leads to extra charity giving I have no idea but I for what its worth think this place, where I live. is the bees knees!

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Guest The Ropey HOFF

Hi Tracy and excellent post, it is clear when you are posting, because Geoff can't post such deep intelligent stuff. lol.


I agree with what your saying apart from the weather part, when we are deep in the grip of winter and everyone is coughing and spluttering their guts up and we are stuck in the house with the central heating on month after month, all i hear is that people are really fed up and fed up means they are unhappy, i hope i have made you change your mind, if i haven't put Geoff back on, he always agrees with me and you can then put the tea on.

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What surprises me is that the US comes above the UK.


I remember hearing a stat during the Katrina clean-up that Britiain (public and government) gave more to the Katrinia victims that US charities and their own government. The reporter also said that Britain giver more pounds per head than any other country in the world.


So, if both are true what has happened in the UK during the last 5 years?

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It would be interesting to know when that snapshot in time was taken. It is well known that philanthropy takes a nose dive during times of socialist governments and Australia, until 2007 was under conservative government. Working with an organization which relies on volunteers - at the moment we are finding it harder to recruit and retain people who are prepared to put in the commitment and the usual comment is that the GFC is making life harder for them to put in the time. Donations, too, have been declining with the GFC (and coincidentally with a leftist government - which is par for the course).


Australia certainly has some very strong volunteer organizations which it needs to survive because public services dont cover the need - and rightly so, I think volunteering is socially responsible. Whether it is an indicator of happiness is perhaps a bit of a long bow.

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It would be interesting to know when that snapshot in time was taken.

It is up to date. Current.


Ah a survey of 1000 people in each country - technically accepted as statistically significant but you do have to wonder when they reckon that polls of that size are totally irrelevant in political polling.

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I'd imagine political polling has a greater margin for error as you're asking people what they will do at some point in the future (election day) as opposed to what they have already actually done (in this case, which of these things have you done in the last month).

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Guest chris955

Nothing has happened, a poll from August last year had the people of the UK as the most charitable in the world. It's as with almost every poll ever done, they are largely irrelevant and are way too variable but they make interesting reading. :biggrin:



So, if both are true what has happened in the UK during the last 5 years?

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Guest famousfive

What about the Irish? For such a small nation we seem to dig deep when it comes to charity.{ And then you have the politicians,VERY deep pockets indeed!!! }:yes::biglaugh:

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Hi Tracy and excellent post, it is clear when you are posting, because Geoff can't post such deep intelligent stuff. lol.


I agree with what your saying apart from the weather part, when we are deep in the grip of winter and everyone is coughing and spluttering their guts up and we are stuck in the house with the central heating on month after month, all i hear is that people are really fed up and fed up means they are unhappy, i hope i have made you change your mind, if i haven't put Geoff back on, he always agrees with me and you can then put the tea on.


Hi Jim


My response was in regards to


The happier people are, the more likely they are to give time or money to charity


I agree, pulling back the curtains with the sun shining in makes you want to get out, where seeing it lashing down makes you feel blah.....

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