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Australia, a nation of Happy people


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It would be interesting to know when that snapshot in time was taken. It is well known that philanthropy takes a nose dive during times of socialist governments and Australia, until 2007 was under conservative government. Working with an organization which relies on volunteers - at the moment we are finding it harder to recruit and retain people who are prepared to put in the commitment and the usual comment is that the GFC is making life harder for them to put in the time. Donations, too, have been declining with the GFC (and coincidentally with a leftist government - which is par for the course).


Australia certainly has some very strong volunteer organizations which it needs to survive because public services dont cover the need - and rightly so, I think volunteering is socially responsible. Whether it is an indicator of happiness is perhaps a bit of a long bow.


didn't the down turn in cash donations have to do with the tsunami and the people being skeptical of red cross?

I know I'm most likly wrong but I remember reading something about it while the Victorian bushfires were alight

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