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Anyone successfully used hypnotherapy to stop smoking??


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My husband has stopped smoking for the like 5th time since we got here....

Anyway he has tried the patches, the tablets from the doctor (where you choose which day you stop) they worked until he ran out of them :wideeyed:

SO NOW we are thinking of hypnosis as he obviously has NO WILLPOWER!!!

We are on the peninusula in Melbourne but would travel anywhere really!!!!!!!!!

Please give all views both positive and negative or what worked/didn't work for you.

BTW I stopped 5 years ago, cold turkey and never looked back so i am at the end of my tether with himmmmmmm:mad:

Thankyou xxx

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Guest guest37336

Hi ozzbound.


My brother used it many years ago, I think he went for three sessions and within two months he had stopped. That was over 12 years ago, and still not smoking. From recollection it was fairly pricey though.


Cheers Tony

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Yeah my husband smoked for 18 years and one session later and he hasnt looked back. In saying that I honestly believe that unless he wants to give up the cigs its pointless. He has to make that decision himself.


I was desperate for eating chocolate and drinking lucozade and went to same lady and havent touched either for 2 years but I tried giving up cheese and I didnt really want to and it didnt work for that. Good luck to him and hope he does give them up, def improves your health

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Guest Janeloz

My brother in law went for one session and hasn't touch a cigarette since, must be at least 3 years ago now. He was very sceptical and my sister wasn't sure that he would actually go to the session, BUT he did and it worked straight off, so goes to show that it does work. Good Luck.

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Guest sh7t man no way

ive heard acupuncture is a good way to stop smoking--hypnotherapy ive been told puts the mind into relaxed state,and later on when your mind is not in a relaxed state,and stress kicks in,thats when you reach for the ciggys

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I noticed a government advertisement for a quit smoking programme via your Doctor on the telly last night and wondered whether I could get the MIL to give it a try. I don't know how it compares to the service offered by GPs in the UK but if it's as good as that, you might be onto a winner.


Best of luck :smile:

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Guest guest30038

It worked for me...............but only because I wanted to give up. two years later, I'm smoking again, because I want to.


I gave up for 14 yrs earlier..........simply went cold turkey. Again, at that time I wanted to and again, 14 yrs later, I wanted to start.


If, in your heart of hearts, you want to give uip, then you will, without the help of anyone or anything else...........it's simply called "willpower".



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My husband is a UK trained and qualified hypnotherapist and has over the years helped many people quit smoking. As long as people really do want to quit and they have made that decision for themselves then hypnotherapy will work. In brief, Hypnosis is a state of deeply intense relaxation which allows communication with the subconscious mind. As to how many appointments it takes, that varies with each individual client. Some clients need several appointments but many need only 1 or 2. If your husband really wants to stop smoking then go for it. You can find a hypnotherapist in your area at The Australian Hypnotherapists Association - Australia's Peak Body for Hypnotheray since 1949

Having said all that, I agree with Massie in that your husband really does have to genuinely want quit and he has to be the one to make that decision to quit himself. I hope this is of help and here's to a healthier non smoking future for hubby.



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Thanks to all of you for your replies.

He seems to last about a month and then something stressful happens and he is back to smoking half a cig a day .... NO WILLPOWER!!

I remember when i gave up i thought the fight would never end - everywhere i looked people were smoking. I think that went after about a year!!

I will have a look at the link from ancient brits and give them a ring when he's ready to stop with some willpower :rolleyes:

Cheers guys :wubclub:

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I got hypnotised 4 years ago. 1hr and £100. Never had another cigarette since and get a sickly feeling in my throat anytime I think about smoking.


I totally recommend it but echo what everyone else says. It wont work unless you want it too, it just gives you extra willpower.


Good luck in persuading your hubbie. I try to convince my wife who still smokes but she refuses to give up.

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