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Mahoosive thunder storm in Perth

Wendy Robinson

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bless not sure if they are back yet , been down south.. we got stuck in cockburn and had to drive up to kalamunda ..


hows the dog coping ?


Like usual total neurotic , managed to get him across the road i=onto the site , that dog sh7is in weird places usually on top of a plant or bush or tonite half way up a big pile of sand lol

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Wow, that storm was huge. Didn't last long though but it was pretty bad in my short experience of Perth weather. My OH was in the library and the emergency sirens went off....scary stuff. You have to stay calm for the kids...worse when it happens at night...very dramatic.


You can't have 6 months of glorious sunshine without a bit of a trade off though can you!?


Numerous cars damged and properties damaged 750000 witout power 5cm hailstones do some damage .Damage in millions of bucks , hospitals on disaster alert with damages and patient risk ,

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Got loads of holes in the patio roof, not sure if it's worth contacting insurance. Anyone else had this from the halestones?


Kids were excited, but daughter got a bit scared especially with the noise.




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we have had no power [canning vale ] since 5pm last night ....house flooded in 2 places ...thank god its a rental lol .....never ever experienced weather like that ...swear it was a cyclone coming through !!!

mrs keily

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Guest guest17301
we have had no power [canning vale ] since 5pm last night ....house flooded in 2 places ...thank god its a rental lol .....never ever experienced weather like that ...swear it was a cyclone coming through !!!

mrs keily



My hubby called me just before it hit saying he was in Joondalup and getting the hell under cover as he thought he saw what looked like a twister in the sky. I don't think the forecasters got it quite right did they? It was more than just a thunderstorm. The trees down everywhere are just unreal. So many left wothout power. I'm just glad our car escaped without hail damage, we were both out when it hit, no warning at all.

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Canning Vale blacked out hope mrs k`s got plenty of candles lol, and ice for the esky



oh yes ...mrs k was well prepared cheese / biscuits and a nice port all by candelight ...couldnae beat it :wink:

mrs keily

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Guest Gollywobbler

Hi All


I've just called my ancient Mum in Perth to find out whether everyone and everything are OK?


Mum said that everything is fine and the power stayed on all the time. She said that the noise was like a hail of gunshots which scared the wits out of the 2 dogs and 2 cats.


Mum said that the family's biggest worry was my sister Elaine who was on her way home when the storm struck. When Elaine did not answer her mobile phone, they started to worry.


However they eventually raised Elaine. She said that when the hail had started, her fear was that the car windscreen would get smashed so she copied loads of other people and pulled off the road into the forecourt of a filling station. A man told Elaine to get out of the car and go into the building in the filling station. She got home OK in the end but had to take the scenic route because two of the main roads were flooded.


Mum said that on TV there have been photos of homes with all the windows smashed and that many of the gardens look more like lakes than anything else.


I asked about the second storm which is due in the next few hours? Mum said that the TV people say it won't be anything like as bad as the first one.


Fingers crossed for everyone on here who is in Perth at the moment.





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Guest bindog1uk

Hi all in Perth, hope you are all alright, it must have been bad cos they keep showing it on out telly here in the U.K. Those hailstones were huge, the damage looks very bad but you can repair that, it's people's lives that are the worry, hope nobody died or seriously injured. Keep safe, Lesley.

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It was a nice storm - we had a bit of flooding through the lounge windows. As far as storms go, Hong Kong storms last a day or more, so this was a small blow - but the lightning was beautiful! And that orange glow of the setting sun in the storm clouds - fantastic :)

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Guest guest17301

I think the storm was possibly the worst for years....we got off lightly, lots of my friends have hail damaged cars/flooded homes/broken windows/no power. Not fun for anyone involved. Apparently Wanneroo was badly hit and we are on the outskirts so consider ourselves very, very lucky. Just a patch of water damage in a bedroom, (leaky roof) and a leaky veranda. Lots of sweeping up today. I feel for those who have to claim through insurance...are they covered..act of God clause etc? Thank goodness we're still renting.

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I hope everyone on here are safe after that thunderstorm xxx melbourne got it a couple of weeks ago and still you can see the distaster !!!! hope it does not happen this weekend with the grand prix !!! lol can you imagine !!!!! although got to say the weather really changed here after ITS COLD !!!!! Perth was our first choice in relocating and ended up in melbourne because of work !!!!!


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5.00 to 5.30 was crazy, couldn't see where I was going. Guesswork half the time. Mate got picked up from the airport this afternoon and the taxi windscreen was shattered by a hailstone. Welcome to Perth!

2 hours 15 to get home (35kms). Patio destroyed.

Still, glad of a bit of rain. And the lightning is amazing.




we only had a bit of drizzle in Butler, mind i suppose thats why the council tax is more here.....lmbo

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Guest guest17301
we only had a bit of drizzle in Butler, mind i suppose thats why the council tax is more here.....lmbo



drizzle...drizzle!!!!! If the gospel according to Mally be believed it was akin to the apocolypse!:laugh:

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drizzle...drizzle!!!!! If the gospel according to Mally be believed it was akin to the apocolypse!:laugh:



Not too bad 100 million damages , i suppose it was drizzle 5 cm hailstones , KB would not know he was probably asleep

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not asleep now mally, look up at the sky now and see all the lightening, ITS COMING AGAIN..........:radar:


Took Fb across the road on the site , plaenty of flashes out east ,not blowin west hopefully ,hows yer day sorry pool bed lmbo

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I got in the car to come home and saw lightening hit the telegraph pole near not far away from me, I have to say I was brickin' it going up south street, couldn't see a thing and then trees in the middle of the road.

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I got in the car to come home and saw lightening hit the telegraph pole near not far away from me, I have to say I was brickin' it going up south street, couldn't see a thing and then trees in the middle of the road.


South street flooded youngun you prob went past before , mega fun at Bannister rd lights (not workin ) talk bout chicken lol, hit the freeway and nose to tail from south street up past karrynup rd wher the inside lane was flooded , Charlies took a beatin all the staff cars in the car park were all totalled nearly

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