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Guest guest36187

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Well we made it back, 2 weekend flights straight through to Brisbane and back via Singapore, only 24 hours of screaming kids in cattle class each way, why don't they offer a adult only section on the plane?


Our heads are still muzzy, we have agreed that that this time the straight through flight seemed to take more of a toll than when we did it two years ago, old age creeping up I guess.


Sorry to read some of you are having issues but lots of support from the replies. One down side is that this whole procedure takes so long that even the most positive people seem to lose some enthusiasm because of the length of time it takes to get through the process. It is good to find you are not alone with your feelings and unlike another site you can air them and get a mental boost when you need it most.


The best part is reading the posts from those that have made it and how quickly the trials and tribulations of the process slide to the back of their minds.


We only have one crack at this life, no rehearsals, so we do hope it comes good in the end for those that are going to try 'plan B'. :wubclub:

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We have just completed and sent off our Migration Review Tribunal aplication - another $1400 - so e will see what happens there. That could take up to 40 weeks forus to get a haring - I would llike to get a hearing whilst Catherine and I are still here so tht we can present in person and en mass - (with Kayden's family too)



The very best of luck with the Review Tribunal, Audie. We're all rooting for you! And good luck for your daughter too.


Meanwhile, enjoy life Down Under.


Mike and Sue

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Hi to everyone, although not new to this forum as i have put a couple of posts on here ages ago but as my application is due to be sent off anytime soon i am sure you will be hearing more from me with i hope not to many problems. I have been waiting years for this opportunity to happen, i had to wait until my son was a permanent resident. Like you and many others i find myself in the same position of having to rent, the rent isn't actually that cheap over there either and along with the higher cost of living it's all a major worry for most of us. I work in aged care and have done so for over 20 odd years and will continue in this field in perth, they have a shortage of carers so i don't see a problem in getting work, unfortunately the pay is not that great although more than UK standards i do worry about making ends meet. I live on my own along with my two pooches who will be coming with me ( can't leave the kids behind ) so although i now it's going to be a struggle i have come to the conclusion i would sooner struggle in the sunshine than struggle here in the uk in the cold and rain. I worry most about my pension as i only have a tiny work pension and i mean tiny. So i only have my state pension to rely on at the moment. I know i am going to have to work hard until i retire( i am 53 just now) and will have to try and add extra contibutions to a superannuation over there to accrue a decent livable pension, not sure it's going to be easy with the cost of rent and food etc..... so i now find myself getting very close to my dream but my head is now filled with all these other worries........ and thats before i start worrying about the visa process and medicals and not to mention the awful exchange rate and parting with so much money. So glad we have this forum for support and know we are not alone. Good luck to everyone who are going through the process and to those who embarking on their new life in OZ. Ann

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Hi Phoebe


I know exactly where you're coming from - it's so so difficult! We have only just started (our application goes off tomorrow) and already I feel much is against us. Apart from the emotional side of leaving family and friends, the strong $ is making it so much harder. We thought at first that we would be able to buy a small place but now know this is just a dream and we will have to rent. We are both nearly 60 and with good luck will be able to find jobs to help pay the rent and meet new friends. We don't kid ourselves it's going to be easy - we'll be leaving the prospect of a fairly comfortable life in the UK. However we both have good health at the moment which is something we can't guarantee for the future and what then? There will come a time when we might not even be able to travel to Australia for a holiday and I know for sure we will regret not taking this opportunity. So for us there is only one way and that is down under, whatever the consequences!


I do hope things work out for you both. Don't give up - you are most definitately not on your own!!


Angie :hug: x

I know exactly where you are coming from "we are frightened to go but I think more frightened to stay here" We will have to downsize "a lot" and move out of the city about an hour from our son but as I said to him one hour is better than 9 thousand miles. You have said everything I have said to all our friends about health etc. Hearing it from someone else confirms everything I thought was right. Thank You. When you weigh things up...nothing is more important than our children!

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Hi Everyone


We have finally arrived here in Perth. We had the luxury of being able to spend a night in the airport hotel in Dubai this time and I am glad we did so as our flight was delayed by 3 hours. We arrived in Perth feeling a little less frazzled than normal, and were met by my daughter, her husband and our lovely new granddaughter.


Today was a Bank Holiday in Perth, so gave us a breather before all the 'business' stuff we have to do tomorrow.


Nice to see some new people on here. It is very difficult and worrying as it is an expensive business. We are still worried our pensions will be eroded by the exchange rate and whether we will be able to afford a decent lifestyle. However, as some have said, what price to be with your family.

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Well we made it back, 2 weekend flights straight through to Brisbane and back via Singapore, only 24 hours of screaming kids in cattle class each way, why don't they offer a adult only section on the plane?


Our heads are still muzzy, we have agreed that that this time the straight through flight seemed to take more of a toll than when we did it two years ago, old age creeping up I guess.


Sorry to read some of you are having issues but lots of support from the replies. One down side is that this whole procedure takes so long that even the most positive people seem to lose some enthusiasm because of the length of time it takes to get through the process. It is good to find you are not alone with your feelings and unlike another site you can air them and get a mental boost when you need it most.


The best part is reading the posts from those that have made it and how quickly the trials and tribulations of the process slide to the back of their minds.


We only have one crack at this life, no rehearsals, so we do hope it comes good in the end for those that are going to try 'plan B'. :wubclub:


Nice to have you back


Katie x

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Hi Everyone


We have finally arrived here in Perth. We had the luxury of being able to spend a night in the airport hotel in Dubai this time and I am glad we did so as our flight was delayed by 3 hours. We arrived in Perth feeling a little less frazzled than normal, and were met by my daughter, her husband and our lovely new granddaughter.


Today was a Bank Holiday in Perth, so gave us a breather before all the 'business' stuff we have to do tomorrow.


Nice to see some new people on here. It is very difficult and worrying as it is an expensive business. We are still worried our pensions will be eroded by the exchange rate and whether we will be able to afford a decent lifestyle. However, as some have said, what price to be with your family.




glad that you have arrived safely. Good luck with the business stuff, I'm doing mine tomorrow as well only in Adelaide


Katie xx

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:idea: Many moons ago at a much better exchange rate we used a Nationwide Visa Debit card for regular transfers into Aud $. When the rate dropped below $1.70 we stopped using it.


Then Nationwide last year introduced a 2% fee plus a £1 per cash withdrawal when outside the EU.


Last week, when on our flyer, I thought I would see what that meant in cost terms.


On 31st May I withdrew $200.


Nationwide exchanged at a rate of $1.534, plus 2% of the charge for the exchange which was £130.32 (£2.60), plus the £1 charge giving a total cost to me of £133.92.


The total cost of £133.92 means an effective rate of $1.4934 on the day, looking back at the exchange rate movements for that day that's not too bad for a small amount.


I could of exchanged $400 and still only had the £1 charge giving an exchange rate of $1.499.


The downside to this method is you do not know what the rate will be at the time.


In the old days we often used to do $500 at a time, now the ATMs will not let me withdraw $500 as it exceeds Nationwides £300 limit. Oh for the good old days. :wubclub:

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Guest Cathwotherspoon
Hi to everyone, although not new to this forum as i have put a couple of posts on here ages ago but as my application is due to be sent off anytime soon i am sure you will be hearing more from me with i hope not to many problems. I have been waiting years for this opportunity to happen, i had to wait until my son was a permanent resident. Like you and many others i find myself in the same position of having to rent, the rent isn't actually that cheap over there either and along with the higher cost of living it's all a major worry for most of us. I work in aged care and have done so for over 20 odd years and will continue in this field in perth, they have a shortage of carers so i don't see a problem in getting work, unfortunately the pay is not that great although more than UK standards i do worry about making ends meet. I live on my own along with my two pooches who will be coming with me ( can't leave the kids behind ) so although i now it's going to be a struggle i have come to the conclusion i would sooner struggle in the sunshine than struggle here in the uk in the cold and rain. I worry most about my pension as i only have a tiny work pension and i mean tiny. So i only have my state pension to rely on at the moment. I know i am going to have to work hard until i retire( i am 53 just now) and will have to try and add extra contibutions to a superannuation over there to accrue a decent livable pension, not sure it's going to be easy with the cost of rent and food etc..... so i now find myself getting very close to my dream but my head is now filled with all these other worries........ and thats before i start worrying about the visa process and medicals and not to mention the awful exchange rate and parting with so much money. So glad we have this forum for support and know we are not alone. Good luck to everyone who are going through the process and to those who embarking on their new life in OZ. Ann

I can appreciate all your concerns as I am more or less in the same situation. Hopefully will be applying soon for visa once daughter's is finally granted-being processed just now (they have been in Australia 3 years now). Hopefully they will be considered as "settled" so I can apply immediately. I too am on my own and worrying about all the finances involved as I am currently unemployed although retirement age recently, would rather be working. There is some valuable information on here from lots of parents who have already gone through or are currently going through the process and I keep up to date with the forum virtually every day - so we are not alone

The whole thing is a daunting prospect but like everyone else it will be worth it in the long run. Cath

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Hi Everyone


Nice to see some new people on here. It is very difficult and worrying as it is an expensive business. We are still worried our pensions will be eroded by the exchange rate and whether we will be able to afford a decent lifestyle. However, as some have said, what price to be with your family.


Hi Linday

If you look at it philosofically or whet ever:confused:, if we can survive in what one might call the great depression for us, which is now, (well those that have just gone who I hope to be joining very soon) we can survive when things get bad for Aus and the Aus$ weakens giving us the luxury of jam on our bread (or vegemite Or marmite). I like this site as someone said, you can interject with mindless rubbish without being told off.:biglaugh: To all with indecision, we are all in this together, supporting each other and I, for one, truly hope all arrive in Oz when the time is right to live out the rest of our lives with the ones we love. Now hands up all those who in public, at work and with mates said "no problem" and in private were actually very ill at ease. Mines first!!:chatterbox:

Oh PS keep a seat warm for me at the PIPS luncheons, I may only be able to afford bread and water but we are coming anyway.

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Hi to everyone, although not new to this forum as i have put a couple of posts on here ages ago but as my application is due to be sent off anytime soon i am sure you will be hearing more from me with i hope not to many problems. I have been waiting years for this opportunity to happen, i had to wait until my son was a permanent resident. Like you and many others i find myself in the same position of having to rent, the rent isn't actually that cheap over there either and along with the higher cost of living it's all a major worry for most of us. I work in aged care and have done so for over 20 odd years and will continue in this field in perth, they have a shortage of carers so i don't see a problem in getting work, unfortunately the pay is not that great although more than UK standards i do worry about making ends meet. I live on my own along with my two pooches who will be coming with me ( can't leave the kids behind ) so although i now it's going to be a struggle i have come to the conclusion i would sooner struggle in the sunshine than struggle here in the uk in the cold and rain. I worry most about my pension as i only have a tiny work pension and i mean tiny. So i only have my state pension to rely on at the moment. I know i am going to have to work hard until i retire( i am 53 just now) and will have to try and add extra contibutions to a superannuation over there to accrue a decent livable pension, not sure it's going to be easy with the cost of rent and food etc..... so i now find myself getting very close to my dream but my head is now filled with all these other worries........ and thats before i start worrying about the visa process and medicals and not to mention the awful exchange rate and parting with so much money. So glad we have this forum for support and know we are not alone. Good luck to everyone who are going through the process and to those who embarking on their new life in OZ. Ann


Hi Ann,


I embarked on this process or decided to emmigrate some 3 years ago even before my daughter Emma & son in law, Mark were even in Australia. We had been out for a holiday/reccie for Emma & Mark & I made the decision then that I wanted to come out to live here. Since that date however, I've had doubts, financial worries & I've also left one other daughter behind in the UK (who may/may not come out next year permanently). I've finally made the move out here 3 days ago & love it so far but I need to get a job & I'm not sure how easy that will be as I'm now 56.


I'm living with Emma & Mark until at least the beginning of October so hopefully will secure employment by then. I've no partner to rely on just my daughter who I dont really want to take advanatge of or my son in law. There is no easy answer to how you feel but life is very short & I thought what the heck, if I really cant settle for whatever reason, I could go back to the UK. I dont think that you will stop worrying until you get out here & give it a try. At least as you say the weather will be better & I'm sure it WILL work out for you


good luck & remember we are all going or have gone through this process together & there are lots of lovely people on this site to support you along the way


Katie xx

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Hi Everyone


We have finally arrived here in Perth. We had the luxury of being able to spend a night in the airport hotel in Dubai this time and I am glad we did so as our flight was delayed by 3 hours. We arrived in Perth feeling a little less frazzled than normal, and were met by my daughter, her husband and our lovely new granddaughter.


Today was a Bank Holiday in Perth, so gave us a breather before all the 'business' stuff we have to do tomorrow.


Nice to see some new people on here. It is very difficult and worrying as it is an expensive business. We are still worried our pensions will be eroded by the exchange rate and whether we will be able to afford a decent lifestyle. However, as some have said, what price to be with your family.

I am relieved to hear others have the same worries as me. I actually applied for a 173 in 09. I had to go over to Oz last year in a hurry as my son was diagnosed with cancer, I stayed for 2mths and was very homesick so I cancelled my application, I have now changed my mind and want to live out there so I am applying again. I didnt realise that going for a 103 would have kept me on the list. I have a question about the 173, when I apply for permanent residence do you know if the second payment is the payment that is stated now or will it be an increased payment.

My son has recovered after a years treatment but there is a 40% chance it will return another reason to be over them with him

Thank you

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In the old days we often used to do $500 at a time, now the ATMs will not let me withdraw $500 as it exceeds Nationwides £300 limit. Oh for the good old days. :wubclub:


The ATM's have been spitting my card back for the past 7 weeks everytime I tried for $500 :laugh: the best I got was $450 :twitcy:



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Hi Phoebe


We are in the same situation and not sure what to do. Is it that easy to transfer to a 103 and then think about it again later. We are going out in September and hopefully will look at it in more depth then.

This is such a turmoil.

Hope it all works out for you.






Hi everyone thankyou so much for your reply's and support :notworthy:


I spoke to someone from the immi office here in Oz today and they have assured me that it would not cause a problem to cancel the 143 and change to 103 to give us 'thinking time' with the option to upgrade (as it were) at a later date :biggrin: however standard application charges will apply in both cases :swoon:


What I should have also asked was, with the application for the 103 would I have to resend all personal documents i.e. birth/marriage certificates :wideeyed:


Is there anyone who has changed their visas that could give me the answer to that one :cute:


I am also wondering if I should just 'get on' with the changeover once we are back in the UK or wait for a CO to be assigned and put our case to them, would we benefit by that in any way?.......any suggestions gratefully accepted :wink:



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I I have a question about the 173, when I apply for permanent residence do you know if the second payment is the payment that is stated now or will it be an increased payment.



Unfortunately, the rate that applies is the rate at the date you apply for the upgrade. So it's always best to apply before 30 June in any year, rather than after. On 1 July 2011, fees increase by 15%!



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I can appreciate all your concerns as I am more or less in the same situation. Hopefully will be applying soon for visa once daughter's is finally granted-being processed just now (they have been in Australia 3 years now). Hopefully they will be considered as "settled" so I can apply immediately. I too am on my own and worrying about all the finances involved as I am currently unemployed although retirement age recently, would rather be working. There is some valuable information on here from lots of parents who have already gone through or are currently going through the process and I keep up to date with the forum virtually every day - so we are not alone

The whole thing is a daunting prospect but like everyone else it will be worth it in the long run. Cath


Thank you for the reply Cath, to be honest work wise, and the cost of living and trying to live on a pension later on in this country i feel will be more of a struggle than in OZ, i honestly feel and hope that moving to Perth will benifit me financially and socially, i work for the council in aged care at the moment and we have already been told we will be having a pay cut later in the year, as if the pay isn't low enough, if i don't go to OZ i would not be able to live on the income from my present job, so the decision has been made easier in more ways than one. I have already been offered a job when i get over there which is grand. I love the outdoor life and do far more than i ever do here which i know is down to the weather ( i hate the cold ) But there's a long way to go as yet and i am just hoping everything runs along smoothly. Like you i find myself checking out the posts on here, you feel you are living the worries and joys for everyone. I just know it's all going to be worth it in the long run. Ann

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Hi Ann,


I embarked on this process or decided to emmigrate some 3 years ago even before my daughter Emma & son in law, Mark were even in Australia. We had been out for a holiday/reccie for Emma & Mark & I made the decision then that I wanted to come out to live here. Since that date however, I've had doubts, financial worries & I've also left one other daughter behind in the UK (who may/may not come out next year permanently). I've finally made the move out here 3 days ago & love it so far but I need to get a job & I'm not sure how easy that will be as I'm now 56.


I'm living with Emma & Mark until at least the beginning of October so hopefully will secure employment by then. I've no partner to rely on just my daughter who I dont really want to take advanatge of or my son in law. There is no easy answer to how you feel but life is very short & I thought what the heck, if I really cant settle for whatever reason, I could go back to the UK. I dont think that you will stop worrying until you get out here & give it a try. At least as you say the weather will be better & I'm sure it WILL work out for you


good luck & remember we are all going or have gone through this process together & there are lots of lovely people on this site to support you along the way


Katie xx


Hello Katie, thank you so much for the kind reply even though you must be jet lagged and overjoyed at finally being over there. I feel our situation is quite similar, like you i shall also be leaving my daughter behind which is a wrench, she would come over but her hubby doesn't want to leave his family, understandable as they are all very close and it's a decision i have to accept, i am really hoping they will change their minds later on after a few holidays.

I am sure you will find a job as us older workers are far more reliable and concidered an asset in the workforce plus you have a good 10yrs before retirement so i am sure you will do well.

Again like yourself i am also on my own but consider myself lucky i am only paying for one visa, such a lot for a couple to find. Mind you i can't think of a better way to spend my life's savings, i concider it a whole new begining as the last 12yrs i was nursing both my parents and they both considered my moving to OZ to be a good thing all things concidered, so i know i would have had their blessing. As i have read on here life is not a rehearsal this is it...... so we have to give it our best as i know i would deeply regret not making the move and missing such an adventure.

I wish you all you hope for in your new life, and good luck on finding that job.

Ann :smile:

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Just wanted to say that we went to NAB bank today and all went very smoothly. Also registered at Medicare, also very straightforward. Everyone was very pleasant and friendly. Starting to feel as though we are actually here now!

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Wondered what had happened as you were on the tracker in front of us but no updates. Nice to hear you are OK and going for it again.

The answer to your question is that you pay the upgrade fee at the time you apply for the upgrade to a 143 and not the upgrade fee when you applied for the 173. Bit of a knock I know, we were hoping like you the figures were fixed from your first application. Still it's only money :biglaugh:, just wish we had some left :cry:

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Wondered what had happened as you were on the tracker in front of us but no updates. Nice to hear you are OK and going for it again.

The answer to your question is that you pay the upgrade fee at the time you apply for the upgrade to a 143 and not the upgrade fee when you applied for the 173. Bit of a knock I know, we were hoping like you the figures were fixed from your first application. Still it's only money :biglaugh:, just wish we had some left :cry:


Durham Lad should be on the next page now as he has his Visa too.

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Because we have spent more than a year during the ladt ten years in OZ we have to have Australian police checks aswell as UK police checks...anyone else had ths ? Any idea how long they take ??? Bit strange but DH police checks came back last week...mine are still going through military checks ...HE was in the RAF ....not me ....how odd...so still witing for my check to come back then everything posted off together I expect by next MOnday...

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:arghh:congratulations we got ours last week what a wonderful feeling even more so when we had the label put in passports




Hi Sylvia,

Come and join us Parents in Perth (PIPS) on facebook we will welcome everyone who will be coming to WA



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Hi Linday

If you look at it philosofically or whet ever:confused:, if we can survive in what one might call the great depression for us, which is now, (well those that have just gone who I hope to be joining very soon) we can survive when things get bad for Aus and the Aus$ weakens giving us the luxury of jam on our bread (or vegemite Or marmite). I like this site as someone said, you can interject with mindless rubbish without being told off.:biglaugh: To all with indecision, we are all in this together, supporting each other and I, for one, truly hope all arrive in Oz when the time is right to live out the rest of our lives with the ones we love. Now hands up all those who in public, at work and with mates said "no problem" and in private were actually very ill at ease. Mines first!!:chatterbox:

Oh PS keep a seat warm for me at the PIPS luncheons, I may only be able to afford bread and water but we are coming anyway.


We will definitely save you a seat at the PIPS lunches and have started to review all our eateries for evryones information and of course bearing in mind the budget! We had lunch today at Quinns Rock, a new venue, which lasted 3 and a half hours as we enjoy a good natter exchanging ideas and of course a laugh or two. Get on Perth Poms and you will find a readymade support group.


Look forward to seeing you there

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We will definitely save you a seat at the PIPS lunches and have started to review all our eateries for evryones information and of course bearing in mind the budget! We had lunch today at Quinns Rock, a new venue, which lasted 3 and a half hours as we enjoy a good natter exchanging ideas and of course a laugh or two. Get on Perth Poms and you will find a readymade support group.


Look forward to seeing you there


Already there Barbara on Perth Poms. PEMASAJA stands for peter margaret sam and jake (gramps grannie, 2 grandsons) :jiggy:House on the market today will send a PM if you want to look at the humble abode. Do you know anyone in south yorkshire wanting a house??:biggrin:

Soon be there.

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Thank you for the reply Cath, to be honest work wise, and the cost of living and trying to live on a pension later on in this country i feel will be more of a struggle than in OZ, i honestly feel and hope that moving to Perth will benifit me financially and socially, Ann


If you haven't checked Ann the minimum wage in Aus is 15$ an hour my research leads me to believe. It all helps

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