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Can someone tell me the difference?


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Can someone tell me the difference?

Why do a lot of the English when immigrating to Australia all seem to head to 1 area in each state?

There are some that spread their wings and take flight and find their own pocket and fair play to them

Australian’s seem to do the same! Earls court, Blackburn oops there are only a few of us here (3 so far that we know of!!!) I don’t see anything wrong with this btw each nationality seem to have their own suburb in Victoria and in all states of Australia so it’s not an English thing.

But for some reason the English don’t like it done in there own country! Why is this???

Most if not all of you like familiarity, you like your own brands of food you have your own tastes and own ways of doing things and I see nothing wrong with this, I do the same…… not so much now though

But again when someone wants the same things as you because it’s different “they are trying to take over the world”

Me thinks that you should stay in England and do your bit to defend your land from this wide spread invasion that has already started…….. Rather than looking to invade someone else’s country………..

BTW if you still plan on coming please leave your customs, mannerisms, and all things British at the gate. Well it is only fair you do what you expect others to do in your country don’t you agree?!

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Guest guest30038

I can only add that old sayings are handed down from generation to generation so the assumption must be that they are built and spoken, based on knowledge with a ring of truth...........sayings such as , "when in Rome...................... :biggrin:



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i fully agree with you on all the comments you have just made, i think the main problem for migrants is they want to bring there Comfort Area's with them & all the crap they have collected over the years.


most can be very selfish when leaving a country & they just want the same to be in the new country. i also think people look at a country like Australia with rose tinted glasses on they all want to go to places like Perth & QLD for the continual sun as we both know you must work to have a decent life in Australia, for my mind there are far to many Brits in Perth & QLD however we live in Melbourne so the more that go there the better as far as im concerned.



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I have found it a bit ironic Geoffrey that the 'brits' do the same thing that they accuse others of doing in the UK, e.g. congregating in one area .... but perhaps it's what many migrants do, feeling safere/happier with their own wherever they comve from?


We also have areas here in WA that are also known as little England/Britain. Whilst it's hard to avoid any area not having Brits in it, we did choose a suburb where Brits weren't the majority nationality, but that's our own personal choice and decision that it wasn't something we wanted to do ... but I don't see anything wrong for those who are attracted to living with people from their own country..

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I have found it a bit ironic Geoffrey that the 'brits' do the same thing that they accuse others of doing in the UK, e.g. congregating in one area .... but perhaps it's what many migrants do, feeling safere/happier with their own wherever they comve from?


We also have areas here in WA that are also known as little England/Britain. Whilst it's hard to avoid any area not having Brits in it, we did choose a suburb where Brits weren't the majority nationality, but that's our own personal choice and decision that it wasn't something we wanted to do ... but I don't see anything wrong for those who are attracted to living with people from their own country..


Nor do i Ali, if it helps people settle I'm all for it. :yes:

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Guest guest30038
Nor do i Ali, if it helps people settle I'm all for it. :yes:


But are they really settled Geoffrey? They are still surrounded by "the old ways" and the same attitudes and experiences that they left behind............but they didn't leave them behind, did they? and that's why many don't settle, or if they do, they don't integrate. Exactly the same attitudes that so many criticise immigrants to the UK of having.


I have spoken before of my first barbie invite when I came to oz. There was over 60 people there and everyone was a Pom. It wasn't a PIO meetup.......this was a circle of friends that a Pom was introducing us to............not a single Aussie in sight! Pretty sad really, considering that all of the folk there had been in Oz longer than 2 yrs. Speaking to the others also convinced me that they too had a circle of friends that consisted in the main of Poms.


It's one thing to embrace familiarity, but it's another to criticise others via the reasoning for leaving was the failure of multi-culturism in the UK.



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i fully agree with you on all the comments you have just made, i think the main problem for migrants is they want to bring there Comfort Area's with them & all the crap they have collected over the years.


most can be very selfish when leaving a country & they just want the same to be in the new country. i also think people look at a country like Australia with rose tinted glasses on they all want to go to places like Perth & QLD for the continual sun as we both know you must work to have a decent life in Australia, for my mind there are far to many Brits in Perth & QLD however we live in Melbourne so the more that go there the better as far as im concerned.




Why can't they work in Perth and Brisbane?

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It does happen in Australia but i think its a rare occurrence for someone to move to an area just because theres poms there, certainly not something i have come across too often.

I think many people are attracted to the same areas for what the areas can offer more than what nationality live there.

In any country you do have little pockets of poms,lol, it was just the same in spain when we lived there, we just avoided what the spanish called ''The white council house estate'' which was the 'pommy pocket' nearest to where we were.


Cal x

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Guest JoanneHattersley

I think when people move they look for what they know and what they like. SPeaking for myself I went where the work was and looked for property relating to that. There are medical issues which dictate that the closer to work I live the better so that was the basis for our decision.


I do think tho if you move to another country, take on that country lock stock and barrells! Eat their food, drink their wine, become a citizen. I know how proud Aussies are when people become a citizen. They look on that as a huge compliment and Im proud of that.

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Can someone tell me the difference?

Why do a lot of the English when immigrating to Australia all seem to head to 1 area in each state?

There are some that spread their wings and take flight and find their own pocket and fair play to them

Australian’s seem to do the same! Earls court, Blackburn oops there are only a few of us here (3 so far that we know of!!!) I don’t see anything wrong with this btw each nationality seem to have their own suburb in Victoria and in all states of Australia so it’s not an English thing.

But for some reason the English don’t like it done in there own country! Why is this???

Most if not all of you like familiarity, you like your own brands of food you have your own tastes and own ways of doing things and I see nothing wrong with this, I do the same…… not so much now though

But again when someone wants the same things as you because it’s different “they are trying to take over the world”

Me thinks that you should stay in England and do your bit to defend your land from this wide spread invasion that has already started…….. Rather than looking to invade someone else’s country………..

BTW if you still plan on coming please leave your customs, mannerisms, and all things British at the gate. Well it is only fair you do what you expect others to do in your country don’t you agree?!

I think its the desire to live in a new build McMansion, as these are affordable in soulless new estates in the outer suburbs they tend to congregate there. In some cases the initial euphoria of owning such a large and impressive home is replaced with the dreary existance of such a place with poor amenities and very little community spirit.

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Can someone tell me the difference?


Why do a lot of the English when immigrating to Australia all seem to head to 1 area in each state?

There are some that spread their wings and take flight and find their own pocket and fair play to them

Australian’s seem to do the same! Earls court, Blackburn oops there are only a few of us here (3 so far that we know of!!!) I don’t see anything wrong with this btw each nationality seem to have their own suburb in Victoria and in all states of Australia so it’s not an English thing.

But for some reason the English don’t like it done in there own country! Why is this???

Most if not all of you like familiarity, you like your own brands of food you have your own tastes and own ways of doing things and I see nothing wrong with this, I do the same…… not so much now though

But again when someone wants the same things as you because it’s different “they are trying to take over the world”

Me thinks that you should stay in England and do your bit to defend your land from this wide spread invasion that has already started…….. Rather than looking to invade someone else’s country………..

BTW, if you still plan on coming please leave your customs, mannerims and all things British at the gate. Well it is only fair you do what you expect others to do in your country don’t you agree?!][/quote]



I was the only one who went to The Kimberlies when my lot descended on Australian soil, well, after one year, that is.


good one, mate.


Cheers, Bobj.

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It does happen in Australia but i think its a rare occurrence for someone to move to an area just because theres poms there, certainly not something i have come across too often.

I think many people are attracted to the same areas for what the areas can offer more than what nationality live there.

In any country you do have little pockets of poms,lol, it was just the same in spain when we lived there, we just avoided what the spanish called ''The white council house estate'' which was the 'pommy pocket' nearest to where we were.


Cal x


Would you admit you moved to an area because you wanted to be with your own kind?

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