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SUMMARY: Spouse Visa Processing times OFFSHORE-UK. Please add your Stats.

Guest sr1992

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Guest paintpotty

Hi bek7 we also have (ab as our co)when did you send your visa in and get your co allocated)ours was the end of march and only had two emails from him,one was for confirmation of application and the other to go for my medicals and send police check off.So frustrating waiting for the golden email(i hope anyway)but many others in the same boat.Has anybody had their visa granted recently by ab

Thanks all:eek:

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Does anyone have JF as C/O? I'm thinking of giving him a call to see if any news. My stats are below




Partner visa Posted 28/4/11 C/O Assigned 12/5/11 & advised that "no further requirements for [my] your application"


Hi, we have him too and submitted a day after you. We got confirmation he was assigned to us and request for medical and police check, but nothing since. Have you had your original documents returned? We havent, which is worrying me that theres a problem. We emailed a couple of weeks ago, but havent heard back, dont want to hassle, but also want to know if all ok. Hard to know what to do for the best! I wondered if maybe he was away or just really busy......

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Guest BazzRose

I have JF too.


Received an email from him within 3 days of posting the application (11th June) asking for Medical Checks (already done), Police Checks and proof that my Fiance and I have been communicating with each other whilst I've been back in the UK. I emailed a reply to him informing him that the medical had been done and was just waiting for the centre to post the results and he sent a reply thanking me for that.


I've since mailed him twice (once to confirm he received the Police Checks and Proof of communication) and another asking something else and have had no replies. His phone goes through to voicemail too.


I'm assuming he is on holiday at the moment.

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Guest Tillyloola
I'm getting fed up waiting now. We dont intend to leave for another few months, but I'm starting to get paranoid as everyone who applied around the same time as us seems to have been approved. :yes:


I wrote an email to our CO last week asking for an update and got no response. He's probably up to his eyeballs in work, but I hope he hasnt forgotten about us!! :eek:


Don't get paranoid (easier said than done I know). I have researched and researched (part of my neurotically control freak nature) timelines, refusals and everything immigration related for the past six months and I can honestly say I have not come across one UK resident that has been turned down their visa...not one. I've seen plenty from high risk countries turned down, but thats it! If you are worried, give them a call, I always believe you can get more out of people when you call them as you can engage them as a human being rather than being de humanised as just words on a computer screen. Also when you call you can clarify things as in my case my visa had been granted but the e-mail had been sent to wrong address (I've seen this happen more than once before). I honestly don't think that your's will be too long now.




With CO's that refuse to give any indication of when the visa's are to be granted, I think in the majority of case's this is most probably the right thing to do. I have seen people being given approximate dates of when their visa's would be granted, they have then took this as gospel and booked there flights, then when their visa hasn't come through on time, they have either lost money or had to change their plans. It could in theory lead to people suing the department. You can bet your life that if I had been told my visa would have been through in July and it hadn't, I would have been the first person on the doorstep of AH to give them what for and I am willing to be that plenty of others have done that too.


I truly believe the bigger issue is the lack of communication from the department. People would feel better if they knew what stage their visa was up to. Yes they may feel peeved at the length of time it may be in a queue but at least they would know that its in a queue and that in its self could be a relief. I know that they could never ever let people know what their processes the visa actually goes through to prevent fraud but some kind of communication that could even just say your application is awaiting review/checking or awaiting grant would give people assurances that they haven't been forgotten about and given the applicant a certain amount of control back. Apparently they used to have an online system similar to the skilled working visas that allowed you to check on your visa application was progressing but it was such a clusterfluck they had to take it down, I dont see when they can't do something like this again but just make it work. It would be massively advantages to the client and the department as they wouldn't have to deal with the thousands of phone calls and e-mails I am sure they get every week to ask for a progress update


Lets face it, applying for this visa is such an massive event in all of our lives, one that dictates all of our futures. To leave us in the dark without communication is almost in human.


Right I'll get off my soap box now, sorry I'm still ill and can't even get off the couch so have nothing to do but wright really long things :embarrassed:

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Hello to those with JF as c/o

I haven't got my C5 SAE envelope with docs returned as yet. My friend said that all she got back in her envelope was photos. Just to clarify I did "front load" my medical and police checks. I e-mailed JF a week ago and have heard nothing yet. I called twice today and left a voicemail. I'm going to keep calling until I get him.


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I'm very relieved to hear others havent had documents back either, thought it was just us!! Definately stressful time and i think i start reading into things that arent there looking for good or bad signs!! But find it really helpful to hear where others are up to and what time lines are, and it seems like they're cautious of being too definate for good reason, if i even heard something vague i think i'd have the flights booked tomorrow! And definately starting to think JF away, here's hoping he comes back refreshed and in good mood!

Good to hear from all


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Hi Nickster,


I was assigned LG on March 3rd. I rang on Wednesday morning and she told me my visa is approved and will be officially granted (in writing) next week. So yours shouldn't be far away!!




Hi Laura,

Any news on your visa??

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Good news I got a call back from JF today. Two things to report:

1. Return of envelope - I was advised there's no fixed rule about this so no stress if you haven't got it back. Basically if there is stuff they look at and won't need again they post it back. Seems to depend on the c/o concerned.

2. Timeline - Mine lodged end of April. Told all in order and basically now a waiting game. I asked is this because they have quotas of how many visas they can grant a month and c/o confirmed this is the case. On current timelines mine estimated to issue mid Sept 2011 which would be a 4 mth turnaround.

C/o was generally helpful.

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Guest Chris and Nicole

Hello there fellow forum members,

Long time lurking, thought we would share our timeline for PR100.


18/02/2011- Applied at Aus HouseVisa fee processed. Front loaded with Aus police check.


24/02/2011- Assigned SV as case officer, Medical requested.


26/02/2011- Medical completed at Knightsbridge Doctors.


15/03/2011- Received email- all documentation complete and assessed- given 18th July 2011 grant date.


12/07/2011- VISA GRANTED. PR100.


Wife and I very happy.

Good luck to all those waiting and those gathering their documents.

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Hello there fellow forum members,

Long time lurking, thought we would share our timeline for PR100.


18/02/2011- Applied at Aus HouseVisa fee processed. Front loaded with Aus police check.


24/02/2011- Assigned SV as case officer, Medical requested.


26/02/2011- Medical completed at Knightsbridge Doctors.


15/03/2011- Received email- all documentation complete and assessed- given 18th July 2011 grant date.


12/07/2011- VISA GRANTED. PR100.


Wife and I very happy.

Good luck to all those waiting and those gathering their documents.




We have the same CO so thanks for posting at least it gives us all an idea on the time line on how she is granting the visa's.


Get the bubbly open!!! :jiggy:

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Don't get paranoid (easier said than done I know). I have researched and researched (part of my neurotically control freak nature) timelines, refusals and everything immigration related for the past six months and I can honestly say I have not come across one UK resident that has been turned down their visa...not one. I've seen plenty from high risk countries turned down, but thats it! If you are worried, give them a call, I always believe you can get more out of people when you call them as you can engage them as a human being rather than being de humanised as just words on a computer screen. Also when you call you can clarify things as in my case my visa had been granted but the e-mail had been sent to wrong address (I've seen this happen more than once before). I honestly don't think that your's will be too long now.




With CO's that refuse to give any indication of when the visa's are to be granted, I think in the majority of case's this is most probably the right thing to do. I have seen people being given approximate dates of when their visa's would be granted, they have then took this as gospel and booked there flights, then when their visa hasn't come through on time, they have either lost money or had to change their plans. It could in theory lead to people suing the department. You can bet your life that if I had been told my visa would have been through in July and it hadn't, I would have been the first person on the doorstep of AH to give them what for and I am willing to be that plenty of others have done that too.


I truly believe the bigger issue is the lack of communication from the department. People would feel better if they knew what stage their visa was up to. Yes they may feel peeved at the length of time it may be in a queue but at least they would know that its in a queue and that in its self could be a relief. I know that they could never ever let people know what their processes the visa actually goes through to prevent fraud but some kind of communication that could even just say your application is awaiting review/checking or awaiting grant would give people assurances that they haven't been forgotten about and given the applicant a certain amount of control back. Apparently they used to have an online system similar to the skilled working visas that allowed you to check on your visa application was progressing but it was such a clusterfluck they had to take it down, I dont see when they can't do something like this again but just make it work. It would be massively advantages to the client and the department as they wouldn't have to deal with the thousands of phone calls and e-mails I am sure they get every week to ask for a progress update


Lets face it, applying for this visa is such an massive event in all of our lives, one that dictates all of our futures. To leave us in the dark without communication is almost in human.


Right I'll get off my soap box now, sorry I'm still ill and can't even get off the couch so have nothing to do but wright really long things :embarrassed:


Talking about lack of communication, what I can't understand is if a CO goes off on holiday for a few days (or 2 weeks as seems to be the case with mine) why can't they set up an out of office on their e-mail. It's not rocket science and something so simple would save loads of stress for the applicants. I'm gonna suggest it to my CO (after my visa has been granted of course).

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Don't get paranoid (easier said than done I know). I have researched and researched (part of my neurotically control freak nature) timelines, refusals and everything immigration related for the past six months and I can honestly say I have not come across one UK resident that has been turned down their visa...not one. I've seen plenty from high risk countries turned down, but thats it! If you are worried, give them a call, I always believe you can get more out of people when you call them as you can engage them as a human being rather than being de humanised as just words on a computer screen. Also when you call you can clarify things as in my case my visa had been granted but the e-mail had been sent to wrong address (I've seen this happen more than once before). I honestly don't think that your's will be too long now.




With CO's that refuse to give any indication of when the visa's are to be granted, I think in the majority of case's this is most probably the right thing to do. I have seen people being given approximate dates of when their visa's would be granted, they have then took this as gospel and booked there flights, then when their visa hasn't come through on time, they have either lost money or had to change their plans. It could in theory lead to people suing the department. You can bet your life that if I had been told my visa would have been through in July and it hadn't, I would have been the first person on the doorstep of AH to give them what for and I am willing to be that plenty of others have done that too.


I truly believe the bigger issue is the lack of communication from the department. People would feel better if they knew what stage their visa was up to. Yes they may feel peeved at the length of time it may be in a queue but at least they would know that its in a queue and that in its self could be a relief. I know that they could never ever let people know what their processes the visa actually goes through to prevent fraud but some kind of communication that could even just say your application is awaiting review/checking or awaiting grant would give people assurances that they haven't been forgotten about and given the applicant a certain amount of control back. Apparently they used to have an online system similar to the skilled working visas that allowed you to check on your visa application was progressing but it was such a clusterfluck they had to take it down, I dont see when they can't do something like this again but just make it work. It would be massively advantages to the client and the department as they wouldn't have to deal with the thousands of phone calls and e-mails I am sure they get every week to ask for a progress update


Lets face it, applying for this visa is such an massive event in all of our lives, one that dictates all of our futures. To leave us in the dark without communication is almost in human.


Right I'll get off my soap box now, sorry I'm still ill and can't even get off the couch so have nothing to do but wright really long things :embarrassed:


Thanks Tillyloola...I totally agree with everything you've said. A little bit of communication goes a very long way. Amanda74 and I have the same case officer...we've come to the conclusion he's floating around in a pool in the bahamas! :laugh: I myself work in an office and would be shot if I was away for my desk for more than 4 hours and didn't have my 'out of office' message on.


Your right about the approvals too. My man is a 'normal' everyday guy, he works hard to take care of us and we lived in the same house for 4 years, we have a toddler and live reasonably ordinary lives and have good prospects for our future in australia along with a great family support network out there. I don't think our CO would have any reason to refuse us. :unsure:


At the end of the day, once we have our visas this process will be of little significance in our lives and when we all meet up in Aus for a drink (consider this an invitation), I'm sure we'll have a good laugh about how stressful it became! :twitcy:

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Been trying to get hold of our CO (LG) but it just always goes to her voice mail. Need to try and get an update, reached the 4 month stage 3 days ago and driving myself crazy checking my emails!!!


Anyone else had problems speaking to their CO?


Well co says our visa should be approved by end of July (lodged in london 11th march) ...... :laugh: Really hope so as kids finish school and I finish work next week and still hoping to leave by 19th August.....:laugh:

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Guest LoznWill

OUR VISA HAS BEEN APPROVED!!!! WHOOOO HOOOO!!!! We have had some family medical problems - my Nan doesn't have much longer so that is incredibly sad and I am just so grateful and appreciative that Will can spend this time with my nan and i.... i hope everyone has speedy grant dates, but I am so over the moon with our case officer and really thank her with the bottom of our hearts,,,,

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Guest shanoebs
have you done all your meds etc already? i find wine is a good healer! :laugh:


yep we front loaded everything... all we have had is an email saying that everything has been recieved and that he will get it done as soon as he can..

oh yes, i have had plently of glasses of wine recently, think i may need to move to spirits haha

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OUR VISA HAS BEEN APPROVED!!!! WHOOOO HOOOO!!!! We have had some family medical problems - my Nan doesn't have much longer so that is incredibly sad and I am just so grateful and appreciative that Will can spend this time with my nan and i.... i hope everyone has speedy grant dates, but I am so over the moon with our case officer and really thank her with the bottom of our hearts,,,,



Congratulations! Sorry to hear the sad news. Who was your C/O?

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OUR VISA HAS BEEN APPROVED!!!! WHOOOO HOOOO!!!! We have had some family medical problems - my Nan doesn't have much longer so that is incredibly sad and I am just so grateful and appreciative that Will can spend this time with my nan and i.... i hope everyone has speedy grant dates, but I am so over the moon with our case officer and really thank her with the bottom of our hearts,,,,


Congratulations!! Really pleased for you, sorry to hear about your Nan.

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OUR VISA HAS BEEN APPROVED!!!! WHOOOO HOOOO!!!! We have had some family medical problems - my Nan doesn't have much longer so that is incredibly sad and I am just so grateful and appreciative that Will can spend this time with my nan and i.... i hope everyone has speedy grant dates, but I am so over the moon with our case officer and really thank her with the bottom of our hearts,,,,


Congrats!!!! Perfect timing for you, now you have your OH to support you through this sad time with your nan.


Take care


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I know it's not the correct thread but this may affect the majority of y'all anyway. Remember to put in a claim for a tax rebate whenever you get your p45. You may get a nice surprise from the tax man.............for a change!! I did but I worked in Ireland where the tax year runs from January not April so I got back 90% of the tax I'd paid up to June (spent most of it on clothes and shoes though, need the rest for excess baggage!!)


Keep it in mind folks :biggrin:

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OUR VISA HAS BEEN APPROVED!!!! WHOOOO HOOOO!!!! We have had some family medical problems - my Nan doesn't have much longer so that is incredibly sad and I am just so grateful and appreciative that Will can spend this time with my nan and i.... i hope everyone has speedy grant dates, but I am so over the moon with our case officer and really thank her with the bottom of our hearts,,,,



Really sorry to hear about your Nan, treasure every moment and get lots of pics. :hug:

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