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SUMMARY: Spouse Visa Processing times OFFSHORE-UK. Please add your Stats.

Guest sr1992

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MASSIVE congratulations! Very pleased - and you must be very happy, particularly with going straight to 100 :cool:



Just got my 100 visa in the post. No email. Granted on 8 April so spot on 8 months. Looks like they are pushing them through ATM. Incidentally I never at any stage rang or emailed the CO and provided only what was asked for which may imply that it makes little difference whether you are proactive or not.


All set to validate in August now. :biggrin:

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Guest soopheh

Hi all, our application was received the 10th of last month, just heard back from our case officer yesterday and now have a couple of questions.


At what point are further bits asked for? The email received is the generic (I assume) allocating CO, explaining the processing time, a 'not before' date for health and character checks, and a tracking number for returning our original documents. I would've thought if more proof was needed it would've been requested before the date for the checks were given, and if they required more they would hold off sending it back and do it all together? Or is the email sent literally as they begin to view your application?


To get in touch with the case officer (I need to inform of early arrival with tourist visa) do I use the address that I received said email from (with CO name in it) or the general address given to send further documents to etc.


CO is SD, are there differences from CO to CO and has anybody had any experiences with this one - worth sending regular emails to check on progress or best to keep quirt and get on with it?


Thanks, pleased to be joining you all!

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Hi & welcome!


I think that the CO will request additional information when they send out the standard email, but I am not 100% sure that they will not ask for further information, later down the line. I haven't been asked for any at all, so I don't have any experience of it.


To get in touch with the CO, I just replied to the email they initially sent me. I was never asked to use a different address and it helps with record keeping, to maintain the same email chain. I pester my CO from time to time but to be honest it doesn't make a difference - it will take as long as it takes, regardless of what we hope for or want :)


Hi all, our application was received the 10th of last month, just heard back from our case officer yesterday and now have a couple of questions.


At what point are further bits asked for? The email received is the generic (I assume) allocating CO, explaining the processing time, a 'not before' date for health and character checks, and a tracking number for returning our original documents. I would've thought if more proof was needed it would've been requested before the date for the checks were given, and if they required more they would hold off sending it back and do it all together? Or is the email sent literally as they begin to view your application?


To get in touch with the case officer (I need to inform of early arrival with tourist visa) do I use the address that I received said email from (with CO name in it) or the general address given to send further documents to etc.


CO is SD, are there differences from CO to CO and has anybody had any experiences with this one - worth sending regular emails to check on progress or best to keep quirt and get on with it?


Thanks, pleased to be joining you all!

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Hi all, our application was received the 10th of last month, just heard back from our case officer yesterday and now have a couple of questions.


At what point are further bits asked for? The email received is the generic (I assume) allocating CO, explaining the processing time, a 'not before' date for health and character checks, and a tracking number for returning our original documents. I would've thought if more proof was needed it would've been requested before the date for the checks were given, and if they required more they would hold off sending it back and do it all together? Or is the email sent literally as they begin to view your application?


To get in touch with the case officer (I need to inform of early arrival with tourist visa) do I use the address that I received said email from (with CO name in it) or the general address given to send further documents to etc.


CO is SD, are there differences from CO to CO and has anybody had any experiences with this one - worth sending regular emails to check on progress or best to keep quirt and get on with it?


Thanks, pleased to be joining you all!


If you've not been asked to supply further info when you got the first email, chances are you won't be asked. They tend to ask straight away and give you X amount of days to get it back to them.


Is your CO email given somewhere in the email? If not I'd use the general email if you have any urgent enquiries, otherwise just submit your medical and police check when asked and leave them to it. I'd not be emailing to ask for updates on progress or anything as it doesn't help and usually they don't reply.

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Hi all, our application was received the 10th of last month, just heard back from our case officer yesterday and now have a couple of questions.


At what point are further bits asked for? The email received is the generic (I assume) allocating CO, explaining the processing time, a 'not before' date for health and character checks, and a tracking number for returning our original documents. I would've thought if more proof was needed it would've been requested before the date for the checks were given, and if they required more they would hold off sending it back and do it all together? Or is the email sent literally as they begin to view your application?


To get in touch with the case officer (I need to inform of early arrival with tourist visa) do I use the address that I received said email from (with CO name in it) or the general address given to send further documents to etc.


CO is SD, are there differences from CO to CO and has anybody had any experiences with this one - worth sending regular emails to check on progress or best to keep quirt and get on with it?


Thanks, pleased to be joining you all!



We were asked for additional information in the same email/letter that we were advised who our CO was (so the generic one you get introducing your CO and giving all the standard information etc) so if it wasnt mentioned in your letter then so far so good and no additional information is needed (this may change after your police/medicals are sent through but for now you are good).


And always reply to your CO (using the email address that you received the letter from or it should be mentioned in the covering letter what her/his contact details are).


And unfortunately it is sooooo much just a waiting game between getting the intro letter, getting your medical/police checks done and then hearing anything - you can email your CO if you want but unfortunately they probably wont tell you much other than "we are working on it and it will be done when it is done" :P

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Guest soopheh

Thanks everyone. :) That's good to know. I was 100% expecting them to need more proof as I felt our application was put together a little rushed and under some stress haha, I guess so far so good.


I figured as much re. contacting the CO. I guess the waiting game begins. I'm fortunate to have the opportunity to be in Aus early, but it will be such a relief to know we are done with temporary visas and travelling back and forth everywhere to be together.


Thanks again!

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just realised I sent in my visa application the same day as you :D


Random but how do you get


Partners 309/100 application received by Aust House, London - 18 November 2013; CO assigned (VA) - 28 January 2014; Medical for partner - 8 April 2014 (Police check - waiting to be sent off in next few days) - See more at: http://www.pomsinoz.com/forum/migration-issues/58449-summary-spouse-visa-processing-times-offshore-uk-please-add-your-stats-892.html#sthash.gDiAPTgp.dpuf


at bottom of post?

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just realised I sent in my visa application the same day as you :D


Random but how do you get


Partners 309/100 application received by Aust House, London - 18 November 2013; CO assigned (VA) - 28 January 2014; Medical for partner - 8 April 2014 (Police check - waiting to be sent off in next few days) - See more at: http://www.pomsinoz.com/forum/migration-issues/58449-summary-spouse-visa-processing-times-offshore-uk-please-add-your-stats-892.html#sthash.gDiAPTgp.dpuf


at bottom of post?


Go to the 'Settings' option in the top right corner. Then once on to the next page, click on 'Edit Signature'


Don't make it too info heavy though as there is supposed to be a limit on the number of lines of text. 3 lines of normal sized font is ample. I'd not include the link unless you can condense it down.

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just realised I sent in my visa application the same day as you :D


Random but how do you get


Partners 309/100 application received by Aust House, London - 18 November 2013; CO assigned (VA) - 28 January 2014; Medical for partner - 8 April 2014 (Police check - waiting to be sent off in next few days) - See more at: http://www.pomsinoz.com/forum/migration-issues/58449-summary-spouse-visa-processing-times-offshore-uk-please-add-your-stats-892.html#sthash.gDiAPTgp.dpuf


at bottom of post?



Hey Emmie2010 - sorry I only just saw that you had posted and mentioned my stats.....good to see you have got it all sorted now.


Congrats on sending your visa application off......I will keep my fingers crossed for you guys and hopefully we all manage to survive the next few months waiting game! :D

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So happy for you Yak - congratulations! Lots to do now... Keep us updated with your goings on :)


Did you receive the grant by post or email?


Now where's mine damn it?! ;)


I had emailed my CO with an address update as we sold the flat and are moving out this weekend to stay with the in-laws...think this must have probably triggered the grant.


It came as email just with the grant letter attached. What a fright I got when I saw it, it's very strange how you feel when it finally comes along and you have been waiting so long for it. Anyway am sure that you must be next then vickyplum....have my fingers and toes crossed for you to hear soon.



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