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SUMMARY: Spouse Visa Processing times OFFSHORE-UK. Please add your Stats.

Guest sr1992

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Guest wardie77

After yesterdays flurry of visa grants, it seems to have all gone a little quiet at AH!

Come on CO's!!!! Grant some more visas!

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That's tough if you are apart, sorry to hear that. I am living with Aussie partner here in UKL at the moment so it's not too awful waiting, although if you're impatient like i am , still a bit tedious.


i really think they just process in date received order unless there are very special circumstances.


i think the clock starts ticking from when they receive your application rather than meds etc.


From what i understand from friends, the grapevine etc, yes, 309/100's were being processed in a few weeks to a couple of months in 2009 in straightforward cases.


I am pretty certain that is no longer the case. Although when i got my meds done last week, the doctor said to me (oh well, they'll be almost ready to issue your visa if you've got to the stage of submitting medicals". Reading people's replies this is clearly not the case any more, although it probably was 2 or 3 years ago. Why it has changed i don't know. I think possibly there have been a fair number of changes to the immigration system over the past 3 years and perhaps ( speculating ) that some of the resourcing may hve been pulled onto other aspects of the system in more need . Or new systems may have been taking time to bed in . Or it may be a case of numbers .


Certainly everyone you speak to says getting a partner visa is straightforward compared to other routes. However it is tedious to wait.


We had no idea it would take this long, he was here with me for 15 months and left back for Aus in early March. If I knew all of this before and could go back in time we'd get on to this way before he left but along with the long processing times I was also surprised how long it took to compile the application and evidence (about 2 months just to get it ready!)


Yes it looks like you're right, the stories I heard of visas being granted in only a few weeks seem to have been from around 2009 and 2010, something must have changed since then in immigration procedure. Damn it, where's my time capsule again!

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Guest lemongirl
We had no idea it would take this long, he was here with me for 15 months and left back for Aus in early March. If I knew all of this before and could go back in time we'd get on to this way before he left but along with the long processing times I was also surprised how long it took to compile the application and evidence (about 2 months just to get it ready!)


Yes it looks like you're right, the stories I heard of visas being granted in only a few weeks seem to have been from around 2009 and 2010, something must have changed since then in immigration procedure. Damn it, where's my time capsule again!



You don't need to stay in the UK while your visa application is pending - you can go to Aus on a tourist visa, and once the visa is granted, you just need to leave the country briefly to validate it. That's what we are doing. Unless you really can't afford to have a couple of months over there where you aren't working, I'd go be with your partner if I were you :)

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Guest guest72634

I am thinking of going over on a tourist visa too. I haven't seen my fiancé since Jan and still have another 4 months to wait. My CO (VF) said immigration is fine with going over on a tourist visa on a one way flight. She said it was some airlines that don't allow one way flights. A couple months not being able to work sounds appealing :-).

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Hey guys,


I can't remember who made it now, but how can I view the brilliant spreadsheet with all the timings on it? With this new push of visas being granted i'm getting too excited! I still have 4/5 months to wait lol.


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Hey guys,


I can't remember who made it now, but how can I view the brilliant spreadsheet with all the timings on it? With this new push of visas being granted i'm getting too excited! I still have 4/5 months to wait lol.



Here is the link https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Aopvk3Y5mD7HdGp5V2hESFluN3V0QWNBTDg2TWJoLVE#gid=0

this great spreasheet was made by Dave S.


more waiting and checking and waiting and checking

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Unfortunately neither of us can afford the cost of flights to send me over there on a holiday visa in the mean time. So right now it looks like by the time I get over there we would be apart for around 11 months after previously living together here for 15 months (and 10 months in Aus before that.)


Could I also be added to the database? I applied on 13/06 through the London office for a PMV.

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Unfortunately neither of us can afford the cost of flights to send me over there on a holiday visa in the mean time. So right now it looks like by the time I get over there we would be apart for around 11 months after previously living together here for 15 months (and 10 months in Aus before that.)


Could I also be added to the database? I applied on 13/06 through the London office for a PMV.


That really sucks!! 11 months is a long time. Me and my partner were apart for 5 months it was particularly hard as I was pregnant and he missed all the scans and stuff but luckily he got over in time for the birth. We are nowing waiting it out in Essex for my partner visa to be granted so we can go back to live in Brisbane/Hervey bay area. Any way you could save up some cash to get over there earlier and just skip across to NZ for the grant date?

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Ooh can you do that... go to NZ for the grant date rather than having to be back in the UK?


We (well... he) is saving up for my flight over there at the moment (for when the visas granted) which will only take a couple of months - so that would be financially possible. If it's allowed by the visa.

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Guest MrsWooky

Congratulations to everyone who has been granted their visas in the last week or so. It seems that the July deadline does have some kind of effect!


I've just checked the google spreadsheet that DaveS created and it seems my stats have been deleted - I am hoping by accident :biggrin:. Trouble is I'm a bit worried about adding my stats in case I mess it up! I sent my application off on 2/5/2012 (offshore spouse visa), assigned CO LG and told I was being assessed for a category 100 (we've been married for 2 years but living together 3.5) - also told the usual 5/6 month wait. Would some kind person add my stats (or provide me with an idiot guide to do it myself without causing irreparable damage to the document.


Just as an aside, I provided a further police certificate to my CO to push my validation date back to the date of my medical (which is the date that CO receives it, and not the date of the medical itself apparently). This was no problem, LG has been really helpful and for us it was worth £35 to give us 2 extra months - we are travelling before we pitch up in Australia and will probably be in China when/if (fingers crossed - I'll believe it when I get confirmation!) my visa is granted.



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Guest MrsWooky
Ooh can you do that... go to NZ for the grant date rather than having to be back in the UK?


We (well... he) is saving up for my flight over there at the moment (for when the visas granted) which will only take a couple of months - so that would be financially possible. If it's allowed by the visa.


Laura I know you don't have to go back to the UK when your spouse visa is granted (Bali, Fiji and NZ seem to be popular choices!) - they usually let you know when it will be granted so you can leave the country, wait for the email, and then return - 3 days minimum out of the country but some use it as an opportunity for a holiday, funds permitting! But no, you don't have to return to the UK, just anywhere offshore. Not sure if the same rules apply to PMV as spouse/de facto but I'm sure someone here will know the answer!!

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Laura I know you don't have to go back to the UK when your spouse visa is granted (Bali, Fiji and NZ seem to be popular choices!) - they usually let you know when it will be granted so you can leave the country, wait for the email, and then return - 3 days minimum out of the country but some use it as an opportunity for a holiday, funds permitting! But no, you don't have to return to the UK, just anywhere offshore. Not sure if the same rules apply to PMV as spouse/de facto but I'm sure someone here will know the answer!!


That's great news! It might just mean me going over there a month before the grant is due, but even knowing that is a relief because it gives me some hope of seeing him sooner. A holiday to NZ sounds nice too but again money was the issue with taking a Holiday Visa over there in the mean time ... perhaps something can be worked out though. Thank you :D


Could someone please add me to the spreadsheet? I don't have a google account.

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Guest nimhug
Thats what I want to do but keep wimping out lol..told Mid Aug, came close to booking a flight for 23 aug, but changed my mind ..could be only a day or two difference..

Might just do it...as you say ..only have to change flight date ???:arghh:



Just took the plunge and booked my flights without a visa!! (Hopefully) flying on August 3rd to Melbourne!

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Just took the plunge and booked my flights without a visa!! (Hopefully) flying on August 3rd to Melbourne!


Woah! I thought I was cutting it close with September 12th flights :-D

I couldnt afford the backup plan of being a tourist for a month though.



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Guest nimhug
Woah! I thought I was cutting it close with September 12th flights :-D

I couldnt afford the backup plan of being a tourist for a month though.




Ha ha! Thanks for the reassurance Dave!!!!!! Nothing like a bit of positive thinking to make things work out!

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Ha ha! Thanks for the reassurance Dave!!!!!! Nothing like a bit of positive thinking to make things work out!


Haha :D Sorry nimhug. The earliest I figured I would get my visa is August 19th - have you had a nod from your CO? or are you just happy to go on holiday briefly first and re-enter Australia when the time is right?


Congrats on the flights though of course!

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Guest nimhug
Haha :D Sorry nimhug. The earliest I figured I would get my visa is August 19th - have you had a nod from your CO? or are you just happy to go on holiday briefly first and re-enter Australia when the time is right?


Congrats on the flights though of course!


Thanks Dave!

Hoping to have my visa before I fly. Emailed CO last month and he said to email him mid-July and he will approve my visa! Naive of me to assume, I know, but life is for living!!! All I gotta do is change the date and Etihad allow one free date change - nothing to lose!!


I think I read on the Visa Update sticky that Pollygirl got her visa on Monday! Although it appears to be a special circumstance but she applied the week after me! Good for your SS!

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Thanks Dave!

Hoping to have my visa before I fly. Emailed CO last month and he said to email him mid-July and he will approve my visa! Naive of me to assume, I know, but life is for living!!! All I gotta do is change the date and Etihad allow one free date change - nothing to lose!!


I think I read on the Visa Update sticky that Pollygirl got her visa on Monday! Although it appears to be a special circumstance but she applied the week after me! Good for your SS!



I just realised something... you applied 16/2 - I read it as 16/3 ;-D


Makes a lot more sense now.

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Guest Samantha22



Just wondering how many people have gone to Australia on an ETA while waiting for partner visa approval??


Was it difficult to get in and did you fly on a one way ticket??

Thinking of doing this but have read that it's not a good idea!!

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Guest guest72634

I am planning to fly out early on an ETA but have been told by Pickfords i can't send boxes over on a tourist visa and I will have to get them sent over when my 300 visa is granted. Anyone else have this problem?

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Guest Samantha22
I am planning to fly out early on an ETA but have been told by Pickfords i can't send boxes over on a tourist visa and I will have to get them sent over when my 300 visa is granted. Anyone else have this problem?



You probably won't be able to as a tourist visa is designed for tourists only not permanent stay if your on a tourist visa you need to act like a tourist so no documents indicating you will be working no excessive amounts of luggage as a normal traveller world not take these things. If you went through customs with these things on you they could refuse you entry as I will be an indication that you wish to remain! Be careful what you take through on a tourist visa if you wouldn't normally take it on a holiday don't take I at all!!

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Guest guest72634
You probably won't be able to as a tourist visa is designed for tourists only not permanent stay if your on a tourist visa you need to act like a tourist so no documents indicating you will be working no excessive amounts of luggage as a normal traveller world not take these things. If you went through customs with these things on you they could refuse you entry as I will be an indication that you wish to remain! Be careful what you take through on a tourist visa if you wouldn't normally take it on a holiday don't take I at all!!


My fiancé rang CO yesterday and she said "you can come here on a tourist visa whilst waiting for the fiance visa, Immigration understand these circumstances". The only thing she said to be aware of is that some airlines won't let you come here on a one-way ticket so check with the airline first - she emphasised this is an airline issue, it isn't something Immigration insist on. Hope thats helps you a bit. I was just hoping to ship boxes over and that does seem to be more complicated.

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