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Worried about financial situation that comes with moving

Sea breeze

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This is a bit of an outpouringĀ 

We my husband and I are thinking seriously about moving back to Oz the end of the year. we have been back in the uk 10 yearsĀ 

we have moved around a bit and currently live in lovely Cornwall. We both get decent pay I have a small business thatā€™s doing well with lovely clients. This took a good few years to get to this stage. Iā€™m concerned that we will be ā€œ back to square oneā€ and will have to work harder and longerĀ 

we want to keep our house here and rent it out ( no pensions in uk) so we have to save up to head back. We are mid 40s now and I think itā€™s just hit me that it maybe a bit late to start again?Ā 
we do like living here but the weather is a massive downfall and our leisure time is constantly compromisedĀ 

Is this enough reason to move back?Ā 
We never gave it a proper go before, lived in share houses didnā€™t choose where just worked travelled then OH went up the minesĀ 

I feel we might regret it if we donā€™t give it another go !Ā 
thank sĀ 

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8 hours ago, Sea breeze said:

This is a bit of an outpouringĀ 

We my husband and I are thinking seriously about moving back to Oz the end of the year. we have been back in the uk 10 yearsĀ 

we have moved around a bit and currently live in lovely Cornwall. We both get decent pay I have a small business thatā€™s doing well with lovely clients. This took a good few years to get to this stage. Iā€™m concerned that we will be ā€œ back to square oneā€ and will have to work harder and longerĀ 

we want to keep our house here and rent it out ( no pensions in uk) so we have to save up to head back. We are mid 40s now and I think itā€™s just hit me that it maybe a bit late to start again?Ā 
we do like living here but the weather is a massive downfall and our leisure time is constantly compromisedĀ 

Is this enough reason to move back?Ā 
We never gave it a proper go before, lived in share houses didnā€™t choose where just worked travelled then OH went up the minesĀ 

I feel we might regret it if we donā€™t give it another go !Ā 
thank sĀ 

This is just my opinion but no, it is not enough reason to move back.Ā  It's up to you of course.Ā  You have your citizenship and if you feel you absolutely need to come to Australia just get on with it.Ā  You will probably receive all sorts of opinions on this forum.Ā  Just gave you mine.Ā Ā šŸ˜Ž

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If you're going to rent out your UK home and you're already citizens, then those are two biggies you won't need to worry about. You mentioned 'my husband and I', which I assume means you don't have kids either, so itĀ isn't going to be a big risk to re-establish yourselves over here. However, I'm sure you'll be aware from reading other recent posts on this subject that housing affordability (whether renting or or buying) is now a real issue in Australia, particularly if you want to live in a desirable location.

I'd have to agree with @TootsĀ that moving just for the weather isn't a good enough reasonĀ itself, although I'll admit I never get bored with the nice weather here while I find the UK climate rather depressing.Ā Have you considered the possibility of moving to southern Europe.Ā Is your business something you could continue with through remote work, if you were on a similar time zone to the UK?

You mentioned that your leisure time isĀ constantly compromised, although you didn't say how you like to spend it.Ā I emigrated in my early 30s when I was very outdoorsy, so I really embraced the Aussie lifestyle. I'm now approachingĀ 60, and although I still love the great outdoors it isn't so much of a priority these days. Given your current ages you might also find that your leisure interests change in the next 10 years or so.

If you decide to give it a whirl then set a date by which time you'll choose to either stay in Australia, or return to the UK. At least that way you'll feel like you gave it your best shot, but you won't forever be in a state of limbo.Ā Good luck with it all, whatever you decide to do.

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If it aint broke, dont fix it I reckon. Ā You say mid 40s, be aware that Australia is a pretty ageist society and by the time you turn 50 people begin to look a bit askance and wonder when you are going to retire (not that anyone can afford it these days given the cost of living hikes!). Ā If your DH is prepared to do FIFO again he would probably make a reasonable living but whether that is what you/he want out of life at this stage is another matter. Ā  Assume you dont have kids because uprooting them could be more of an issue.

I am always bemused by the "leisure activities being curtailed" thing - I find that just as true here in Australia where the rain is harder and wetter (drowned rat in 15 seconds, no worries)Ā and the heat can be more debilitating than just wearing a decent parka. But each to their own. Ā In almost 10 years in Cambridge I can count on my fingers how many days curtailed my activities whereas back here in Canberra in 4 yearsĀ there have been significantly more - even things like getting up at 6am to go for a walk because I would fry if I left the house at 10 and it hasnt even been hot in the scheme of things since we've been back.

Yes, you are financially going to go backwards, any overseas move does that to you - even us - we came back to our own home which is mortgage free but sending stuff, paying fares, re-establishing things like insurances, buying a new car, repairing the house Ā the dollars rather haemorrhaged, I hate to think by how much but tens of thousands. Ā And we didn't Ā have to give up jobs because we were retired, we had a steady superannuation income and didnt need to find new jobs etc Nor did we have to pay housing bonds, new insurances (except health) or any of the more usual set up costs. Ā You are going to need a home which is a really fair chunk out of any pay packet these days, you might have to go a while without getting work to tide you over, you'll have to get a car or two - it'll mount up but if you are well heeled you should be able to cope with that and just assume you are going to lose $100k in the process which you might never see again. Ā If you are confident you can weather that and recoup more then you should be fine.

Good luck with your decision, remember the grass isnt greener and the damn stuff still needs mowing!

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10 hours ago, Sea breeze said:

This is a bit of an outpouringĀ 

We my husband and I are thinking seriously about moving back to Oz the end of the year. we have been back in the uk 10 yearsĀ 

we have moved around a bit and currently live in lovely Cornwall. We both get decent pay I have a small business thatā€™s doing well with lovely clients. This took a good few years to get to this stage. Iā€™m concerned that we will be ā€œ back to square oneā€ and will have to work harder and longerĀ 

we want to keep our house here and rent it out ( no pensions in uk) so we have to save up to head back. We are mid 40s now and I think itā€™s just hit me that it maybe a bit late to start again?Ā 
we do like living here but the weather is a massive downfall and our leisure time is constantly compromisedĀ 

Is this enough reason to move back?Ā 
We never gave it a proper go before, lived in share houses didnā€™t choose where just worked travelled then OH went up the minesĀ 

I feel we might regret it if we donā€™t give it another go !Ā 
thank sĀ 

One big question amongst all the other extremely valid ones addressed already: where in Australia are you thinking of moving to?

Could be you don't go backwards financially if you want to live right out in the regions away from the capital cities.Ā Ā 
If you're planning on a 4 bed in Manly, on the other hand, it very possibly could send you back quite a way (mind you, I know Cornwall's hardly cheap).

In terms of leisure time being compromised: presuming you're still working over here, it could be you have to work like stink to re-establish yourself with a business of your own.Ā  That in itself would, perhaps, compromise more time than a few days of dodgy weather?

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I agree with BendigoBoy, the first thing to do is, decide where you want to settle.Ā  Then research house prices in your chosen location.Ā  Housing affordability is a massive issue in Australia at the moment.

I would forget Melbourne or anything within 2 hours' commute of the city.Ā  House prices are so high that people are moving further and further out, to Geelong and Ballarat and Bendigo and all the smaller towns in between, and pushing those prices up too.Ā  Ditto Sydney.Ā  Ā Your money will go a lot further in Queensland, South Australia or Tasmania (I recall you didn't want to return to WA).Ā Ā 

Of course, if weather is your main concern, then you need to consider that too.Ā  Tassie might not suit you -- it's still warmer and drier than most of the UK, but most Australians see it as too cold.Ā Ā 

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5 minutes ago, Marisawright said:

I would forget Melbourne or anything within 2 hours' commute of the city.Ā 

Don't be so hasty.Ā  There are some lovely little 3 beds on not unreasonable 650sqm blocks up here in Bendigo going for the $525-550k region.

It's $10.60 return on the train to Southern Cross, and that's less than 2 hours each way.

Edited to note: apologies if you meant 2 hours in total.Ā  I read it as 2 hours each direction.

Edited by BendigoBoy
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12 minutes ago, BendigoBoy said:

Don't be so hasty.Ā  There are some lovely little 3 beds on not unreasonable 650sqm blocks up here in Bendigo going for the $525-550k region.

It's $10.60 return on the train to Southern Cross, and that's less than 2 hours each way.

Edited to note: apologies if you meant 2 hours in total.Ā  I read it as 2 hours each direction.

Ā I did mean 2 hours each direction.Ā  Good to know that Bendigo is still affordable.Ā Ā 

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37 minutes ago, can1983 said:

i went to bendigo recently, lovely place just too damn hot šŸ™‚

I like Bendigo too but same as all inland places in Australia it'sĀ  Ā ............. too hot (for me) in the summer and a lot colder in the winter.

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Honestly?Ā  Depends on the build of your house.Ā  A small outlay on decent loft insulation, and the beauty of the front and rear verandahs, I haven't needed the air con on at all for the last couple of months.Ā  It's never been above 26C inside.

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1 hour ago, can1983 said:

i went to bendigo recently, lovely place just too damn hot šŸ™‚

Fair comment.Ā  But for me to get somewhere equivalent in terms of house, plot, and friendliness of locale in Melbourne, I'd need to tack on another $1.5m or so in terms of what I was spending.Ā  I'd sooner see folk in hell than spend that on a property when a little extra travel gives me effective retirement at 40.

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1 hour ago, BendigoBoy said:

Honestly?Ā  Depends on the build of your house.Ā  A small outlay on decent loft insulation, and the beauty of the front and rear verandahs, I haven't needed the air con on at all for the last couple of months.Ā  It's never been above 26C inside.

It also depends on what kind of lifestyle you lead. If you're an indoor person, then as you say, you just have to set up your house appropriately.Ā  Ā If you enjoy lots of outdoor activities, you'll find Bendigo too trying, IF you can't handle the heat.Ā  But then again, there are people who don't mind the heat and they'd have no problem enjoying an outdoor life there.Ā  Thank goodness we're all different!

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19 hours ago, Sea breeze said:

This is a bit of an outpouringĀ 

We my husband and I are thinking seriously about moving back to Oz the end of the year. we have been back in the uk 10 yearsĀ 

we have moved around a bit and currently live in lovely Cornwall. We both get decent pay I have a small business thatā€™s doing well with lovely clients. This took a good few years to get to this stage. Iā€™m concerned that we will be ā€œ back to square oneā€ and will have to work harder and longerĀ 

we want to keep our house here and rent it out ( no pensions in uk) so we have to save up to head back. We are mid 40s now and I think itā€™s just hit me that it maybe a bit late to start again?Ā 
we do like living here but the weather is a massive downfall and our leisure time is constantly compromisedĀ 

Is this enough reason to move back?Ā 
We never gave it a proper go before, lived in share houses didnā€™t choose where just worked travelled then OH went up the minesĀ 

I feel we might regret it if we donā€™t give it another go !Ā 
thank sĀ 

Don't worry about your reasons for wanting to move back, the weather and leisure time spent together as a family are 2 of the main reasons we moved here and we are now 16 yrs on with no regrets, most of the time the weather is fab and there is soooo much to do and see for free or very little $$$.Ā 

Work wise ,do you have jobs lined up? depending on your professions you may struggle if your nearing 50yrs to find work quick, some proffesions seem more ageist than others but definately not all , so maybeĀ put the feelers out as soon as you can if you do go for it.

Did you get citizenship when here before or do you need to get a resident return visa?

Not sure how long it is since you were here, or even what area you were in, but over the last few years the cost of living and rental costs have risen a lot here in QLD so bear this in mind as securing a longer term rental is also harder and may take a couple of months.Ā 

Will you regret it??? Only you really know but in your shoes ,i think i would.

Ā  Good luck with your decision and at least you wouldnt be moving totally blind, so your a step ahead of some new migrants.

Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Cal x


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