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Migration to Canada


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Dear all, Canada has always been there in my mind after Australia and i am considering applying for a Canadian visa in case if I do not get an invitation from Australia. In this light I have several inquiries; my eligibility to apply ( age-32, occupation-agriculture scientist, ielts-7, work experience-6 years), career opportunities in my field? part-time job opportunities? living expenses? is it a good country to live? weather? finally, some tips on application process?



Thank you all for your help.



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I think we would have ended up in Canada had we not been accepted here. My wifes family lived near Toronto for a few years and she did most of her schooling there. 

Neither of us like cold weather though, so we were glad we came here.

It's a massive country and plenty of options to choose from regarding lifestyle. Our eldest has been in Whistler for about 18 months and is having a great time. We went to see him last year and loved it. Party central mind you, you would burn out after a while and it's a place for young people. Mostly Aussies funnily enough.

He's working as an electrician now as he got his Aussie quals ratified and did some tests. He did bar work and handyman work before that but the money is crap. They depend on tips.

Not seen as bad a drug problem as Vancouver anywhere. It was a real eye opener. We only saw that one bit of Canada though so plenty more to go at. 

My wife loved her years in Toronto but that would have been in the 70s.

Getting in would be as hard as here I would imagine.

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1 hour ago, Thukten2018 said:

 if I do not get an invitation from Australia. In this light I have several inquiries,  my eligibility to apply ( age-32, occupation-agriculture scientist, ielts-7, work experience-6 years), career opportunities in my field? part-time job opportunities? living expenses? is it a good country to live? weather? finally, some tips on application process?..

This is hardly the place to get  information on migrating to Canada.  Try Canadian websites with Canada experts such as this forum



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51 minutes ago, Paul1Perth said:

I think we would have ended up in Canada had we not been accepted here. My wifes family lived near Toronto for a few years and she did most of her schooling there. 

Neither of us like cold weather though, so we were glad we came here.

It's a massive country and plenty of options to choose from regarding lifestyle. Our eldest has been in Whistler for about 18 months and is having a great time. We went to see him last year and loved it. Party central mind you, you would burn out after a while and it's a place for young people. Mostly Aussies funnily enough.

He's working as an electrician now as he got his Aussie quals ratified and did some tests. He did bar work and handyman work before that but the money is crap. They depend on tips.

Not seen as bad a drug problem as Vancouver anywhere. It was a real eye opener. We only saw that one bit of Canada though so plenty more to go at. 

My wife loved her years in Toronto but that would have been in the 70s.

Getting in would be as hard as here I would imagine.

Thank you, Paul, for sharing your wonderful experiences.  Glad that your son is doing well there. I believe Canada and Australia are both beautiful countries (in most aspects) and I am happy to settle either in Canada or Australia.  It is now so hard for us to migrate to Australia, with the new government coming in ( with their manifesto to cut migration) it will be more difficult. I want to keep my options open but a bit lost at this stage.

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6 hours ago, Thukten2018 said:

Thank you, Paul, for sharing your wonderful experiences.  Glad that your son is doing well there. I believe Canada and Australia are both beautiful countries (in most aspects) and I am happy to settle either in Canada or Australia.  It is now so hard for us to migrate to Australia, with the new government coming in ( with their manifesto to cut migration) it will be more difficult. I want to keep my options open but a bit lost at this stage.

Last time I checked the Old Government was staying in power; the new Government everyone was worried about lost the election

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I lived and worked in Canada for a number of years, as mentioned above the winter's are brutal and the summers diametrically opposite.

We lived in Toronto so not the most extreme, but as an example in mid-Jan the temperature was never above -18C (and very often below) by mid-July the temperature was never less than 32C (and often pushing 40C) - A 50C swing in 6 months...

Basically there are about 4 weeks a year where it is comfortable to be outside; the rest you either need to be hopping in and out of air-con or heated buildings.

That said its a beautiful country; but like all great homes is lightly ruined by it's next door neighbour...

The places are very different, I can safely say that if you can't decide between either and you don't have a preference on either then I would compromise and have the best of both them - if this is you then you should be migrating to England

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1 hour ago, Ausvisitor said:

I lived and worked in Canada for a number of years, as mentioned above the winter's are brutal and the summers diametrically opposite.

We lived in Toronto so not the most extreme, but as an example in mid-Jan the temperature was never above -18C (and very often below) by mid-July the temperature was never less than 32C (and often pushing 40C) - A 50C swing in 6 months...

Basically there are about 4 weeks a year where it is comfortable to be outside; the rest you either need to be hopping in and out of air-con or heated buildings.

That said its a beautiful country; but like all great homes is lightly ruined by it's next door neighbour...

The places are very different, I can safely say that if you can't decide between either and you don't have a preference on either then I would compromise and have the best of both them - if this is you then you should be migrating to England

England? Tell me about it beside Brexit.

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6 hours ago, Ausvisitor said:

The way it's going Brexit will never happen, always be about to happen but never quite occurring. We will become the European equivalent of Quebec.

Brexit will never happen as the powers that be dont want it to happen.

Leave it long enough and everyone loses interest.

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1 hour ago, Lavers said:

Brexit will never happen as the powers that be dont want it to happen.

Leave it long enough and everyone loses interest.

I think most already have. I voted to remain, but now couldn't care less what we do so long as we stop talking about it....

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Like every country, it will depend on what suits your tastes.  I grew up in Toronto and despite what's been posted above, the weather isn't all that bad.  Winters can be cold but they only last a few months, summer can be hot but the hottest spells are usually only a few weeks long before it's more pleasant again.  Spring and autumn are lovely.

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Currently living in Calgary, Alberta Canada. I moved here from the UK in 1993. The winter in Northern BC, all of Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba are brutally long. The snow starts around the end of October and will continue until the first week of May. Sometimes the snow melts for a week or so in winter but then it's back. In these prairie provinces it gets cold down to -25 plus wind chill in winter, so it could be as cold as -35.  Summer can be nice but the last 3-5 years in BC and Alberta we have had really really bad forest fires, so you cant go out side much on these days either. Just last week we had the highest poor air quality rating ever in Alberta, it was worse than Delhi and Beijing put together. 

My daughter lives in Ontario and the weather is much nicer and they get proper seasons, and higher humidity. The Jobs are in the major cities however the cost to live there is more expensive. Calgary, Alberta is in a major recession since the economy relies on oil and gas, the problem is the last provincial government made it too expensive for the large oil and gas companies here and they left and went to other places such as Texas.

Domestic flights are expensive to fly from Calgary to Toronto one way will be $500 or more, it can be cheaper to go to Mexico.  Calgary to Edmonton flights run around $ 200  this is a short 3 hour drive and you never get them much cheaper.

Your Gas and electric will be a large expense as you will be keeping your house warm in winter, car insurance is not cheap either and don't get me started on property tax.  But I moved here and made a good life, now I want a different life more outdoor living so we are moving to Australia.

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4 hours ago, MaggieMay24 said:

Like every country, it will depend on what suits your tastes.  I grew up in Toronto and despite what's been posted above, the weather isn't all that bad.  Winters can be cold but they only last a few months, summer can be hot but the hottest spells are usually only a few weeks long before it's more pleasant again.  Spring and autumn are lovely.

How easily can we get jobs such as retailers, waiters etc? I am asking just in case if I don't get jobs that suit my current work experience. In which state Agriculture is the mainstay?

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3 hours ago, Jenki75 said:

Currently living in Calgary, Alberta Canada. I moved here from the UK in 1993. The winter in Northern BC, all of Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba are brutally long. The snow starts around the end of October and will continue until the first week of May. Sometimes the snow melts for a week or so in winter but then it's back. In these prairie provinces it gets cold down to -25 plus wind chill in winter, so it could be as cold as -35.  Summer can be nice but the last 3-5 years in BC and Alberta we have had really really bad forest fires, so you cant go out side much on these days either. Just last week we had the highest poor air quality rating ever in Alberta, it was worse than Delhi and Beijing put together. 

My daughter lives in Ontario and the weather is much nicer and they get proper seasons, and higher humidity. The Jobs are in the major cities however the cost to live there is more expensive. Calgary, Alberta is in a major recession since the economy relies on oil and gas, the problem is the last provincial government made it too expensive for the large oil and gas companies here and they left and went to other places such as Texas.

Domestic flights are expensive to fly from Calgary to Toronto one way will be $500 or more, it can be cheaper to go to Mexico.  Calgary to Edmonton flights run around $ 200  this is a short 3 hour drive and you never get them much cheaper.

Your Gas and electric will be a large expense as you will be keeping your house warm in winter, car insurance is not cheap either and don't get me started on property tax.  But I moved here and made a good life, now I want a different life more outdoor living so we are moving to Australia.

Thanks, Jen and Congratulations on your Visa. Is it the living cost that is making you emigrate out of Canada? or Weather?

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2 hours ago, Thukten2018 said:

How easily can we get jobs such as retailers, waiters etc? I am asking just in case if I don't get jobs that suit my current work experience. In which state Agriculture is the mainstay?

Canada doesn't have states, it had provinces and territories.

All provinces have some degree of your jobs mentioned but it's the middle provinces where the majority of the agricultural land is found

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6 hours ago, Thukten2018 said:

Thanks, Jen and Congratulations on your Visa. Is it the living cost that is making you emigrate out of Canada? or Weather?

It's a little of both but mostly weather. House prices are the same in both countries but you get a bigger house in Calgary for the money, this helps as your in doors most of the year.  Car insurance is mandatory and  fully comprehensive is $1300 for me will an excellent driving record. House insurance on my own home is $4000 per year and property tax is $3500 per year, then you have to pay for garbage, water and recycling which is another $250 per month. Then you have Gas and electricity.

You can get minimum wage jobs but it will be very difficult to support yourself on this wage. Once you could make minimum wage and afford to rent a town house but almost impossible with rent prices today.

My oldest child has worked minimum wage in retail and her wage was about $15 per hour in Alberta. She is at university because you cant live on minimum wage. To rent house in the Calgary area you are looking at $1700 per month. 

Australia isn't cheap either but less expensive in the way of some of the Bill's I mentioned above. 

Weather is my biggest draw to Australia though.

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18 hours ago, Jenki75 said:

It's a little of both but mostly weather. House prices are the same in both countries but you get a bigger house in Calgary for the money, this helps as your in doors most of the year.  Car insurance is mandatory and  fully comprehensive is $1300 for me will an excellent driving record. House insurance on my own home is $4000 per year and property tax is $3500 per year, then you have to pay for garbage, water and recycling which is another $250 per month. Then you have Gas and electricity.

You can get minimum wage jobs but it will be very difficult to support yourself on this wage. Once you could make minimum wage and afford to rent a town house but almost impossible with rent prices today.

My oldest child has worked minimum wage in retail and her wage was about $15 per hour in Alberta. She is at university because you cant live on minimum wage. To rent house in the Calgary area you are looking at $1700 per month. 

Australia isn't cheap either but less expensive in the way of some of the Bill's I mentioned above. 

Weather is my biggest draw to Australia though.

Thank you again for the elaborative feedback, it made me wish for OZ visa more. 

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Many years ago we also had the same choice- Canada or Australia. At the time in Canada it was harder to get a house so we opted for the sunshine and Australia. Had I but known it, my father was a Canadian citizen ( from the wartime) so it might have been easier for us than it was to get to Australia- it took nearly 2 years but goodness knows how long it would take now. We haven't regretted our decision though. We have relatives in Canada and they love it there but do say the Winters are very long and you stay indoors a fair bit.

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15 hours ago, starlight7 said:

Many years ago we also had the same choice- Canada or Australia. At the time in Canada it was harder to get a house so we opted for the sunshine and Australia. Had I but known it, my father was a Canadian citizen ( from the wartime) so it might have been easier for us than it was to get to Australia- it took nearly 2 years but goodness knows how long it would take now. We haven't regretted our decision though. We have relatives in Canada and they love it there but do say the Winters are very long and you stay indoors a fair bit.

I have many relatives in Canada.  Some of my forebears started migrating to Canada and the USA in the late 1800s until round about 1920.  I have met a lot of the younger generations.  They are scattered over most of Canada now.  My grandfather's twin sister never really settled there and moved back to Scotland with her husband when she was in her 60s.  She happily lived there until she died at 98.

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