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Sydney is a terrible place


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Born and raised in Sydney and seen almost every part of it, through my 18 years of living through many diffrent suburbs, seeing everything and every attraction, going everywhere multiple times, of course I have not been around the whole of NSW but it gets to a point where in my mind everything feels the same no matter where I am in Sydney.

I remeber as a little girl rent was about $500 for a 3bedroom house where as now it’s about $900 at its lowest, the construction and constant change that’s going on never stops, stand on a balcony and count how many cranes you see on the horizon, see any stars when u look up at the night sky? It feels as though nature and man made have made the switch in Sydney, it feels like it was birthed a concrete state and natures common things like, grass and trees where later placed ontop to look pretty when infact these things were always here but crushed by the tall buildings, pollution, business people and the rich.

before, going to the CBD used to feel magical, like an excursion better then any school one,  big shop windows, displays, buskers looked as though they where performing through passion, they looked alive as so did the city and atmosphere whereas now it looks to be a burden it feels as though they aren’t apart of the city anymore and more so performing to stay afloat with the required socio economic status. Now it’s full of ear aches from welding and jackhammering. The streets feel as though they are getting smaller and smaller every day with more people crowding them. the air feels thick with stench of waste and unatural smells. But these things don’t lurk around the CBD anymore it’s trevelling outwards like lots of bursting holes in water pipes spreadimg to suburban suburbs. 

There are so many more topics I could write but the point of this is that Sydney has gone to shit and I need to get out just wondering if anyone eles felt the same way?!! 





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9 hours ago, Dani9569 said:

I need to get out just wondering if anyone eles felt the same way?!! 

Obviously many people feel the same way'  At  the last ABS figures I saw,  18,000 Sydneysiders a year were leaving to live in other parts of Australia.   But the problem is the total population is growing at about 100,000 a year - almost all from overseas migration.

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I lived in Sydney for over thirty years. I think the reason most people are leaving is not because it’s a nasty place - it’s just unaffordable. 

Sydney’s nice suburbs are still nice. There are some gorgeous ones. But Sydney has always had a vast sprawl of dismal faceless suburbs, too. When it gets to the point where that’s all you can afford, Sydney loses its appeal

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13 minutes ago, Marisawright said:

I lived in Sydney for over thirty years. I think the reason most people are leaving is not because it’s a nasty place - it’s just unaffordable. 

Sydney’s nice suburbs are still nice. There are some gorgeous ones. But Sydney has always had a vast sprawl of dismal faceless suburbs, too. When it gets to the point where that’s all you can afford, Sydney loses its appeal

I also lived in Sydney for as long as you Marisa.  I was happy enough there - bringing up a family, working full time  and leading a very busy life.  Was never a city person though and as far as I'm concerned, Sydney is just another very large sprawling city.  When we first arrived (no children then) we rented a one bedroom flat in Neutral Bay overlooking Sydney harbour for $65 a week then moved to a rental house in Fairlight (above Manly) for $70 a week.  Easily doable in those days.  Whenever possible I used to escape as often as I could to friends' who had a property between Bathurst and Mudgee - it kept me sane.  😎  Always wanted to live in Tasmania   .....................  and here I am.  😀

Time for you to move out of Sydney Dani9569.

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On Sunday, January 06, 2019 at 21:07, Dani9569 said:

Born and raised in Sydney and seen almost every part of it, through my 18 years of living through many diffrent suburbs, seeing everything and every attraction, going everywhere multiple times, of course I have not been around the whole of NSW but it gets to a point where in my mind everything feels the same no matter where I am in Sydney.

I remeber as a little girl rent was about $500 for a 3bedroom house where as now it’s about $900 at its lowest, the construction and constant change that’s going on never stops, stand on a balcony and count how many cranes you see on the horizon, see any stars when u look up at the night sky? It feels as though nature and man made have made the switch in Sydney, it feels like it was birthed a concrete state and natures common things like, grass and trees where later placed ontop to look pretty when infact these things were always here but crushed by the tall buildings, pollution, business people and the rich.

before, going to the CBD used to feel magical, like an excursion better then any school one,  big shop windows, displays, buskers looked as though they where performing through passion, they looked alive as so did the city and atmosphere whereas now it looks to be a burden it feels as though they aren’t apart of the city anymore and more so performing to stay afloat with the required socio economic status. Now it’s full of ear aches from welding and jackhammering. The streets feel as though they are getting smaller and smaller every day with more people crowding them. the air feels thick with stench of waste and unatural smells. But these things don’t lurk around the CBD anymore it’s trevelling outwards like lots of bursting holes in water pipes spreadimg to suburban suburbs. 

There are so many more topics I could write but the point of this is that Sydney has gone to shit and I need to get out just wondering if anyone eles felt the same way?!! 





Same as most big cities anywhere. Least you have the Harbour and views.

Personally I like Sydney but have always been when work have been picking up the bill in a decent hotel. Hate driving there but usually within walking distance of where we work.

Happy we chose Perth to settle, although it's changing by the day, plenty of cranes in Perth too.

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