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Hi all,

we are hoping to move from UK to Brisbane in 2019, and are trying to put a rough budget together for cost of utilities, council tax, home insurance etc. We are looking at a 3 bedroom house with 2 toddlers. Any help would be great


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2 minutes ago, Toots said:

Here is a fairly rough guide.  I think some of the prices are a bit over the top but then I don't live there.  


Most of those prices look quite high compared to what i pay, but i think the costs are for inner city living so i guess it depends where exactly the OP ends up settling as prices can vary so much from one side of Brisbane to the other.

Cal x

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Just now, calNgary said:

Most of those prices look quite high compared to what i pay, but i think the costs are for inner city living so i guess it depends where exactly the OP ends up settling as prices can vary so much from one side of Brisbane to the other.

Cal x

Yes, I always think those lists exaggerate costs but OK as a rough guide for a newcomer.  

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We live in a 4 bedroom house in the Redlands. 2 adults, 1 child

We pay approx $750 a quarter in council tax

$300-400 electricity per quater, (our hot water is solar) which includes quite heavy use of air con in summer. 

Shopping $150-200 per week

Dont know how much we pay for internet, phones and house/contents insurance as hubby sorts this out.

Car rego is expensive here compared to UK. We have 2 cars though running them isn’t too bad as fuel is about half the price you pay in uk. We also went for economical models so pay about $60-70 to fill up the tank in one and only $40 in the other and it runs for ages (that includes quite good commutes into the city)

We find comparative to wages we are far better off here than in UK, but then it depends on your lifestyle etc and how you spend your money recreationally too.

I found the list above quite expensive- $22 for a bottle of red? Ok I’m no wine connoisseur but you can get  decent bottle for much less than that. I always find it funny Hardy’s is expensive in UK so my mum and dad think it’s amazing quality wine. $7 for a litre bottle here? They buy that in bulk lol

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We also live in a 4 bed house in the Redlands (Mount Cotton).  Two adults, one child.

Electricity averages out at $100 a month but we have a 3.5kwh solar set up which helps.  We have gas cylinders for hot water and the hob and use about 5 per year at $130 each so $650pa.

Food etc between $250-300 a week.

Council tax - which includes water and wastewater is $780 a quarter

Home and contents insurance $900pa.

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That’s great thanks wonderingaloud and Gbye grey sky. Seems pretty similar to bills in Sussex. This will help with our budget.
Can I ask what the commute is like from Cleveland or Alexandra Hills to city? Would I be right thinking an hour by train from Cleveland and 45 mins by bus from Alex. Hills?

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Like Gbye grey sky, we are in Mount Cotton  too, so not sure the commute from Cleveland or Alex hills, though I imagine it’d be marginally better bring a little further north... maybe.

I start work 7.30, we leave at 6-6.15 by car but I have to factor dropping the little one off at kindy (so 7-7.10 south Brisbane) and then parking/walking to work which gets me there at 7.30, sometimes a bit earlier. I work at the hospital.

Hubby walks across bridge right into cbd  to get him to work where he starts at 8.

Commute home is probably worse, we get in at 5.30 on average, but I have to pick LO up, (4.15) pick hubby up from CBD (4.30) and then head home via M3 unless there’s been an accident in which case we’ll go via Capalaba but 90% of time motorway is alright. It’s slow at some well expected points, you just get used to it. 

On the days im at home hubby drives to camp hill (where we used to live) parks there in the side streets and gets bus into city. Buses pass through all the time he barely has to wait. 

At weekends we can be in south Brisbane ie to go to city/Southbank etc 30 mins door to door. 

Never used train but maybe someone from Cleveland does and can comment.

Good luck with your plans, how exciting for you. I remember planning/budgeting etc as well. Have you been before for a reccie?

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1 hour ago, Wonderingaloud said:

Like Gbye grey sky, we are in Mount Cotton  too, so not sure the commute from Cleveland or Alex hills, though I imagine it’d be marginally better bring a little further north... maybe.

I start work 7.30, we leave at 6-6.15 by car but I have to factor dropping the little one off at kindy (so 7-7.10 south Brisbane) and then parking/walking to work which gets me there at 7.30, sometimes a bit earlier. I work at the hospital.

Hubby walks across bridge right into cbd  to get him to work where he starts at 8.

Commute home is probably worse, we get in at 5.30 on average, but I have to pick LO up, (4.15) pick hubby up from CBD (4.30) and then head home via M3 unless there’s been an accident in which case we’ll go via Capalaba but 90% of time motorway is alright. It’s slow at some well expected points, you just get used to it. 

On the days im at home hubby drives to camp hill (where we used to live) parks there in the side streets and gets bus into city. Buses pass through all the time he barely has to wait. 

At weekends we can be in south Brisbane ie to go to city/Southbank etc 30 mins door to door. 

Never used train but maybe someone from Cleveland does and can comment.

Good luck with your plans, how exciting for you. I remember planning/budgeting etc as well. Have you been before for a reccie?

Wow, neighbours.

Soooo happy we don’t have the commute!

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Lol yep! Small world. Whereabouts in UK are you from?

We love living here, awesome having wallabies hopping around in our garden, seeing kookaburras in abundance. Not seen a koala yet but know they’re around. 

 Yes the commute is a pain but we all go together and like I said, you get used to it. We couldn’t afford to buy in Camp Hill and love the Redlands so it’s a trade off but one we are happy with. I could work closer to home but find the opportunities, role scope and experience far better than what id have if I worked at the Redlands for e.g.

Lifestyle at the weekends also makes it worth it. 


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  • 4 weeks later...

When we lived in Redland Bay (admittedly 15 years ago) it took me nearly 45 minutes commute to MacGregor which is just South West of the city due to traffic. Traffic around Brizzy is appalling at certain times. I tried catching the train from Cleveland as an alternative but didn't like not being in my own space! (Cleveland is a good option though as it is a town in itself and has the railway station. I wouldn't buy in Alex Hills....just my opinion.

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