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How to live a life and remain connected to UK and AUS ?


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Morning Everyone , 

I have posted on here before and then disappeared , Im sorry for that as some people posted really lovely replies.

Short version of my story : emigrated to sydney on 1986 with parents and brother , married Aussie had two kids. Got divorced and remarried first boyfriend from UK. Mum and dad in their 70's. They have made the decision to not move back to the UK ( although its still where there heart is ). My kids are 18.5 and 20.5 , my daughter wont move to UK ( although loves going for holiday ) and my son feels English ( even though born here ) so he could end up anywhere. The thought of living in Aus for the rest of my life I actually cant let myself believe ( although I love Aus ).

Next May 2019 we are going back for four weeks , the four of us. I am trying to think of a way to be able to spend more time in the UK .

Has anyone lived in Aus and found a way ( without been rich ) of spending time each year in the UK ?

really appreciate any help.... on a side note I am close to my parents , and hubby loves it here xxx


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Do what’s right for you! I will admit the thought of being trapped in Australia fills me with dread but we have been fortunate enough to have lived in UK for over 6 yrs now, caring for my 94 yr old dad. It’ll come to an end probably sooner rather than later but I would say, do what YOU want with YOUR life. You’ve got someone left in Aus to care for your olds should they need it. You’ve only got the one life, don’t live it for someone else.

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Hi Marisa , easier said than done parents getting older , brother doesnt speak to parents and my son is only 18 and I couldnt leave at this time. At this time Im trying to work out how to spend more time in UK. Maybe in 3-4 years things may be different but leaving now is not an option.

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My brother had a falling out with them some years ago, its just not an option for him to be involved. Its not an option right now to move back just looking at other options for the next 3-4 years. My kids although adults at 18 and 20 still need me and I probably still need them ..... thanks for everyones answers and feedback x

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8 hours ago, Wishful said:

My brother had a falling out with them some years ago, its just not an option for him to be involved. Its not an option right now to move back just looking at other options for the next 3-4 years. My kids although adults at 18 and 20 still need me and I probably still need them ..... thanks for everyones answers and feedback x

Hi @WishfulI can understand this. I am an only child and my mum followed me out here. My son is now 23. I am returning to the UK this year hopefully. I don’t think I would have left when my son was 18-20 either, feels a bit young still. Now just a few years later he is much more “ready “ to be “left “, iykwim. 

My mum will travel to the UK with me as she wouldn’t manage here, financially or dealing with the various systems, health or housing etc.

Good luck with your plans and 4 years isn’t so long in the grand scheme of things.

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I think starlight made a good suggestion. Cheap flights, off season and look to a house swap for a month or two or house sitting for people while they are away on holiday even. There are sites for it and you can probably line up a couple of house sits to see you through a decent chunk of time. 

The down side is it would mean if you are working you will take a bit of an extended period of time off work each year. I'd say its not really worth it for less than a month at a time, preferably 2-3 months if you could wangle it. 


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thAgree with Starlight and Snifter.  Avoid peak travel times and you should get some bargains.

some companies allow you to purchase leave and you have so much deducted from your salary every pay to cover this - may be work exploring this, additionally see if your company allows you to take leave at half pay (if you can afford to do that) or unpaid leave.

Just practical solutions - of seeing what things you can cut back on in order to save more money for your 'holiday fund'.

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On 12/03/2018 at 10:03, Marisawright said:

If you can't face the rest of your life in Australia, what's stopping you moving back?   If your brother is in Australia, your parents won't be alone.  Your children are old enough to manage without you now.  Why not seize the day?

I do not advise moving to the other side of the world from your kids - its different if they move from you and I think its good for them to be independent but not the other way round - I know cos I've done it :( .  I did have a conversation with someone on here about house swapping - if you can get leave from work (if you work) and find someone who is in a similar situation in the UK - you never know it might be something you could do on an annual / bi annual basis.  Also please come back during the winter - not the summer ! England is so lovely in the summer but I bet the winter is longer than you remember and the days are darker than you remember.  Good luck with your decision - its not easy !


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6 hours ago, Imapla said:

I do not advise moving to the other side of the world from your kids - its different if they move from you and I think its good for them to be independent but not the other way round - I know cos I've done it :( .  I did have a conversation with someone on here about house swapping - if you can get leave from work (if you work) and find someone who is in a similar situation in the UK - you never know it might be something you could do on an annual / bi annual basis.  Also please come back during the winter - not the summer ! England is so lovely in the summer but I bet the winter is longer than you remember and the days are darker than you remember.  Good luck with your decision - its not easy !


We also moved away from our children, we chose to retire to Oz, after being expats for years and all our three were in UK. Why shouldn't we  do what we want to do in retirement. It's finally our time to do what we want. The children are grown up living their lives, I can't see why it's alright for them to live their lives how they want but not for the parents? Might come across as uncaring to some, but we have devoted years to our family. 

Our thoughts originally were to spend quite a few years in Australia, having a new experience in a new country, enjoy travelling around. and see what we wanted to after that. Just because we were retired it shouldn't stop us haveing new adventures. 

We have been here now for 15 years, and unexpectedly 2 of ours decided to follow us here, so we are very settled.

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