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To use an agent or not to use an agent?


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..........with all the information available on the net

.........you could probably amputate a finger if needs be

.........but without the training,the skill from years experience

........you have to ask yourself is it worth possible failure?

..........unless 100%sure of what your doing

.........use an expert.....it’s what their there for.....imo 

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This is what absolutely p-----s---s me off about some posters The free  help and advice that hundreds of posters have received from the MA's who give of their time on PIO is possibly now jeopardised for the future.

I would like to thank Alan and Raul and George for help they have generously given to  me and my family  and also all the other MA's who have helped so many posters.

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Ok. Why not use The Immigration Companion which can be purchased for under $100. I was researching an edition in a library today. It explains all you will need to know and if, only if, the matter appears complicated or too taxing, approach an agent. All agents I expect will have in their possession such a book.

Just make sure it is the latest edition as migration rules change on an annual basis in this country. You can be your own expert.  

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5 hours ago, ramot said:

This is what absolutely p-----s---s me off about some posters The free  help and advice that hundreds of posters have received from the MA's who give of their time on PIO is possibly now jeopardised for the future.

I would like to thank Alan and Raul and George for help they have generously given to  me and my family  and also all the other MA's who have helped so many posters.

No need to be p=====ed off.  There is nothing at all wrong with pointing out alternatives are available, I seem to recall the question was asked with regards to self application and saving money. As this forum, I thought, was about helping potential migrants by answering their questions, as well as pointing out alternatives, I see no reason for such a comment.

I have clearly stated there is a need for agents, (the immigration process is more complicated, these days) as far from all applicants will feel comfortable or capable of going alone. For the small number than do feel able surely there should be room for encouragement?

 Of course agents give valuable advise. Nobody denies it. But why should the future be jeopardised? The agents by giving advise advocate for their business at the same time surely?  Long may all options continue.

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1 minute ago, Pura Vida said:

No need to be p=====ed off.  There is nothing at all wrong with pointing out alternatives are available, I seem to recall the question was asked with regards to self application and saving money. As this forum, I thought, was about helping potential migrants by answering their questions, as well as pointing out alternatives, I see no reason for such a comment.

I have clearly stated there is a need for agents, (the immigration process is more complicated, these days) as far from all applicants will feel comfortable or capable of going alone. For the small number than do feel able surely there should be room for encouragement?

 Of course agents give valuable advise. Nobody denies it. But why should the future be jeopardised? The agents by giving advise advocate for their business at the same time surely?  Long may all options continue.

If you can't see that drawing parallels between having your lawn cut and the delivery of migration advice is absurd there clearly isn't any point in entering into a meaningful exchange of views.


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8 minutes ago, Alan Collett said:

If you can't see that drawing parallels between having your lawn cut and the delivery of migration advice is absurd there clearly isn't any point in entering into a meaningful exchange of views.


Well on my part there wouldn't be anyway. I'd likely be banned. But you obviously pick up on what you want to and disengage the rest. I stated the analogy between people unwilling to commit to simple tasks out of laziness, or perhaps let everyone do everything for them, outsource, to more involved tasks like migration. Come now it is not that difficult for some of us. I understand you are rent seeker, with an interest to invalidate every post, by belittling but really all my posts point out a reality. You are not obliged to agree. .

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1 minute ago, Pura Vida said:

Well on my part there wouldn't be anyway. I'd likely be banned. But you obviously pick up on what you want to and disengage the rest. I stated the analogy between people unwilling to commit to simple tasks out of laziness, or perhaps let everyone do everything for them, outsource, to more involved tasks like migration. Come now it is not that difficult for some of us. I understand you are rent seeker, with an interest to invalidate every post, by belittling but really all my posts point out a reality. You are not obliged to agree. .

Are you trying to be offensive, or does it come naturally?

It appears you haven't lodged a visa application for many years.  Given this is so - I'm sure you'll tell us if it isn't - it is bewildering how you can be so assertive about the visa application process in the current era.

By contrast, I dare say you have cut your own lawn in the last month.


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21 minutes ago, Alan Collett said:

Are you trying to be offensive, or does it come naturally?

It appears you haven't lodged a visa application for many years.  Given this is so - I'm sure you'll tell us if it isn't - it is bewildering how you can be so assertive about the visa application process in the current era.

By contrast, I dare say you have cut your own lawn in the last month.


What does come naturally is being on the ball. Not spending money un necessary and helping others to consider areas of saving, if so asked.Don't bother to cut my own grass, as a rule, as it stands. But quite possibly have cut grass, since lodging or helping others to lodge, their visa application forms. I understand it is in your interests to make it sound hard work. Fair enough. We all have to put a crust on the table. 

But what should be underlined is the process is perfectly doable one self. I have noted a reference book that will guide most through the process. I personally would have no hesitation lodging the process of visa application myself today, if so required.

But then, I accept I have some knowledge already on the matter and what I need to brush up on I would probably be able to ascertain by consulting the Australian Immigration Companion 2017. A look through it today confirmed pretty much so.


I can accept border line cases may well be in requirement of some 'fine tunning' to get over the mark. While others lack confidence or willingness or just can't be bothered, much as with me and my lawn. Lazy on my part I admit. But outlay is low, besides I prefer other tasks. Still got me thinking........ 

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In answer to the OP: there are definite advantages of using a RMA for your application.  If however you have done your research (and there's a lot of it to do), have a good understanding of the requirements and places where most people trip up (e.g. over claiming points), and you don't have any difficult things in your application (e.g. medical issues, character issues), then it is perfectly feasible to do it on your own.  It does however take a lot of investment of your time if you go it alone.  I applied for a 190 visa for a family of 4 solo and found it relatively straight forward - in places where I was confused I got help from this forum (which is why I still post even after having my visa granted so I can give back to the community in the same way). I lodged my application last year and the only request from DIBP I had throughout the process was for Form 80.  I equally had no requests for further information from either Vetassess or the sponsoring State suggesting that after reading and understanding all the rules and requirements, I was able to provide sufficient evidence to satisfy DIBP.  I probably went overboard in my applications and evidence, but wanted to be safe! It was helpful though that I had payslips and tax records going back 10 years, worked for a single employer, as well as being in a field that allowed me to provide independent 3rd party evidence of my work through peer-review publications. 

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.Anybody who thinks s/he knows all about this business is deluded.

I get more or less as much from the forum as I contribute from other RMAs answers, especially the warnings about overnight,  draconian changes and  unusual circumstances posted by applicants and so on.

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To be really frank when someone asks such questions we just need to provide our experience. We should not question someone's intelligence or ability etc. This is a public forum and we do not know the poster who is asking the question and we don't know their situation either. The poster is just looking for some answers as to how people got along with their application. In the end it is a personal decision based on the responses they get. By just throwing unnecessary things around and calling people using agents as lazy is not going to help anyone.  I used an agent myself, not because I am lazy or dumb or cannot read a form, it is because I just did not have the time to go through the process due to my work. I used an agent and I am very glad that I did. Every thing went smooth and I got the visa and I am now in Australia. People need to make their own informed choice from the the information they read from the forums and from their own research regarding immigration. We should not force and tell things which might have worked for us. Just because we did the application ourselves does not mean others can, no matter if they are a scientist or CEO of a company, there are some things even they would probably find it difficult due to their situation or lack of time.

The MA's here are trying to help and if someone wants to use them that is their decision. We need to stay out of it, no matter what our opinion is regarding their decision is.

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1 hour ago, wrussell said:

.Anybody who thinks s/he knows all about this business is deluded.

I get more or less as much from the forum as I contribute from other RMAs answers, especially the warnings about overnight,  draconian changes and  unusual circumstances posted by applicants and so on.

Well I have yet to meet anyone whom claims to have all the answers. A lot depends on the applicant and type of visa. What should be pointed out, once again, is that it is indeed very possible to do ones own application. A change in regulations, which I have agreed are frequent, are as a rule not in place, until the following financial year. Here in Australia that begins 1 July. '

The Australian Immigration Handbook will have will provide most the requirements for applicants. Well worth the less than $100 if of the mind to wade through it.

Yes we all learn from others answers. Just like the fact that it is possible to go it alone.

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17 minutes ago, path2aus said:

To be really frank when someone asks such questions we just need to provide our experience. We should not question someone's intelligence or ability etc. This is a public forum and we do not know the poster who is asking the question and we don't know their situation either. The poster is just looking for some answers as to how people got along with their application. In the end it is a personal decision based on the responses they get. By just throwing unnecessary things around and calling people using agents as lazy is not going to help anyone.  I used an agent myself, not because I am lazy or dumb or cannot read a form, it is because I just did not have the time to go through the process due to my work. I used an agent and I am very glad that I did. Every thing went smooth and I got the visa and I am now in Australia. People need to make their own informed choice from the the information they read from the forums and from their own research regarding immigration. We should not force and tell things which might have worked for us. Just because we did the application ourselves does not mean others can, no matter if they are a scientist or CEO of a company, there are some things even they would probably find it difficult due to their situation or lack of time.

The MA's here are trying to help and if someone wants to use them that is their decision. We need to stay out of it, no matter what our opinion is regarding their decision is.

Well I Take it you are referring to me. Why not? Some people are up to it others are not. It is up to the individual to decide what and where they stand. We do not have to know the poster to give a general outline. Fact is a number of people are 'lazy' these days and prefer to outsource tasks. I did not refer only to the use of migration agents, or real estates or lawn mower cutters as a single item, but a host of things. Fact being we tend to live in an age where they are led to believe any number of things are too difficult or to time consuming for a host of reasons, but some obvious ones do tend to stand out.

Now by informing the OP that there is indeed the option of doing it themselves that will hopefully allow that individual to make up their own mind as to the process they prefer to follow.

You appear to be justifying your own situation for some unknown reason. Stay out of what exactly? A question was posed on this forum to members at large. Not aimed at migration agents, whose views will hardly be non partial with such a question. Of course they are fine to put their side as well, even though the question was not posed to an agent.

I keep out of migration direct questions where migration agents are involved as a rule, but this isn't one of them.

Perhaps you could explain just what your beef is really about?

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To the OP:

Yes, there have been loads of people who have gone through the application process by themselves and have been successful. So you are not alone and not mad for wanting to go at it by yourself. You have the forum to ask questions and there are people who will help you out including myself through the process. You need to make a call as to how comfortable you are with the process and proceed according to the same. Please read through the requirements and make an educated decision as to which way you would like to go.



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1 hour ago, Pura Vida said:

A change in regulations, which I have agreed are frequent, are as a rule not in place, until the following financial year. Here in Australia that begins 1 July. '

To anyone reading this thread for assistance, please note that this statement is not correct and potentially very damaging. 

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