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Not enjoying new job


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So I've recently moved to a regional area in QLD for a nursing role. I started last week, I don't really like it here, everyone is really nice but the role is very different to the UK and we're missing our friends who live in a different area of Australia and we are missing living there too.

I only moved here for work. It's lovely where we live but we don't really want to be here.

Anyone else left their job very soon after starting? I feel bad but we're not enjoying it here.

Thanks/ Any advice?

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19 minutes ago, Paige03 said:


So I've recently moved to a regional area in QLD for a nursing role. I started last week, I don't really like it here, everyone is really nice but the role is very different to the UK and we're missing our friends who live in a different area of Australia and we are missing living there too.

I only moved here for work. It's lovely where we live but we don't really want to be here.

Anyone else left their job very soon after starting? I feel bad but we're not enjoying it here.

Thanks/ Any advice?

Have you ever moved before? It's very early to be saying you don't like it there... I've moved many times and always have that feeling of wishing for the old place for a while - I think it's normal. Why not give it a few months and then see how you feel?

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A week isnt a long time at all, i would try to hang on abit longer, if your sanity allows it. On saying that not many jobs will be identical to what you left behind as its a different country with very different ways of doing things to what you may know. Part of the migration process is being able to adapt, those that cant rarely last long in Aus.

If after a month your still disliking the work and area and your visa doesnt stipulate where you have to live / work then maybe research other areas/ States., but work wise the job will probably be more like what your doing now than what you did in another country.

Cal x

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Thanks for your replies. I have a 189 visa so no visa commitments issues. I've had a better morning today at work...I lack confidence at times. I'm finding it harder here as we stayed with our  friends for a month before coming here and didn't really want to leave but did just for work. I'll keep going, only have rental for 6 months, then re-evaluate. Thanks though! 

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Thanks for your replies. I have a 189 visa so no visa commitments issues. I've had a better morning today at work...I lack confidence at times. I'm finding it harder here as we stayed with our  friends for a month before coming here and didn't really want to leave but did just for work. I'll keep going, only have rental for 6 months, then re-evaluate. Thanks though! 

We stayed with friends initially on a 'stay as long as you want' offer that soon wore thin all round. We left just over two months later, mainly for work, but I think the friendship has definitely suffered, even for that time. First month was ok as we were settling in, looking for work, Centrelink paper work, schools etc but from then on there were definite issues. Your case might be different but in hindsight it might be the best thing you did. We found having our independence to a degree was a massive benefit and we enjoyed the Australia experience a lot more with nobody to answer to in effect.

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Pragmatically, don't jump ship straight away, it looks bad on your cv - make the most of what you've got and try and give it a year at least. Don't use existing friendships as a reason to move somewhere if you already struggled to find a job where they were. Use this as a learning experience - no, it'll be nothing like U.K., it's a foreign country- but this is a chance for you to get much valued local experience and to make connections. OTOH if the workplace is an absolute cesspit of bullying and incompetence then move on quickly.

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I would hate that. I know of lots of english nurses and school teachers that do remote for visa requirements...however also know of lots of aussies that love it and do three month stints remote hospitals for the 'money'... unless your in it for the 'money'(or visa purgatory requirements)... bugger off...sorry for the word..and go somewhere you like ...life is too short


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