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When is the UK going to show some balls and follow the Aussie lead?


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Its all about me, that is the problem. What the non vaxers do not realise is that people with compromised immune systems catch these diseases and spread them. My daughter who was vaccinated against measles got infected late last year in Melbourne. I knew it was measles because I have had it, however because she had been vaccinated the doctors did not think it was measles. So she went on around the place and then went back to the doc and they finally agreed to test her and yes she had measles. She has also had whooping cough despite being vaccinated. This is because her immune system is compromised by her type 1 diabetes and the chemo she had for brain cancer. Another person has contracted measles just this weekend in Melbourne. So the genie is out out the bottle now and we reap what we sow.

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It's scary to think that your child could die as a consequence of other parents choices. Brutal actually.


This is always what it's about. The choice to drive the kids to school still under the influence so you're not 2 minutes late for the gym, the choice not to put the pit bull on the lead 'because he's just a big softie really', the choice not to vaccinate your children. It's amazing how much your life is in the hands of other people all the time, control is very much an illusion, as it requires everyone else to think too, and a lot of people don't.


VERY few people genuinely have that choice taken away through external circumstances such as immunocompromising illnesses like leukaemia (thankfully), but they still deserve protection.


Vaccination is a necessary part of life in a modern global congested world.


I'm looking forwards to the springing up of illegal childcare centres where they fraudulently claim Centrelink (we don't want your dirty vaccines but please inject my bank with cash!).

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This is always what it's about. The choice to drive the kids to school still under the influence so you're not 2 minutes late for the gym, the choice not to put the pit bull on the lead 'because he's just a big softie really', the choice not to vaccinate your children. It's amazing how much your life is in the hands of other people all the time, control is very much an illusion, as it requires everyone else to think too, and a lot of people don't.


VERY few people genuinely have that choice taken away through external circumstances such as immunocompromising illnesses like leukaemia (thankfully), but they still deserve protection.


Vaccination is a necessary part of life in a modern global congested world.


I'm looking forwards to the springing up of illegal childcare centres where they fraudulently claim Centrelink (we don't want your dirty vaccines but please inject my bank with cash!).


So what happens with those children who have medical contra-indications that show a particular vaccine may well do more harm than good? I am not talking about the autism issue, I'm talking about children suffering long-term conditions which cause the immune system to be compromised, and thus to whom any ingestion of vaccine material may well cause more harm to an already lowered disease resistance. Many children already suffer a restricted lifestyle due to their conditions. Must they now be isolated from all other children?


There must always be a clause which protects children with lowered resistance, to whom one vaccnation can have serious implications, or even be fatal.

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So what happens with those children who have medical contra-indications that show a particular vaccine may well do more harm than good? I am not talking about the autism issue, I'm talking about children suffering long-term conditions which cause the immune system to be compromised, and thus to whom any ingestion of vaccine material may well cause more harm to an already lowered disease resistance. Many children already suffer a restricted lifestyle due to their conditions. Must they now be isolated from all other children?


There must always be a clause which protects children with lowered resistance, to whom one vaccnation can have serious implications, or even be fatal.


There still is, and always will be, a clause in the requirement to vaccinate that exempts GENUINE medical contra indicators. Not the 20 minutes of google the antivax brigade state is 'research', but actual medical reasons, of which there are a few. THAT'S THE POINT! vaccination for all will protect THOSE people who CAN'T be vaccinated! The disease should be kept away from those children as they would have a harder time of it, so surely it would be to the benefit of such children to require vaccination of their peers?


It's not complicated.



Listen to the whole sentence as Turnbull stated it 'all children who CAN be vaccinated should be'. NOT "all children will be".


The risks is some quackery where people claim their child has some immune disorder and they don't, but become a carrier which kills a genuine immunocompromised person.


p.s, a load of nurse immunisers, combined number of vaccines given, somewhere in the region of half a million vaccines at a rough estimate. NONE had ever seen, or knew a colleague that had seen, an adverse reaction. They are rare as hens teeth, they do occur, but infinitesimally small, and of that small number, an even smaller number are serious reactions! Far less than the equivalent group would be if the diseases were left unchecked. and NO fatalities!


I'd be more concerned about zostervax when I'm 70 to be honest!

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]So what happens with those children who have medical contra-indications that show a particular vaccine may well do more harm than good? [/b].


They will not be vaccinated.


As the vaccination rate drops herd immunity will be lost and disease out breaks will become more common. Those that are not vaccinated, including young infants, and those who are immunocomprimised the sick and the elderly will contract the disease. Some will die. That's the whole point behind enforcing vaccinations, the level below which herd immunity is lost for measles is 90 - 95%. So if only 6% of children are NOT vaccinated it puts babies, the elderly and sick at serious risk



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There still is, and always will be, a clause in the requirement to vaccinate that exempts GENUINE medical contra indicators. Not the 20 minutes of google the antivax brigade state is 'research', but actual medical reasons, of which there are a few. THAT'S THE POINT! vaccination for all will protect THOSE people who CAN'T be vaccinated! The disease should be kept away from those children as they would have a harder time of it, so surely it would be to the benefit of such children to require vaccination of their peers?


It's not complicated.



Listen to the whole sentence as Turnbull stated it 'all children who CAN be vaccinated should be'. NOT "all children will be".


The risks is some quackery where people claim their child has some immune disorder and they don't, but become a carrier which kills a genuine immunocompromised person.


p.s, a load of nurse immunisers, combined number of vaccines given, somewhere in the region of half a million vaccines at a rough estimate. NONE had ever seen, or knew a colleague that had seen, an adverse reaction. They are rare as hens teeth, they do occur, but infinitesimally small, and of that small number, an even smaller number are serious reactions! Far less than the equivalent group would be if the diseases were left unchecked. and NO fatalities!


I'd be more concerned about zostervax when I'm 70 to be honest!

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Herd immunity is already being eroded. We have more measles now than for a long long time. The anti vaxers think that natural immunity is best, some will have natural immunity, I have it to Rubella, Measles, Chicken Pox, Mumps and TB but I was a lucky child I did not get particularly ill with any of these diseases. Many children and adults are not so lucky and we do not here about them in the papers. Measles can lead to rheumatic heart condition. My father was severely affected by measles as a child and very very ill, fortunately he survived and was not left with long term problems. I worry for my daughter as they is my child and even though grown I do not want her to have survived this long with brain cancer to be taken by a preventable disease.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 13/03/2017 at 10:21 AM, seraphim said:


There still is, and always will be, a clause in the requirement to vaccinate that exempts GENUINE medical contra indicators. Not the 20 minutes of google the antivax brigade state is 'research', but actual medical reasons, of which there are a few. THAT'S THE POINT! vaccination for all will protect THOSE people who CAN'T be vaccinated! The disease should be kept away from those children as they would have a harder time of it, so surely it would be to the benefit of such children to require vaccination of their peers?


It's not complicated.



Listen to the whole sentence as Turnbull stated it 'all children who CAN be vaccinated should be'. NOT "all children will be".


The risks is some quackery where people claim their child has some immune disorder and they don't, but become a carrier which kills a genuine immunocompromised person.


p.s, a load of nurse immunisers, combined number of vaccines given, somewhere in the region of half a million vaccines at a rough estimate. NONE had ever seen, or knew a colleague that had seen, an adverse reaction. They are rare as hens teeth, they do occur, but infinitesimally small, and of that small number, an even smaller number are serious reactions! Far less than the equivalent group would be if the diseases were left unchecked. and NO fatalities!


I'd be more concerned about zostervax when I'm 70 to be honest!

I did have a bad reaction from the pnemonia vaccine. But I am a special case, non Hodgkin's with very low immunity at the time. Knocked me off my feet for 48 hours and took awhile to recover. I had a lot of other things going on at the time as well though. But I haven't had pnemonia since. Which is good. I think I'm coming up for a booster. I'll have to think long and hard about that.

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On 14/03/2017 at 9:46 AM, ScottieGirl said:


They will not be vaccinated.


As the vaccination rate drops herd immunity will be lost and disease out breaks will become more common. Those that are not vaccinated, including young infants, and those who are immunocomprimised the sick and the elderly will contract the disease. Some will die. That's the whole point behind enforcing vaccinations, the level below which herd immunity is lost for measles is 90 - 95%. So if only 6% of children are NOT vaccinated it puts babies, the elderly and sick at serious risk



But the question is - if there are contra-indications to say that a child should not be vaccinated for medical reasons, then does that mean that child is then excluded from childcare? Kids with some conditions have a hard enough time mixing with other children as it is, protected by parents, unable to take part in sports maybe, surely they will not be further penalised just because their immune system cannot cope with the vaccinations?

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