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Captain Roberto

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It's walking to the bus stop on workday mornings that kills me, so humid at 6am, I have a 12 minute walk which is great in mild weather but torture recently! If I'm lucky, the man next door leaves around the same time and I get a lift, but no such luck yesterday, boohoo!


Non work days are great, today I've just hung out in the pool. Feel sorry for the cat though, stuck in his fur coat!

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It's walking to the bus stop on workday mornings that kills me, so humid at 6am, I have a 12 minute walk which is great in mild weather but torture recently! If I'm lucky, the man next door leaves around the same time and I get a lift, but no such luck yesterday, boohoo!


Non work days are great, today I've just hung out in the pool. Feel sorry for the cat though, stuck in his fur coat!


We've not done this, but we know of others who've had their cats shaved for the summer. I think some vets do it, although our cats haven't needed it.

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We've not done this, but we know of others who've had their cats shaved for the summer. I think some vets do it, although our cats haven't needed it.


I'd worry about skin cancer then - we had a white cat and even in the UK we were advised to put sun block on his ears by the vet.

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How about 5 degrees here in Southern Ireland.


Time for a pint to warm me up!





6c here in the west midlands....not a hint of wind again ....no snow ...no ice ...no sleet ...nothing ...even had to have the windows open last night .


Its nothing like BRRRRR cold .....just walked the dog at 5am ...nothing like winter ...birds are even starting to sing ...and the daffs are starting to come out

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Another toddler reported as being pulled unconscious from a pool :-(


Sad. Plus I sense another round of knee-jerk legislation coming down the track


This makes me so angry. I have brought up four sons and had six grandchildren in my house with a pool in the yard with no fence and never the hint of an accident. Why? It's simple adult supervision and rules. My home has key locks on all windows and door so small children cannot get outside on their own and when they are there has always been an adult there to supervise them. All pool fences have done is make many adults complacent. If a toddler wants to do something they will find a way as has been so dreadfully shown this summer . PLEASE never allow your toddler to get anywhere near water without supervision. Legislation is not helpful.

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This makes me so angry. I have brought up four sons and had six grandchildren in my house with a pool in the yard with no fence and never the hint of an accident. Why? It's simple adult supervision and rules. My home has key locks on all windows and door so small children cannot get outside on their own and when they are there has always been an adult there to supervise them. All pool fences have done is make many adults complacent. If a toddler wants to do something they will find a way as has been so dreadfully shown this summer . PLEASE never allow your toddler to get anywhere near water without supervision. Legislation is not helpful.


I agree completely. I do understand how easy it can be to become distracted or to think that it'll be okay for a second, but children should be fully supervised in and around water. My girls are 8 and 10 and are both competent swimmers, but I'd still never leave them alone by the pool. Maybe I am overprotective of them, but it would be so easy for an accident to happen that I just wouldn't do it.

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