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trump takes britain


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if Trump outlawed Jewish migration I would speak out against it. But I'm not overly worried about whatever policies whatever shitty little dictatorships indulge in, including Israel.


Simple fact of the matter is that you campaigned for something diametrically opposed to your economic beliefs because you don't like Muslims. I don't have a problem with that. Fine by me. It's not my role to educate racists. If you have an economic argument then bring it on. I'm not really interested in discussing your racist beliefs.

Is it racist to hate

jews?...yes or no will suffice

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if Trump outlawed Jewish migration I would speak out against it. But I'm not overly worried about whatever policies whatever shitty little dictatorships indulge in, including Israel.


Simple fact of the matter is that you campaigned for something diametrically opposed to your economic beliefs because you don't like Muslims. I don't have a problem with that. Fine by me. It's not my role to educate racists. If you have an economic argument then bring it on. I'm not really interested in discussing your racist beliefs.

I'd give it up it's pointless, you cannot change prejudices.

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if Trump outlawed Jewish migration I would speak out against it. But I'm not overly worried about whatever policies whatever shitty little dictatorships indulge in, including Israel.


Simple fact of the matter is that you campaigned for something diametrically opposed to your economic beliefs because you don't like Muslims. I don't have a problem with that. Fine by me. It's not my role to educate racists. If you have an economic argument then bring it on. I'm not really interested in discussing your racist beliefs.

Getting grumpy again ...isnt Israel,also a democracy not a dictatorship

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Is it racist to hate

jews?...yes or no will suffice


People on the left generally hate Israel ...thats why corbyn has had so many anti Semitic problems in his own party .


we are all brothers and sisters ...except Jews ,yanks and patriotic poms and aussies

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People on the left generally hate Israel ...thats why corbyn has had so many anti Semitic problems in his own party .


we are all brothers and sisters ...except Jews ,yanks and patriotic poms and aussies

I have a lot of respect for Israel. Can't be easy living in a place surrounded by your enemies. They've done wonders with the place. I have a lot of Jewish friends, I grew up in dianella, a stone's throw from the Jewish school. You seem to be the one that has picked a side. You seem to like grouping people. Probably makes it easier to hate them.


I'm not even that bothered by trump's immigration policy. But the method of introduction was ridiculous. You can't run a country like that. The logic behind it was incredibly flakey. It was obviously a political stunt which achieved nothing. I'm much more worried by his political maneuvering which the immigration is obviously a smoke screen for.

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I have a question.


There are a number using the terms racist and Hitler.


So,man swear this, are you currently outside one of the embassies or signing petitions against one of the 19 countries which an Israeli person can not visit. These are not just 90 days bans, but permanent. Not only that, if I were to be a Christian and wish to pay a visit to Jerusalem or Bethlehem then just that stamp in passport would be a ban. So, I look forward to you telling about your protests against these countries who are persecuting Jewish people to a level truly similar to Hitler. Or maybe your just a racist?


Which of those have leaders have just been invited to a State visit? Read the petition, it does not say Trump is banned, merely that he should not be glorified with a State Visit.


Seriously though, I have plenty of issues with leaders and governments of dozens of countries of all hues across the globe. But if your point is that Trump is no worse than any of them it is not a good one.


We need and expect the POTUS to be far better than the leaders of Israel, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Syria, Zimbabwe, North Korea, Russia, China, etc, etc because the USA is key to the security, prosperity, environmental impact of much of the globe.


He is taking the USA down a protectionist route so sucking up to him with a stay at Buck Palace will not help much. The UK is now leaving the EU and consequently is forced to bow and scrape to the likes of Trump in the hopes of getting some crumbs from his table. Did you by chance see that episode where he dined with Mitt Romney ostensibly to publicly humiliate him.


He ran his businesses by bluff, bluster, bullying and cheating. He is a narcissist and a fantasist, he knows no other way. And he is being managed and manipulated by Bannon, a very smart but nasty, politically asture, white supremacist. Seriously the only people who should be content are white supremacists and US billionnaires, everyone else should be looking over their shoulder wondering when it is their turn to, metaphorically, get their pussy grabbed.


I suppose we had better get used to more State Visits anyway as the Royal Family is one of our unique selling points when trying to secure trade deals post 2019.

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Which of those have leaders have just been invited to a State visit? Read the petition, it does not say Trump is banned, merely that he should not be glorified with a State Visit.


Seriously though, I have plenty of issues with leaders and governments of dozens of countries of all hues across the globe. But if your point is that Trump is no worse than any of them it is not a good one.


We need and expect the POTUS to be far better than the leaders of Israel, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Syria, Zimbabwe, North Korea, Russia, China, etc, etc because the USA is key to the security, prosperity, environmental impact of much of the globe.


He is taking the USA down a protectionist route so sucking up to him with a stay at Buck Palace will not help much. The UK is now leaving the EU and consequently is forced to bow and scrape to the likes of Trump in the hopes of getting some crumbs from his table. Did you by chance see that episode where he dined with Mitt Romney ostensibly to publicly humiliate him.


He ran his businesses by bluff, bluster, bullying and cheating. He is a narcissist and a fantasist, he knows no other way. And he is being managed and manipulated by Bannon, a very smart but nasty, politically asture, white supremacist. Seriously the only people who should be content are white supremacists and US billionnaires, everyone else should be looking over their shoulder wondering when it is their turn to, metaphorically, get their pussy grabbed.


I suppose we had better get used to more State Visits anyway as the Royal Family is one of our unique selling points when trying to secure trade deals post 2019.

poor old Lizzy, buck palace will be like an air b&b with all the despots jetting in to do trade deals. Poor old thing will catch pnemonia standing out in the rain watching them play golf.
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It is a very odd deal. If I was in Trump's place I would also be reviewing it. It sounds like an Obama stitch-up unless Australia ws offering something in return I have not heard about.

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It is a very odd deal. If I was in Trump's place I would also be reviewing it. It sounds like an Obama stitch-up unless Australia ws offering something in return I have not heard about.
the article says it is a swap of Australia's asylum seekers for USA asylum seekers. Australia said no illegal entrants will ever settle on Australian soil. The only problems I can see are if those refugees have family in Oz. Otherwise it sort of makes sense if you slant your head a bit. Actually, no, it's a really stupid idea.
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the article says it is a swap of Australia's asylum seekers for USA asylum seekers. Australia said no illegal entrants will ever settle on Australian soil. The only problems I can see are if those refugees have family in Oz. Otherwise it sort of makes sense if you slant your head a bit. Actually, no, it's a really stupid idea.


The other odd element of this - or it would be for anyone but Trump - is that it appears he went on this phone call with no prior knowledge of this deal. If so, it is worrying how under-prepared he is.

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The other odd element of this - or it would be for anyone but Trump - is that it appears he went on this phone call with no prior knowledge of this deal. If so, it is worrying how under-prepared he is.


Or how sly Obama was ....


Two questions ...

Why isn't Australia dealing with its own refugee crisis in a humane way ?

Why was the former president of the u.s going to take the issue off their hands ?


Never mind making I an issue about trump ....lets have a look at the real issue .

You are sitting there in Australia pontificating about trump and the European refugee crisis .

Your energies would be better spent outside the parliament in Canberra don't you think .

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Or how sly Obama was ....


Two questions ...

Why isn't Australia dealing with its own refugee crisis in a humane way ?

Why was the former president of the u.s going to take the issue off their hands ?


Never mind making I an issue about trump ....lets have a look at the real issue .

You are sitting there in Australia pontificating about trump and the European refugee crisis .

Your energies would be better spent outside the parliament in Canberra don't you think .


I do disagree with Australia's policy too. Not only am I nowhere near Canberra but also not a citizen so I have no more say on Australian policy than on US policy anyway.


My concerns about Trump are by no means limited to this issue on the refugees either. If you refer to past posts you will be aware of this.

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I do disagree with Australia's policy too. Not only am I nowhere near Canberra but also not a citizen so I have no more say on Australian policy than on US policy anyway.


My concerns about Trump are by no means limited to this issue on the refugees either. If you refer to past posts you will be aware of this.


You are not a u.s citizen either and even further away from Washington ,but that hasn't stopped you banging on post after post .

Just seen a small clip in the paper " ATTACKS ON JEWS UP BY ONE THIRD IN THE U.K IN THE LAST 12 MONTHS "....any long posts or demos planned ...or wont you be playing the RACISM card on this one

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You are not a u.s citizen either and even further away from Washington ,but that hasn't stopped you banging on post after post .

Just seen a small clip in the paper " ATTACKS ON JEWS UP BY ONE THIRD IN THE U.K IN THE LAST 12 MONTHS "....any long posts or demos planned ...or wont you be playing the RACISM card on this one


My issue with Trump and Bannon extends way beyond racism. Trump may, or may not, be a racist (though Bannon certainly is) but he is using people's fear to further stir up hatred so that he can profit from any consequence (his 'burning Reichstag' moment).


It seems your main defence of Trump is to say that there are worse people than Trump in the world. That is possibly true but it is not an endorsement.

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You are not a u.s citizen either and even further away from Washington ,but that hasn't stopped you banging on post after post .

Just seen a small clip in the paper " ATTACKS ON JEWS UP BY ONE THIRD IN THE U.K IN THE LAST 12 MONTHS "....any long posts or demos planned ...or wont you be playing the RACISM card on this one ?

The figure came from The Community Security Trust, a Jewish charity that organises security for Synagogues and Jewish communities so I might want to know what form those incidents took.


At the same time attacks on Mosques rocketed, assaults and verbal attacks on Muslims became an everyday occurrence, one assumes that attacks on Jews were more likely associated with the racist far right than from Muslims.

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The figure came from The Community Security Trust, a Jewish charity that organises security for Synagogues and Jewish communities so I might want to know what form those incidents took.


At the same time attacks on Mosques rocketed, assaults and verbal attacks on Muslims became an everyday occurrence, one assumes that attacks on Jews were more likely associated with the racist far right than from Muslims.


Was Bunbury pinning the blame for these attacks on Muslims? I didn't realise what was being implied.

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You are not a u.s citizen either and even further away from Washington ,but that hasn't stopped you banging on post after post .

Just seen a small clip in the paper " ATTACKS ON JEWS UP BY ONE THIRD IN THE U.K IN THE LAST 12 MONTHS "....any long posts or demos planned ...or wont you be playing the RACISM card on this one

some brexit voters probably can't distinguish between a jew or a Muslim. I dare say homophobic attacks are on the up too, as well as attacks on Polish. Brexit empowers them to take back their country.
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My issue with Trump and Bannon extends way beyond racism. Trump may, or may not, be a racist (though Bannon certainly is) but he is using people's fear to further stir up hatred so that he can profit from any consequence (his 'burning Reichstag' moment).


It seems your main defence of Trump is to say that there are worse people than Trump in the world. That is possibly true but it is not an endorsement.


Chilling times, a moronic idiot in the Oval office surrounded by hot heads with white supremacist thoughts as their prism on the world, already threatening Iran for launching a missile, where does he go when they launch the next missile which they are now bound to do, even if it's one stuffed full of gunpowder.


The problem is that he has huge support in the bible belt and the rust belt, don't know whether going to war is actually going to jolt any of them into seeing beyond the them and us scenario.


America has a long history of white supremicisism and bigotry, look at the McArthur era in the 50's, segregation which still hovers in the background, the John Birch society, the KKK, the quite alarming gun sales, and highly milatarised police forces in many multi racial cities, really Donald Trump should come as no surprise, he is a logical product of US society, maybe the really amazing thing is that Obama lasted as long as he did.


Maybe Obama's problem was that he truly believed in democracy and equality when many around him didn't.

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Chilling times, a moronic idiot in the Oval office surrounded by hot heads with white supremacist thoughts as their prism on the world, already threatening Iran for launching a missile, where does he go when they launch the next missile which they are now bound to do, even if it's one stuffed full of gunpowder.


The problem is that he has huge support in the bible belt and the rust belt, don't know whether going to war is actually going to jolt any of them into seeing beyond the them and us scenario.


America has a long history of white supremicisism and bigotry, look at the McArthur era in the 50's, segregation which still hovers in the background, the John Birch society, the KKK, the quite alarming gun sales, and highly milatarised police forces in many multi racial cities, really Donald Trump should come as no surprise, he is a logical product of US society, maybe the really amazing thing is that Obama lasted as long as he did.


Maybe Obama's problem was that he truly believed in democracy and equality when many around him didn't.


No point trying to cling on to "floating logs" now.


The once powerful PC liberal phrases of yesteryear "Racist, Bigot, Xenophobe, Facist etc etc " which were once used to beat people into submission and silence now have no effect in the new world. The majority have spoken.


You can try to throw little rocks under the wheel but you will not stop it from turning.


Accept democracy, and just move on, if anything to find your peace of mind.

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Chilling times, a moronic idiot in the Oval office surrounded by hot heads with white supremacist thoughts as their prism on the world, already threatening Iran for launching a missile, where does he go when they launch the next missile which they are now bound to do, even if it's one stuffed full of gunpowder.


The problem is that he has huge support in the bible belt and the rust belt, don't know whether going to war is actually going to jolt any of them into seeing beyond the them and us scenario.


America has a long history of white supremicisism and bigotry, look at the McArthur era in the 50's, segregation which still hovers in the background, the John Birch society, the KKK, the quite alarming gun sales, and highly milatarised police forces in many multi racial cities, really Donald Trump should come as no surprise, he is a logical product of US society, maybe the really amazing thing is that Obama lasted as long as he did.


Maybe Obama's problem was that he truly believed in democracy and equality when many around him didn't.


I disagree with this description and labelling him as such underestimates his capabilities. Hitler, during his rise was similarly labelled and his silly moustache and hair style was mocked remorselessly (sound familiar?).


Certainly Trump is not very articulate (but again nor was Hitler by all accounts) but that doesn't make him an idiot. It actually helps him connect with his base, many of whom despise and mistrust intelligence and scientifically proven facts. It is clear that he has serious mental health issues (narcissim for one) but he is not a moron.


Cult leaders such as Pol Pot attack, marginalise and undermine intellectuals and appeal to the lowest common denominator.


The people who have most to fear for now are inside the USA. Moslems, Hispanics and LBGT. Those Moslems who gained asylum may have escaped one tyranny only to find another perhaps.

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I disagree with this description and labelling him as such underestimates his capabilities. Hitler, during his rise was similarly labelled and his silly moustache and hair style was mocked remorselessly (sound familiar?).


Certainly Trump is not very articulate (but again nor was Hitler by all accounts) but that doesn't make him an idiot. It actually helps him connect with his base, many of whom despise and mistrust intelligence and scientifically proven facts. It is clear that he has serious mental health issues (narcissim for one) but he is not a moron.


Cult leaders such as Pol Pot attack, marginalise and undermine intellectuals and appeal to the lowest common denominator.


The people who have most to fear for now are inside the USA. Moslems, Hispanics and LBGT. Those Moslems who gained asylum may have escaped one tyranny only to find another perhaps.


...pol pot ...hitler ......its getting better

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