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Want to lose weight?

Guest BigJon

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OK - first off I am not selling anything!!!! Just sharing information.


I have lost 35 kg in the last year ( 5 + stones in old money) I did this by changing my lifestyle and changing my food choices. My wife followed the same lifestyle and she lost 10 kg almost effortlessly. It really is not too difficult if you are willing to give it a go. This is not a diet it is a way of life which we follow.


If anyone would like to know how we did it please contact me.

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Don't believe there is one silver bullet that works for all. I know what works for me:




  • I stop drinking on my own (sounds weird but as my wife doesn't drink it means I only drink when I'm out and nothing at home. Which means maybe once or twice a fortnight).
  • I write down (or if you want to be pedantic stick it in a phone app) everything I put in my mouth. This stops me snacking and/or lying to myself about what I've eaten (it's amazing the human capacity for self-delusion), a bit like weight watchers but not that rigorous on the points.
  • And I up the exercise a bit, although I do a fair bit of that anyway (eg, cycling to work and back is 1.5 hours hard exercise as the round trip involves around 650m of climbing. I try and cycle to work 2-3 times a week and run on the weekdays where I don't do that, minimum 6k, maybe 10 if I'm feeling particularly good)



I dropped 20Kg about 5 years ago doing that, over the past 2-3 years I've slowly put 10 of those back on so I've just started up again 3 weeks ago when I got back from holiday. Got rid of 5 so far, I'm aiming for another 10 and I reckon I can do it by the end of Jan

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I should add I do a short 3 mile walk lunchtime, a longer 5-10 mile walk on the weekends, I do about a mile or two run with my eleven year old on the weekends, interspersed with the free weight machines in the park, and I try and get 20-40 miles on my mountain bike over the weekend with my eldest son, on roads and trails up the south downs. Nothing too strenuous. I eat like a horse, and eat anything I fancy, but I don't eat between breakfast and tea Mon, tue, wed. I find that by feeling hungry, it lets my body know what feeling full feels like. My weight has eased from 16 stone last Easter to 15 stone now.

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Looks like BigJon, does not want the secret of how to be LittleJon to be known. A very helpful post!

I take my evening meal to work and eat it at 10am, then just have some toast at tea time at home, now it does not exactly help me to loose any significant weight, but at least I am not gaining any.

So BigJon, others are telling their secrets in loosing weight now come on tell us yours!

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Yep, staying in shape isn't rocket science but for some reason it's a multi billion dollar industry.

Why people let themselves get overweight and unfit has always been a mystery to me.

Just about everyone who is overweight knows what they should and need to do. We have friends who are overweight by a lot and they are all experts on diet and exercise and what needs to be done. Trouble is they lack the willpower and mental attitude to do it. They can sit and talk about it for hours over a coffee and a cream cake whilst saying "I shouldn't be eating this".

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..........and easy to apply when your healthy....!

...........but sometimes illness,medication.......has an impact....

...........and you need that dietary industry to help......

...........yes some are overweight through all the reasons of over eating,wrong food.....not enough exercise....

..........but some unfortunately have a consequence from something that is no fault of their own....

.............we often forget this when seeing someone overweight....

...............not all sit in front of the tv eating take aways..!

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..........and easy to apply when your healthy....!

...........but sometimes illness,medication.......has an impact....

...........and you need that dietary industry to help......

...........yes some are overweight through all the reasons of over eating,wrong food.....not enough exercise....

..........but some unfortunately have a consequence from something that is no fault of their own....

.............we often forget this when seeing someone overweight....

...............not all sit in front of the tv eating take aways..!


For sure, some people put on weight when taking certain medication but there are far more fat/obese people around these days due to eating a poor diet and not getting any form of exercise. Some people also blame their genes. My parents were both slim but I take after my Dad's sisters who were frankly quite well rounded. Since my 40's I have made a conscious effort to eat sensibly and get lots of exercise. When younger I could eat what I wanted without worrying about my weight but I was always active.

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Just for fitness purpose. I started workouts at gym recently.

Week-1 74.2 kg

Week-2 73.2 kg

Week-3 72.1 kg

Week-4 71.7 kg

Last night 71.6 kg

Thanks to cross trainer and rowing machine. Had divorce with potato chips. Broke my friendship with icecream


Half an hour ago had bowl of peanuts with finely chopped hot red chili, Soy-sauce + White vinegar to overcome the sorrow. :(

While typing this post am looking at the freezer ( where box of icecream is locked )

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For sure, some people put on weight when taking certain medication but there are far more fat/obese people around these days due to eating a poor diet and not getting any form of exercise. Some people also blame their genes. My parents were both slim but I take after my Dad's sisters who were frankly quite well rounded. Since my 40's I have made a conscious effort to eat sensibly and get lots of exercise. When younger I could eat what I wanted without worrying about my weight but I was always active.
you should do an experiment. One week eat food with soft drinks then next week eat food with water. Sweet drinks encourage us to eat more, and you should see a reduction in what you consume drinking water. It's also not so much that we have more food, but we have greater variety of food. Eat the same meal for a month, and by the end of the month you will be eating less of it as you will be bored with it.
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For sure, some people put on weight when taking certain medication but there are far more fat/obese people around these days due to eating a poor diet and not getting any form of exercise. Some people also blame their genes. My parents were both slim but I take after my Dad's sisters who were frankly quite well rounded. Since my 40's I have made a conscious effort to eat sensibly and get lots of exercise. When younger I could eat what I wanted without worrying about my weight but I was always active.

Both my parents were overweight most of their lives. I never knew my Dad be anything less than 15 stones (in old money) but doing a lot of exercise really wasn't the done thing for their generation. My Mum was a great cook and she always had a dinner with a desert on the table every night. Then she would come in with "a bit of supper" usually a big plate of sandwiches, just before we went to bed. She also used to get up and make me and my dads sandwiches for work every morning. That was just the way it was, she was an old school housewife and it worked brilliantly. She always said the family were "big boned".

Luckily me and my sister have always done lots of sport and were both pretty skinny looking when we were young, despite eating lots and never worrying about diet.

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Looks like BigJon, does not want the secret of how to be LittleJon to be known. A very helpful post!

I take my evening meal to work and eat it at 10am, then just have some toast at tea time at home, now it does not exactly help me to loose any significant weight, but at least I am not gaining any.

So BigJon, others are telling their secrets in loosing weight now come on tell us yours!



Will post tomorrow - no time atm.

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First off, lets dispel some myths -


1. If you are overweight - It is NOT your fault. You are not undisciplined, dumb or lazy.

2. Calories do NOT matter. That old mantra of "calories in versus calories out" has been completely disproved. It is what calories that matters.

3. Vigorous exercise alone will NOT make you lose weight. 80 % of weight loss is food - only 20 % is exercise

4. Government guidelines for "healthy eating" are not established for your health - they are established, almost exclusively, to make food companies profitable.



There are only 2 essential nutrients - protein and fat. There is no such thing as an essential carbohydrate. The body can survive just fine without processed carbs. All carbs are converted into sugar by the body at varying stages of the digestion process. For instance the sugar (carbohydrate) in a cola is absorbed very very quickly, whereas the fructose in blueberries has to be broken down and is consequently absorbed very slowly. When sugar is ingested the body's response is to either store it as energy in the muscles or to store it as fat (saving it for a time of famine). Once it becomes fat, the body works very very hard to keep it.


As the western diet is so overloaded with carbs and sugar the consequence has been the resulting obesity / diabetes epidemic.


So the solution is to radically decrease consumption of carbs and sugar, effectively switching the body's fuel supply from using carbs to instead, using fat as fuel. The body is then forced to withdraw from its own fat reserves to provide energy. And so you effortlessly lose weight. Couple this with some moderate exercise - walking, swimming, weight training to maintain muscle mass, and the weight loss becomes effortless.


I was pre -diabetic, very overweight and needed to take charge of my own health. So I actively researched the best possible way to lose weight. I visit my Doctor every 6 weeks for blood checks. My Doctor has been astounded by the results, she was very sceptical at the beginning - concerned that my cholesterol would rise. In fact my LDL (bad) cholesterol decreased rapidly. I now have excellent BP and am no longer pre-diabetic. Total weight loss so far 33 KG. My wife followed the same program ( bless her ) and she lost 10 kgs - people remark that she looks 10 years younger.


I am happy to discuss with anyone if they want to get greater detail ....there are some variations to this method - a lot depends on your age, sex, ethnicity etc but in reality reducing carbs and eliminating as much sugar as possible works. Good luck.

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First off, lets dispel some myths -


1. If you are overweight - It is NOT your fault. You are not undisciplined, dumb or lazy.

2. Calories do NOT matter. That old mantra of "calories in versus calories out" has been completely disproved. It is what calories that matters.

3. Vigorous exercise alone will NOT make you lose weight. 80 % of weight loss is food - only 20 % is exercise

4. Government guidelines for "healthy eating" are not established for your health - they are established, almost exclusively, to make food companies profitable.



There are only 2 essential nutrients - protein and fat. There is no such thing as an essential carbohydrate. The body can survive just fine without processed carbs. All carbs are converted into sugar by the body at varying stages of the digestion process. For instance the sugar (carbohydrate) in a cola is absorbed very very quickly, whereas the fructose in blueberries has to be broken down and is consequently absorbed very slowly. When sugar is ingested the body's response is to either store it as energy in the muscles or to store it as fat (saving it for a time of famine). Once it becomes fat, the body works very very hard to keep it.


As the western diet is so overloaded with carbs and sugar the consequence has been the resulting obesity / diabetes epidemic.


So the solution is to radically decrease consumption of carbs and sugar, effectively switching the body's fuel supply from using carbs to instead, using fat as fuel. The body is then forced to withdraw from its own fat reserves to provide energy. And so you effortlessly lose weight. Couple this with some moderate exercise - walking, swimming, weight training to maintain muscle mass, and the weight loss becomes effortless.


I was pre -diabetic, very overweight and needed to take charge of my own health. So I actively researched the best possible way to lose weight. I visit my Doctor every 6 weeks for blood checks. My Doctor has been astounded by the results, she was very sceptical at the beginning - concerned that my cholesterol would rise. In fact my LDL (bad) cholesterol decreased rapidly. I now have excellent BP and am no longer pre-diabetic. Total weight loss so far 33 KG. My wife followed the same program ( bless her ) and she lost 10 kgs - people remark that she looks 10 years younger.


I am happy to discuss with anyone if they want to get greater detail ....there are some variations to this method - a lot depends on your age, sex, ethnicity etc but in reality reducing carbs and eliminating as much sugar as possible works. Good luck.


I pretty much did the same as this along with some intermittent fasting every so often and walking four or five times per week. I lost 15kg in about eight or ten weeks, and even when I was in the UK for a month (and having meals cooked for me and being plied with alcohol!) I didn't put any weight on, as I had thought I would. Now I'm over the jet-lag I'll be getting back to it in the next few days. I haven't had any problems with my cholesterol or blood pressure, and I'm not diabetic, but am a 41 year old woman with sub-clinical hypothyroidism (which the doctor won't treat, although I was offered a statin despite not having cholesterol problems because I'm apparently in 'that age group') and depression/anxiety, but I can 100% say with certainty that I felt absolutely outstanding whilst eating this way. I know it's only an anecdote, but it's worth a try.

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OK - first off I am not selling anything!!!! Just sharing information.


I have lost 35 kg in the last year ( 5 + stones in old money) I did this by changing my lifestyle and changing my food choices. My wife followed the same lifestyle and she lost 10 kg almost effortlessly. It really is not too difficult if you are willing to give it a go. This is not a diet it is a way of life which we follow.


If anyone would like to know how we did it please contact me.



Sounds interesting. Can you email it to me? Thanks.

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Sounds interesting. Can you email it to me? Thanks.


The big secret was revealed in his post #15 above.


"So the solution is to radically decrease consumption of carbs and sugar, effectively switching the body's fuel supply from using carbs to instead, using fat as fuel. The body is then forced to withdraw from its own fat reserves to provide energy. And so you effortlessly lose weight. Couple this with some moderate exercise - walking, swimming, weight training to maintain muscle mass, and the weight loss becomes effortless. "

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I still reckon if people exercise enough they can eat what they like. When I say exercise though I'm not talking about a 30 minute walk, that's not going to do it. Get up an hour or so earlier than you would usually and do something that's going to get your heart rate up and your metabolism going.

Then go for a swim for an hour or so after work. Not an easy swim either, again not going to help much. Do some timed 50 or 100's and try and improve on your time.

You will feel hungry and really enjoy your food and not put on any weight if you do that as a daily routine with a bit more mileage at the weekends. Helps you sleep better too.

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I still reckon if people exercise enough they can eat what they like. When I say exercise though I'm not talking about a 30 minute walk, that's not going to do it. Get up an hour or so earlier than you would usually and do something that's going to get your heart rate up and your metabolism going.

Then go for a swim for an hour or so after work. Not an easy swim either, again not going to help much. Do some timed 50 or 100's and try and improve on your time.

You will feel hungry and really enjoy your food and not put on any weight if you do that as a daily routine with a bit more mileage at the weekends. Helps you sleep better too.

I think if you focus more on reducing sugar than fat you are going to be more successful. But reducing carbs is one thing. Removing them altogether is something else.
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Hey guys,


I would like to add my own personal experience with weight. I am overweight I'm quite broad so my ideal weight I believe would be a little higher than the "average" for my height, I'm 5'10 and I weigh 100kgs so that's about 15 stone.


I love my food however I don't have a sweet tooth, thankfully otherwise I reckon I could add a few more kilios to that figure. Now I was very skinny as a young kid up until the age of around 13, didn't really get above 13 stone until the last few years. My weight gain was simply caused by depression, in 2013 MY stepdad died of cancer and a month later my mum committed suicide, she had a rough 3 years and just couldn't take life without him, anyway I was in the UK, just got back from travelling and after this happened, I found it hard to move on, I also had a very stressful job that I really hated but stuck it out because where I'm from "its a job mate" is better than health.


Annnnyway... I've never been diagnosed with depression or had any counciling, I never visit a doc, think maybe once in the last 20 years. I deal with my own stuff. I know its not the right way but its how I deal with stuff. So in 2015 I decided I had to get away and came to Australia at the time it was my last chance to get a WHV so done it, secured a job and now going for sponsorship.


However even after moving away and getting on with my life the depression was still there, I had no interest in anything except, work mon-fri get drunk Friday, be hungover sat and then sunday get ready for work again. This has made me gain the weight, I actually would feel sick of the thought of exercising and getting fitter, it was so much easier just eating and binge-drinking my life away.


Depression sucks, However one day I woke up and just felt different, it was a couple of months ago I looked in the mirror and was disgusted of what I see, I actually laughed at the person looking back at me, The week after that I joined a gym, I stopped drinking (I don't think I have any kind of drink problem, I never drink at home and always sociable but always went too far) And I stopped eating all the takeways..


I still have a long way to go, I want to get down to a weight Ive probably never been before, I don't know what the number is, but when I look in the mirror I want to be happy with the reflection and I am in no rush, 2months 3 months 4 months, Ive abused my body for the last 5 years so I will give it as long as it takes to make it better.


Since joining the gym, Ive been 6 days a week so far for 3 weeks, I do enjoy it I have very painful shin splints and a dodgy left knee so I use machines that I can use, I work pretty hard for that couple of hours every night and now on a no-carb detox for two weeks. Learning about how the body works and what foods to eat when is so much better.


I believe people put on weight for many many different reasons, I do think some people are born with a fat gene, my friends baby grew into a fat child, however her other 2 children are skinny, I think there are many reasons and yes being lazy is probably one too.


The advice from the original poster is good sound advice for losing weight coupled with exercise and drinking lots of H2o You will lose the weight, I do agree that you can eat whatever you want if you have balance of food and exercise however if you are currently overweight and just starting out like me, then cut them carbs off and start burning that fat...


Good Luck, I will revisit this post in a few months ;O)

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Guest The Pom Queen

I put on 4kg in 2 weeks with a new heart failure drug they put me on. I wanted to gain some weight back after the major op but if it continues it means another op argghhh.

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Hey guys,


I would like to add my own personal experience with weight. I am overweight I'm quite broad so my ideal weight I believe would be a little higher than the "average" for my height, I'm 5'10 and I weigh 100kgs so that's about 15 stone.


I love my food however I don't have a sweet tooth, thankfully otherwise I reckon I could add a few more kilios to that figure. Now I was very skinny as a young kid up until the age of around 13, didn't really get above 13 stone until the last few years. My weight gain was simply caused by depression, in 2013 MY stepdad died of cancer and a month later my mum committed suicide, she had a rough 3 years and just couldn't take life without him, anyway I was in the UK, just got back from travelling and after this happened, I found it hard to move on, I also had a very stressful job that I really hated but stuck it out because where I'm from "its a job mate" is better than health.


Annnnyway... I've never been diagnosed with depression or had any counciling, I never visit a doc, think maybe once in the last 20 years. I deal with my own stuff. I know its not the right way but its how I deal with stuff. So in 2015 I decided I had to get away and came to Australia at the time it was my last chance to get a WHV so done it, secured a job and now going for sponsorship.


However even after moving away and getting on with my life the depression was still there, I had no interest in anything except, work mon-fri get drunk Friday, be hungover sat and then sunday get ready for work again. This has made me gain the weight, I actually would feel sick of the thought of exercising and getting fitter, it was so much easier just eating and binge-drinking my life away.


Depression sucks, However one day I woke up and just felt different, it was a couple of months ago I looked in the mirror and was disgusted of what I see, I actually laughed at the person looking back at me, The week after that I joined a gym, I stopped drinking (I don't think I have any kind of drink problem, I never drink at home and always sociable but always went too far) And I stopped eating all the takeways..


I still have a long way to go, I want to get down to a weight Ive probably never been before, I don't know what the number is, but when I look in the mirror I want to be happy with the reflection and I am in no rush, 2months 3 months 4 months, Ive abused my body for the last 5 years so I will give it as long as it takes to make it better.


Since joining the gym, Ive been 6 days a week so far for 3 weeks, I do enjoy it I have very painful shin splints and a dodgy left knee so I use machines that I can use, I work pretty hard for that couple of hours every night and now on a no-carb detox for two weeks. Learning about how the body works and what foods to eat when is so much better.


I believe people put on weight for many many different reasons, I do think some people are born with a fat gene, my friends baby grew into a fat child, however her other 2 children are skinny, I think there are many reasons and yes being lazy is probably one too.


The advice from the original poster is good sound advice for losing weight coupled with exercise and drinking lots of H2o You will lose the weight, I do agree that you can eat whatever you want if you have balance of food and exercise however if you are currently overweight and just starting out like me, then cut them carbs off and start burning that fat...


Good Luck, I will revisit this post in a few months ;O)


That sounds such a sensible way of doing it, well done.


People put on weight for all different reasons, but unless it's a result of medication or a medical reason, for most the only way to lose it is to either eat healthier or exercise more - or a combination of both - and most people know what eating healthy is. I know that snacking my way through half a brie, or stopping on the way into work for bacon and eggs probably isn't going to help me lose weight for instance!


I don't think hearing about a miracle diet or a miracle weight-loss scheme does anyone any good - what works for one probably won't work for another, and everyone has different lifestyles and levels of willpower. I know someone that lost huge amounts of weight, but that was by becoming bulimic which is hardly something to recommend to others! I haven't read the rest of the thread I admit, but there are so many schemes looking to make money from those desperate to lose weight - "Call me now and I'll share my secret" type of thing! Even if they told me I could still eat my half a brie and bacon breakfast, if I just followed their plan as well I would lose weight, I would seriously question it, and question my sanity if I believed it - however much I wanted to!!

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  • 2 weeks later...
I still reckon if people exercise enough they can eat what they like. When I say exercise though I'm not talking about a 30 minute walk, that's not going to do it. Get up an hour or so earlier than you would usually and do something that's going to get your heart rate up and your metabolism going.

Then go for a swim for an hour or so after work. Not an easy swim either, again not going to help much. Do some timed 50 or 100's and try and improve on your time.

You will feel hungry and really enjoy your food and not put on any weight if you do that as a daily routine with a bit more mileage at the weekends. Helps you sleep better too.


There is no doubt that exercise plays a part in weight loss but there are many other factors. There is now overwhelming evidence that Carbs and Sugar intake forces the body to store fat. The outdated notion of energy in v energy out is totally disproven.

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