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Not at all, I'm looking to spend 2 years then apply for a PR visa. The employers I've been put on to so far have agreed to assist with the process. Maybe I need to look into other avenues


It would be very unusual for an employer to pay the applicants processing fees, they pay their own bit but most will expect you to pay your own part. Unless you are perhaps very senior in the organisation and can negotiate a cracking deal.


There is no automatic qualification for a permanent visa after two years either. The employer might not want to sponsor at this point or just be unable to, the rules might have changed.


It would be useful if you could advise of age as it potentially makes a huge difference to avenues to look into.

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Not at all, I'm looking to spend 2 years then apply for a PR visa. The employers I've been put on to so far have agreed to assist with the process. Maybe I need to look into other avenues


The forum regularly sees cases of people promised PR by employers and later find the employer won't. Even when it is in the contract, it isn't enforceable. Also companies change policy and rules change. For example, I was on a 457 and was sponsored for PR by my company. But just after, it changed policy and many colleagues lost out.


Also, if your age is too high to prevent PR now, it probably will be to old for sponsored PR

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I'm 45


It will hard to pass the points test for skilled migrant visa then unfortunately. But not impossible and you should check it. A degree, eight years skilled work experience, top marks for English and regional state sponsorship would get the 60 points for example.


This would be a provisional visa initially but after two years, if you comply with the conditions of the visa, you would be able to upgrade it to a permanent visa. Unlike the 457, where you just won't know and it will be out of your control.

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It is unlikely you would qualify for a permanent visa now without sponsorship as most people can't after 45 as they can't get enough points. It is possible you would also not pass a skills assessment which is a requirement for such visas. So, a 457 would be the only likely route. However, as I have mentioned, this is only a temporary visa and you would have to go on the assumption that you would be returning to the UK at the end of it.

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I think the other thing working against me could be the fact that although I have 20 years experience, I have been out of the trade for 8 years. I didn't do very well academically either.

I don't know much about how to go about migrant visas, cost or what's involved. Seems a bit of a minefield. :(



I think that rules out skilled migration then. With eight years out of the trade you are unlikely to pass skills assessment and of course you won't get the maximum work experience points.


What field are you looking for work in? The field you work in currently or the trade you refer to being out of for eight years? Are they both on the lists?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey just wondering if anyone could tell me what the work situation is like in Geraldton,the Mrs has been offered a job and was just looking to see if there was much work around for myself.I work security here in Scotland but i am trade qualified as a painter and plasterer. Not to fussed what I do to be honest I just want to make sure there will be jobs available.

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Hey just wondering if anyone could tell me what the work situation is like in Geraldton,the Mrs has been offered a job and was just looking to see if there was much work around for myself.I work security here in Scotland but i am trade qualified as a painter and plasterer. Not to fussed what I do to be honest I just want to make sure there will be jobs available.
I don't know Geraldtons situation, but generally wa is in a bit of a downturn after the mining boom. It's not terrible; not mass unemployment or making people redundant, but I would imagine recruitment is low. But have a bit of a look. But have a look. Security is recession proof, and even despite the housing downturn, there may be decorating work.
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Hey just wondering if anyone could tell me what the work situation is like in Geraldton,the Mrs has been offered a job and was just looking to see if there was much work around for myself.I work security here in Scotland but i am trade qualified as a painter and plasterer. Not to fussed what I do to be honest I just want to make sure there will be jobs available.


I think there is a high percentage of unemployment. A lot of jobs are advertised on Facebook have a look for 'everything geraldton' might be some useful info and job tips on there. Post your experience and qualifications and hopefully the right person will see it.

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  • 6 months later...

We may have the opportunity to move to Geraldton for work. 

We currently live in Tasmania. 

I've read so much about 'Gero' and main issues seem to be higher crime/drugs in certain areas, and reasonably isolated. 

However it has to be all relative, surely. Where we currently live now is 2.5 hours to the nearest supermarket for example. There's 600 people in town. All I want is to be able to get a takeaway delivered to my house or go to Target.

People seem to love where I live now though and I don't understand it! I hate it. I do love the beach here though and 4wd and boating. So that's a tick for Geraldton too. 

Of course we will visit before we commit. Suburbs to avoid? I've read Spalding and Rangeway. Good Suburbs? I've read Drummond Cove, Sunset Beach, Tarcoola Beach (?) 

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2 hours ago, bobby122 said:

We may have the opportunity to move to Geraldton for work. 

We currently live in Tasmania. 

I've read so much about 'Gero' and main issues seem to be higher crime/drugs in certain areas, and reasonably isolated. 

However it has to be all relative, surely. Where we currently live now is 2.5 hours to the nearest supermarket for example. There's 600 people in town. All I want is to be able to get a takeaway delivered to my house or go to Target.

People seem to love where I live now though and I don't understand it! I hate it. I do love the beach here though and 4wd and boating. So that's a tick for Geraldton too. 

Of course we will visit before we commit. Suburbs to avoid? I've read Spalding and Rangeway. Good Suburbs? I've read Drummond Cove, Sunset Beach, Tarcoola Beach (?) 

I couldn't live in one of those far flung wee towns either. I'm on the north west coast and everything is very handy, in fact I can walk to the supermarkets etc.  You'll find a big difference when you move to Geraldton.

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On 17 July 2017 at 00:21, bobby122 said:

We may have the opportunity to move to Geraldton for work. 

We currently live in Tasmania. 

I've read so much about 'Gero' and main issues seem to be higher crime/drugs in certain areas, and reasonably isolated. 

However it has to be all relative, surely. Where we currently live now is 2.5 hours to the nearest supermarket for example. There's 600 people in town. All I want is to be able to get a takeaway delivered to my house or go to Target.

People seem to love where I live now though and I don't understand it! I hate it. I do love the beach here though and 4wd and boating. So that's a tick for Geraldton too. 

Of course we will visit before we commit. Suburbs to avoid? I've read Spalding and Rangeway. Good Suburbs? I've read Drummond Cove, Sunset Beach, Tarcoola Beach (?) 

Hi bobby122,

We lived in Gero from May 2014 till October 2015 and we absolutely loved our time there! If you like beaches, 4wd and boating it is the perfect place for all that. The beaches are amazing and in my opinion Geraldton has everything you need although it is quite isolated being a 4-5 hour drive from Perth. We lived in the newer part of Glenfield which is next to Drummond Cove and in my opinion either of those places are the best areas to live in. I also like those areas over the likes of Wandina because they are north of town which means you will drive past Glenfield IGA and Target on your way in and out of town. I don't know if you have kids or not but we absolutely loved the foreshore area of Gero and the water park was amazing(and free) for kids but since we left they have developed the foreshore even more and have lots more things to do there now.

Crime was an issue in certain areas like the ones you mentioned but we never had any problems at all while we were there. Good luck and if I can help with any other questions feel free to ask away

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