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eu referendum update


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Surely you're joking! This situation was of his making, he went to the EU to renegotiate using a referendum of leaving the EU as a stick to beat them with. He got absolutely nothing from them, he then had to call a referendum but campaigned for remain. He made himself look like a tool. The eurocrat gave him nothing the first time around, why would they give him anything this time?


He couldn't look any more stupid if he dropped his dacks outside number 10 and started bunny hopping down the street. He is a man who tied his own shoelaces together, and has then fallen flat on his face. Totally out of touch with the population.


He was destined to be remembered as the most boring man since John Major. Now he will be remembered as the fool who destroyed the UK and Europe.

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1.1 million in Scotland voted to leave so hardly the case the whole of Scotland voted in. Interesting to note though that if every single one of those 1.1 million voted to remain it still wouldn't change the result.



Im not saying that, i read plenty people on pages saying they wanted to leave. I was saying that all 33 areas voted to remain. I think it was 30% leave and 60% stay. It doesnt makeba difference anyway. In the general election we voted the opposite but got what england wanted and now this is the same.

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Im not saying that, i read plenty people on pages saying they wanted to leave. I was saying that all 33 areas voted to remain. I think it was 30% leave and 60% stay. It doesnt makeba difference anyway. In the general election we voted the opposite but got what england wanted and now this is the same.


I might get bumper stickers and t-shirts printed - Welcome to Wengland! - The yanks and Chinese will love them! I guess tourism will be the only industry we have left.

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He couldn't look any more stupid if he dropped his dacks outside number 10 and started bunny hopping down the street. He is a man who tied his own shoelaces together, and has then fallen flat on his face. Totally out of touch with the population.


He was destined to be remembered as the most boring man since John Major. Now he will be remembered as the fool who destroyed the UK and Europe.


John Major was not boring his favourite take away was a Curry.

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Well just listening to out voters on the TV, I think a lot of people are in for some nasty shocks, people who seem to think immigration and immigrants are just going to go away, and people are now emboldened to simply say they voted out because of immigrants, that genie is not going to go back in the bottle any time now.

Where is the UK going to be in 2-3 years time when immigrants are still doing the low paid jobs and there is no greater amount of cheap housing and you still can't get to see a doctor, what then, Michael Farage? The BNP?.

People have been comprehensively lied to and encouraged to think that there are simply answers to complex problems and the protest vote didn't understand and was never told that the recession and austerity were the result of Conservative policy, which may be in part be due to globalisation, but which leaving the EU will do nothing about.

So now we are out of the EU with the Conservatives still in power and about to cosy up to the US the very heart of neo conservatism and dog eat dog capitalism, where holidays are not legislated for and has the worst health care in the western world and the greatest divide between rich and poor and the lowest levels of literacy, not reassuring as an aspirational destination.

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Just found out that Nicola Sturgeon is going for a second Scottish independence vote to remain in the EU as previously predicted. probably get up this time.


Yippee my Wife is a Scot!


It's getting late now so must go to bed get addicted to this.

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Im not saying that, i read plenty people on pages saying they wanted to leave. I was saying that all 33 areas voted to remain. I think it was 30% leave and 60% stay. It doesnt makeba difference anyway. In the general election we voted the opposite but got what england wanted and now this is the same.


Actually I expect the majority of Scots are delighted to be on the losing side as even when they win something they seem to prefer to pretend they lost. Look at the recent Scottish referendum. Something they couldn't fail to win as whichever result they got would be the one the majority of Scots wanted - yet it's portrayed as if they lost. Take the battle of Culloden: Most of the winning side were Scottish; There were more Scots fighting on the winning side than there were on the losing side; There are more Scots alive today who are descended from those who fought on the winning side than from the losing side - and yet they celebrate it as if they lost. It must be that they prefer losing.

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Just found out that Nicola Sturgeon is going for a second Scottish independence vote to remain in the EU as previously predicted. probably get up this time.


Yippee my Wife is a Scot!


It's getting late now so must go to bed get addicted to this.


I'd be tempted to move there.

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Actually I expect the majority of Scots are delighted to be on the losing side as even when they win something they seem to prefer to pretend they lost. Look at the recent Scottish referendum. Something they couldn't fail to win as whichever result they got would be the one the majority of Scots wanted - yet it's portrayed as if they lost. Take the battle of Culloden: Most of the winning side were Scottish; There were more Scots fighting on the winning side than there were on the losing side; There are more Scots alive today who are descended from those who fought on the winning side than from the losing side - and yet they celebrate it as if they lost. It must be that they prefer losing.



Battle of Hastings? We are the Normans - but we pretend to be the Saxons.

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Well that's it, Morgan Stanley are moving 2000 staff to Frankfurt or Dublin, how good does that feel for the leavers, FFS.

As Victor used to say"I don't believe iiiiittttttttttttttt"!!!!!!


You might want to take another look at that story..

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Well, we have sod all chance of getting any votes in Eurovision next year.


Just been reading about article 50. Everything needs to be agreed with the other 27 states. This is going to go on for years. And all the time the negotiations go on, we have no power. It's like being hung out to dry. They certainly didn't want to make it easy.


If they let us have a Norwegian model, that involves free movement. Laughed at that.


I'd be worried if I was a retired in Spain or France. Lots to ponder. I wonder who does the negotiations?

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I am absolutely over f@$$@$!joyed at the result...it's like a big cloud has lifted.I am loving watching tony Blair, Alistair Campbell etc etc on the verge of tears who where the" coordinators" of the reasons why the majority wanted to leave.so so happy knowing I can return now knowing the issues that made me come here in the first place will be addressed. Always look on the bright side of life.. Du..du......du..du..du..dudu:wink:

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Let the dust settle. What we have to remember is that London people were doing very well and have been ever since Britain went into the Union, however as I said before at the expense of so many more people who did not live in London. I am alright Jack. In a way the way people have reacted in London to the referendum just enforces my view that people have no interest in their country anymore, its all about me. No interest in maintaining heritage and culture that is for someone else to do. So they have moved bankers, big loss to London but it will be no different out in the counties because the drip down effect never worked and never will.


Yes it will be tough, but things were getting tough anyway in our world of too many consumable items and rubbish and all that stuff.


I am not a fan of going backwards but I am a fan of everyone having a fair deal and if I have to lose some then that is ok


For me at least Britain will make their own decisions.


If Australia and New Zealand small countries and much smaller when Britain went in and were left hanging with no markets for their products can survive I am sure Britain can. Yep we picked ourselves up dusted ourselves off and got down to replacing our markets with no help. NZ did get some special consideration due to size and so they should have.

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This applies ONLY to extending the withdrawal period beyond 2 years. The 2 years is otherwise automatic unless it's agreed upon EARLIER



Time is irrelevant. You can't withdraw before two years, but it could take years to negotiate an exit. They estimate seven. It will be a nightmare.




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Time is irrelevant. You can't withdraw before two years, but it could take years to negotiate an exit. They estimate seven. It will be a nightmare.




I think you will find you can withdraw before two years, so long as everything is in place and agreement to do so is reached.

The two year limit is on having a exit plan in place and agreed. It is the details of that plan which gives timetable for withdrawal.

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