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Random things we didn't know about Australia before we arrived.


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My OH is a bit of a big girl's blouse when it comes to spiders. :laugh: We always had the outside of the house sprayed in Sydney to keep the spiders from coming into the house. Prior to that we once had a large huntsman climbing up the sitting room wall - I had to get a big glass and a sheet of paper - easy to remove that way - glass over spider - slide sheet of paper under glass and spider - them remove to garden. Never bothered me but he wasn't too keen. Big wuss!


I wasn't prepared for how fast Huntsman move. Don't know how you get a glass over them as thet move like lightening and we don't possess glasses big enough anyway. Would have needed a pudding bowl for the first one we had. We resort to knocking the wall and chasing them out of the door lol.


Some of the cockroaches are huge too and move like lightning. Oh and huge crickets, this one jumped onto my wife while gardening.




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I wasn't prepared for how fast Huntsman move. Don't know how you get a glass over them as thet move like lightening and we don't possess glasses big enough anyway. Would have needed a pudding bowl for the first one we had. We resort to knocking the wall and chasing them out of the door lol.


Some of the cockroaches are huge too and move like lightning. Oh and huge crickets, this one jumped onto my wife while gardening.




Maybe the huntsman I removed was having a snooze. Easy to place a pint glass over and remove safely.


Yeuck! Cockroaches are revolting! We used to get large praying mantis around the outside of the house. The used to fascinate me.

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I wasn't prepared for how fast Huntsman move. Don't know how you get a glass over them as thet move like lightening and we don't possess glasses big enough anyway. Would have needed a pudding bowl for the first one we had. We resort to knocking the wall and chasing them out of the door lol.


Some of the cockroaches are huge too and move like lightning. Oh and huge crickets, this one jumped onto my wife while gardening.




I use the plastic tubs you get with Chinese take aways, still have to be quick though, then slide a piece of card underneath and carry out to the bush's in the road reserve. Cockroach's similar except they the get the fly spray instead of the bush's!

PS looks like a baby cricket!

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I use the plastic tubs you get with Chinese take aways, still have to be quick though, then slide a piece of card underneath ...


Yes, that's what I use too....or, if the spider can be wrangled on to a broomhead, they cling on long enough to get out the door.

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I use the plastic tubs you get with Chinese take aways, still have to be quick though, then slide a piece of card underneath and carry out to the bush's in the road reserve. Cockroach's similar except they the get the fly spray instead of the bush's!

PS looks like a baby cricket!


Actually the crickets are cute (though haven't had one indoors). Cockroaches just get whacked with a sandal unless they try hiding then its the spray often followed by the sandal when they break cover.


Ashamed to say that my wife is far better than me at dealing with the spiders. I am somwhat arachnaphobic unfortunately and suffer a form of paralysis when confronted by a Huntsman in the house. No way could I catch one (and wouldn't kill it either).


I used to read posts like mine in the UK and they gave me the willies but the reality is you dont get many in the house. 3 huntsman in 7 months and less than 10 cockroaches and you do get better at dealing with them. We are also semi-rural up in Mt Cotton so get more wildlife than you would in most places nearer the coast.

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Actually I reckon we see less spiders here than we did in the UK - autumn time in England we always used to get those big black house spiders, or the ones that somehow get in the bath! Yukk! When we first moved here I was scared to walk under any trees in case a spider dropped on my head. We've had a couple of big huntsmen - including one on the sun visor in OH's car (!) and a couple of unidentified (possibly wolf?) spiders around, plus there are red backs and black house spiders around the outside, but that's about it. I think the cats eat any they find.


What did surprise me here in Aus is how the price of petrol fluctuates from one day - sometimes one hour! - to the next! Went up 30% overnight the other week!!

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Just jumping in on this post, whilst everyone is saying what they didn't expect before you arrived in Australia, can anyone tell me how bad the spider's are over there?? We are in the waiting process now for our skilled visa and I keep hearing horror stories about how bad the dangerous spiders are with coming into your home etc!! Is it as bad as the stories I'm hearing??


Not at all bad. I've not been killed by one for at least three weeks...


Only joking, they really aren't bad at all (or at least not in my area - you may choose to live in a spider-infested hell). In the seven years we've been here we have had two huntsmen in the house (one big, one small), two huntsmen in the car (both OH's car, not mine so I don't care), a few redbacks around the pool and in the garage which are easily dealt with, and no fatalities from snake bites. I was worried about spiders before we came, but then we got four (indoor) cats who ensure that our home is a spider-free zone.


They really aren't a problem. You will see the 2m wide orb weaver webs to start with and wonder why you ever left the safety of the UK, but after a while you will accept that spiders are happy doing their thing without humans getting in the way.


ETA: The thing that surprised me the most about living here is probably the cost of living, the lack of courtesy when driving and the fact that there is no dawn chorus, more a symphony of klaxons.

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Where in Australia are you heading? Spiders are more prolific in warmer areas...so the further north you are. I hardly ever see a spider here and they are usually quite small...but I'm in one of the coolest parts of the country. I know that my daughter was freaked out by the size of spiders when she moved from here to Brisbane.


We're not sure which part we are going to at the minute we have completed the skills assessment visa and as far as I am aware (my husband has sorted all the visa out too complicated for me ha) we await to see if we receive a job offer in order to get there, so its a waiting game for us at the minute

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Not at all bad. I've not been killed by one for at least three weeks...


Only joking, they really aren't bad at all (or at least not in my area - you may choose to live in a spider-infested hell). In the seven years we've been here we have had two huntsmen in the house (one big, one small), two huntsmen in the car (both OH's car, not mine so I don't care), a few redbacks around the pool and in the garage which are easily dealt with, and no fatalities from snake bites. I was worried about spiders before we came, but then we got four (indoor) cats who ensure that our home is a spider-free zone.


They really aren't a problem. You will see the 2m wide orb weaver webs to start with and wonder why you ever left the safety of the UK, but after a while you will accept that spiders are happy doing their thing without humans getting in the way.


ETA: The thing that surprised me the most about living here is probably the cost of living, the lack of courtesy when driving and the fact that there is no dawn chorus, more a symphony of klaxons.


AAAHHHH this is what is freaking me out, I can deal with them being in the house as you can run away and get someone else to remove it from the house, but the fact they get in your car I can't cope with because your a prisoner there is nowhere to go, nothing to do, other than scream like a banshee and most likely cause a pile up with other cars in your panic hahaha

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Don't worry about spiders. I wouldn't call myself an arachnophobe, but when I first came here I would worry about taking my son down to the playground (dirt! logs! that spiders! could hide in!) and even used to get the heebs running under low hanging trees


As soon as you realise they aren't actively lining up to leap out at you and sink their fangs in then they aren't scary at all. "More scared of you than you are of them" is definitely true.


We don't get many spiders inside at all and there don't seem to be many redbacks around the house/garden either. Quite a few huntsmen around though, and I've found (outside, under a paving slab) one funnel web.


(I still can't say I particularly enjoy getting a faceful of web in the garden but nothing that makes such webs is dangerous so it's unpleasant rather than scary)

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AAAHHHH this is what is freaking me out, I can deal with them being in the house as you can run away and get someone else to remove it from the house, but the fact they get in your car I can't cope with because your a prisoner there is nowhere to go, nothing to do, other than scream like a banshee and most likely cause a pile up with other cars in your panic hahaha


I totally understand that! The huntsmen are big. The first one we saw in the house was on the first morning we moved into our first rental (so like two days after being here!). It ran up the wall to the side of me, causing me to run screaming from the room. Although I am a bit of an arachnophobe, I'm not the sort of person who could just kill a spider, so I made OH catch it to put it outside. I will never forget the way OH said "Erm, could you please find me something bigger to catch it with?". *Shudder*.


I don't know what I'd do if I got one in the car and I was driving. We did have a small one in a hire car in Tasmania which I saw run down underneath the back seat as I was helping youngest daughter put her seatbelt on. It took every bit of strength I had not to scream and then to get in the car to drive to the airport for our flight home.


Really though they aren't as bad as everyone makes out. We've not seen any funnel webs at all, although my friends get them in their gardens so I know that they are around. We've not really seen any snakes either, just a green tree snake and a diamond python in the garden.

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We've not really seen any snakes either, just a green tree snake and a diamond python in the garden.


Haha I think you must be full on Aussie now LKC. I would have freaked at the idea of finding a python in my garden before coming here but now I know better :)

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