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Julian Assange


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Would love to know the reaction by the British public to the UN's determination that Assange is being held against his will? Forgive the ignorance but didn't he walk in there of his own accord and what about the rights of the alleged Swedish victim and her chances of justice?

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Would love to know the reaction by the British public to the UN's determination that Assange is being held against his will? Forgive the ignorance but didn't he walk in there of his own accord and what about the rights of the alleged Swedish victim and her chances of justice?


My thoughts exactly. The ruling by the UN is so perverse I think that either I am missing something obvious or these judges inhabit some sort of parallel universe.

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My thoughts exactly. The ruling by the UN is so perverse I think that either I am missing something obvious or these judges inhabit some sort of parallel universe.


Glad you think so too. They say he is being "arbitrarily detained"???? He's not being "detained" at all. He sought voluntary asylum. He's quite free to leave at any time. I'm sure the Ecuadorian Embassy would love to see the back of him.

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Glad you think so too. They say he is being "arbitrarily detained"???? He's not being "detained" at all. He sought voluntary asylum. He's quite free to leave at any time. I'm sure the Ecuadorian Embassy would love to see the back of him.


Obviously the Ecuadorian Embassy would prefer him where he should be, that being exile in Ecuador which has granted him asylum rights. One thing he is not is free to leave at anytime.

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So Britain should tear up its extradition treaties ?

The way treaties are implemented is invariably a matter for discretion and in this case, political machinations seem to be at play. Sophisticated readers seem to have spotted that - even those of us on diametrically opposite sides of the political spectrum.

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There's already a thread on this that's alive and well in The Ring.


Not everyone accesses the Ring forum.


Those that don't are blissfully unaware this topic exists therefore.

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Ah yes the sophisticated posters who think Princess Diana was murdered by Prince Philip.


No I can't compete with that brain power.


Non 'Australian 'readers so afraid you'll be left in struggling in the wake of the good ship 'Awareness'. A sound vessel by all accounts, slicing through all obstructing objects en route, akin to a knife in butter.

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I would feel better without trumped up charges and the Americans lingering behind the scenes. Don't you get it is more than a sexual crime, which is Not rape.


Are the UN judges confirming that these are trumped up charges?


My understanding was that they were ruling that Assange was being unlawfully detained and not commenting on the substance or otherwise of the charges. On this basis any fugitive from the law could claim that their liberty has been denied simply because they have had to stay hidden and therefore suffered a loss of liberty. Presumably the missing assassin in the Paris shooting is similarly afflicted as the ongoing manhunt for him must significantly curtail his freedom.


This is a diificult area here and I suppose it depends on your starting point; whether you believe that there is a global conspiracy involving 3 countries to falsely accuse, extradite, try and imprison someone (or extradite again to the USA). I still think that Assange would be better off fighting the due process than trying to evade it in Ecuador.

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I would feel better without trumped up charges


Can you confirm that they're "trumped up" or is that statement akin to that put out by "conspiracy theorists" I've yet to see any evidence, other than mere suspicion, that can convince me that they're false, so I'd welcome something concrete in order to form an opinion.

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Trying to tug on the heartstrings by waxing on about how his children have been "deprived of their father" when he put himself into his current situation is the measure of the man I reckon. Odious little turd


He can end this "arbitrary detention" at any time by walking out of the front door

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This lays out the evidence regarding the rape complaint. I would say it's not really trumped up, but it's not a clear cut case against him either. For example, he was staying at the flat of the first complainant and she let him stay another 6 days after he allegedly raped her. Also the other complainant was having consensual sex but then alleged he had sex with her without a condom which was nonconsensual. I would be surprised if he was convicted, but if he was cleared then he would be shipped off to the US and treated worse than Bradley Manning.


In fairness, if we walked out the door of the embassy he wouldn't spend another minute free for the rest of his life and I would be hugely surprised if the US allowed him to talk to his kids. Regardless of the rape case, if he sets foot in a country willing to extradite him to the US then he will be locked up in solitary forever. Hence, it's not really his decision to stay in the embassy. It's the only viable alternative.

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Are the UN judges confirming that these are trumped up charges?


My understanding was that they were ruling that Assange was being unlawfully detained and not commenting on the substance or otherwise of the charges. On this basis any fugitive from the law could claim that their liberty has been denied simply because they have had to stay hidden and therefore suffered a loss of liberty. Presumably the missing assassin in the Paris shooting is similarly afflicted as the ongoing manhunt for him must significantly curtail his freedom.


This is a diificult area here and I suppose it depends on your starting point; whether you believe that there is a global conspiracy involving 3 countries to falsely accuse, extradite, try and imprison someone (or extradite again to the USA). I still think that Assange would be better off fighting the due process than trying to evade it in Ecuador.


Paris has nothing to do with the case on hand. Fighting what case? Being sent to America? Fat chance. The Swedish prosecution have declined to interview him and further their case on Ecuadorian soil within their London embassy. The charges appear frivolous at best. The system is stacked against him. Ecuador is obviously the place he should be.

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