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Hey guys. I wld really appreciate your assistance on these 2 issues.


1. I got invites for both 189 & SS nominations yesterday. Am quote in between. Wc one is processed faster than the other? Cz either wat, my intended destination is the same.


2. N on the proof of english competency for yo partner, i cn prove tht my partner did a degree n masters in english bt then had nt yet gotten the letters of conformation frm hs college be4 the invite. Daz ths mean its too late for me to get the letter since i already got the invite n have to pay VAC2 or i wpd be regarded as someone who wld hev cheated since i cn only get the letter after the invitation?


Wld greatly appreciate any response.

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Lol, i thought i was very clear n very english.


Nway, my major concern is on point 2 above.

So we are sapposed to prove ur partner's english competency n we were provided with a couple of options n 1 of them is tht you cn provide proof tht he did hs education like a degree in english ryt. And ths is sapposed to be accompanied by a letter frm hs college where they attained the degree. So apparently i had nt yet collected ths letter to confirm from hs college. So my question is, can i stl do tht or its too late since i already got the invite. Wont ths be negative for my application?


I hope i was clear ths tym arnd

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Anyway, my major concern is on point 2 above.

So you are supposed to prove your partners English competency and we were provided with a couple of options, one of them is that you can provide proof that he did his education, such as a degree in English, to prove this you need a letter from college where the degree was attained. I have not yet collected this letter to confim this from his college. So my question is can I still do that or is it too late since I already have received the invite


I hope i was clear ths tym arnd


I am a numbers person so my spelling/grammer is not great but on a forum you should be writing in full English not shorthand, I have corrected this for you in the above quote (this wil lnot be a perfect correction!!).


As to your question, now that you have your invitation you have 60 days to lodge the application, once you have made the application and paid the fee you then need to upload your supporting documents.


So you still have time to get this letter from your partners college as you would upload it as supporting documentation.

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A u ok? Am sure there r people who cn understand me very well n ths is very std english.

Do u knw a VAC2?

IF u did, u'd knw wat im toking abt.


Nway thanx for yo response!


Yes people can undertsand you, but you have to think to read what you are writing, as a native English speaker if you wrote in standard English I could speed read, I have to think about what you are writing before my brain processes it! This could be because it is early and I am half asleep though ;) When communicating on a forum you should not shorten your words.

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A u ok? Am sure there r people who cn understand me very well n ths is very std english.

Do u knw a VAC2?

IF u did, u'd knw wat im toking abt.


Nway thanx for yo response!


Text speak is difficult to read, and if people find your posts difficult to read, they'll simply move on to other questions.

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ths is very std english.



It is not standard English at all. It is abbreviated language for texting on mobile (cell) phones.


If you are asking for help in any environment it is polite to use the accepted language/standards for that environment. In this internet forum it is perfectly obvious that full standard English is used.


It is also to your own advantage, if you are asking for help, not to make things difficult for those who might help you...and there are many people who are not conversant with "text speak" at all.

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My sincere apologies to everyone. I did not even realise I was writing in shorthand. Thank you very much for the assistance. I hope not to repeat this again. And to think i was actually thinking people were bring rude to me. Am finding this hillarious. I am sorry once again for the short hand. Bad habits.

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My sincere apologies to everyone. I did not even realise I was writing in shorthand. Thank you very much for the assistance. I hope not to repeat this again. And to think i was actually thinking people were bring rude to me. Am finding this hillarious. I am sorry once again for the short hand. Bad habits.

It wasn't even shorthand - not sure you can do shorthand on a keyboard with all its up and down strokes.


What you were writing just didn't make sense!

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