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Not sure how you could have had great times in your last 10 years unless you feel that you also fell into one of the categories you outlined for those who love living in Australia.


Moving to a new country is so much like a relationship. The courtship is so exciting, then there is the honeymoon period. There are ups and downs and some find that they can adjust and compromise and remain in the relationship for life. Others fall out of love and end up despising the very thing (person) that they once courted so assiduously.


It is not that your observations have no validity but to infer you are in some way superior to everyone in the country is ridiculous. Though it is unfortunately a very English trait and is in no small measure a primary reason why the English are often disliked (and I speak as an Englishman btw).


you speak for yourself mate......that's not something I have ever experienced and I have lived and worked in several countries over the years.....maybe your experiences are down to your own demeanour and the way in which you come across.....

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you speak for yourself mate......that's not something I have ever experienced and I have lived and worked in several countries over the years.....maybe your experiences are down to your own demeanour and the way in which you come across.....


Did you mean to quote the op? Seems more appropriate.

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Yeah and I also feel sorry for the 15 people who have "liked" the post they must be a sorry lot.

Please don't feel sorry for those who liked the post (I'm one of them btw).Perhaps feel sorry for yourself because maybe the OP needed more compassionate replies.How do we really know whats going on?At a wild guess,the OP could be deeply depressed,maybe had to of stayed for 10 yrs for family/partner reasons,maybe is in two minds about leaving Oz and needs to build up some anger to be able to leave the place.Their lives could be quite complicated when you think about it.

When posters leave the UK full of anger and bitterness,I read between the lines myself.Unless you're leaving behind a life spent living in some scummy,dodgy council estate,no where in the UK is "that"bad.So to be able to leave and justify their reasons,they focus on all the negatives,slate the place,and build up enough anger energy to be able to leave.

Just because someone posts,and then possibly doesn't reply doesn't make them a troll.Reading some of the replies to the OP,I'm not actually surprised they haven't been back on.

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Yeah me too, I liked the post, mea culpa.


Dob me in to the National Anti Australian Activities Hotline (NAAAH: If you see anything remotely suspicious, ring 1800 FIT IN OR **** OFF).



Please don't feel sorry for those who liked the post (I'm one of them btw).Perhaps feel sorry for yourself because maybe the OP needed more compassionate replies.How do we really know whats going on?At a wild guess,the OP could be deeply depressed,maybe had to of stayed for 10 yrs for family/partner reasons,maybe is in two minds about leaving Oz and needs to build up some anger to be able to leave the place.Their lives could be quite complicated when you think about it.

When posters leave the UK full of anger and bitterness,I read between the lines myself.Unless you're leaving behind a life spent living in some scummy,dodgy council estate,no where in the UK is "that"bad.So to be able to leave and justify their reasons,they focus on all the negatives,slate the place,and build up enough anger energy to be able to leave.

Just because someone posts,and then possibly doesn't reply doesn't make them a troll.Reading some of the replies to the OP,I'm not actually surprised they haven't been back on.

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you speak for yourself mate......that's not something I have ever experienced and I have lived and worked in several countries over the years.....maybe your experiences are down to your own demeanour and the way in which you come across.....


Not experienced it myself but I am surprised that you can be completely unaware of the antipathy towards the English in general. I suggest you ask the Scots, Welsh, French etc what regard the English are held in. The smug superiority implied by the OP is not untypical and many are prone to exhibit such behaviour especially when a guest in another country.

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Not experienced it myself but I am surprised that you can be completely unaware of the antipathy towards the English in general. I suggest you ask the Scots, Welsh, French etc what regard the English are held in. The smug superiority implied by the OP is not untypical and many are prone to exhibit such behaviour especially when a guest in another country.


again.....not my experience.....but I don't want to take anything away from you and your superior knowledge of everything......including the typical Englishman......

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Sorry to say that I agree with a lot of Pomstar's comments and after reading the original post, knew exactly what would follow. What I don't get about this forum is that when a post on the MBTUK site comes up, you always get posters who are happy in Oz slamming them down and basically telling them to pee off if they don't like it.


I agree, BUT it does work both ways - I posted about my disappointment on returning to the UK and got slammed by the UK-lovers.


In this particular case, though, the OP is getting everything he deserves, IMO. It is one thing to express your own feelings about Australia (or the UK) - it's a completely different thing to say that everyone who likes Australia (or the UK) is "thick skinned, materialistic, lack good taste, don’t appreciate culture/the arts/history (indigenous history is not aussie)/architecture or have come from a lower socio economic background".


Basically, he's insulted everyone on these forums who has managed to make a happy life in Australia. Those people are entitled to bite back!

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I agree, BUT it does work both ways - I posted about my disappointment on returning to the UK and got slammed by the UK-lovers.


In this particular case, though, the OP is getting everything he deserves, IMO. It is one thing to express your own feelings about Australia (or the UK) - it's a completely different thing to say that everyone who likes Australia (or the UK) is "thick skinned, materialistic, lack good taste, don’t appreciate culture/the arts/history (indigenous history is not aussie)/architecture or have come from a lower socio economic background".


Basically, he's insulted everyone on these forums who has managed to make a happy life in Australia. Those people are entitled to bite back!


Has anyone even argued with their opinion on other stuff? Just the rubbish about low socio economic. Some very sensitive oz bashers on here.


If this post had been about the UK it would have got no likes and a thread with exactly the same points made about Oz would have been created by someone.

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no I'm not satisfied with that, can you elaborate?


I agree with his comment about coming from poorer backgrounds.....my experience was very much that way.....I noted a lot of the long term stayers were from poorer back grounds or from areas of the UK that suffered with lack of jobs.....prospects......opportunities......or just complete sh#t holes.....many that came from affluent areas seemed to return......but that was just my experience.....I also noted how he calls the ozzies......"aussies"......which I was reliably informed some time ago is typically Australian.....maybe he has been in the country too long or maybe he is a bogus poster.....who knows.....who really cares.....:)

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............while I agree with most of what you say flag.....

............there is a way to say it.....

............inflammatory all encompassing generalisations of a people and place.....

............will cause an angry response from those accused or accossiated with the views.....

............nothing wrong with feeling Australia is no longer for you....

.............but posting with respect for those that do......would of perhaps then not encouraged many of the deleted posts...


More amazing to me is that such a post provokes such a response. The expression of dissent can come in many forms. I don't recall it being aimed at any individual.

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Not experienced it myself but I am surprised that you can be completely unaware of the antipathy towards the English in general. I suggest you ask the Scots, Welsh, French etc what regard the English are held in. The smug superiority implied by the OP is not untypical and many are prone to exhibit such behaviour especially when a guest in another country.



One of the few actual friends I have in Australia is a fairly nationalistic Frenchman (he wont take Aus citizenship). My best friend is a Scot, several of my closest mates are Welsh. I have yet to make an Australian friend after 7 years.

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One of the few actual friends I have in Australia is a fairly nationalistic Frenchman (he wont take Aus citizenship). My best friend is a Scot, several of my closest mates are Welsh. I have yet to make an Australian friend after 7 years.


No, only joking. The Scots, Welsh and French universally love the English of course.

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I agree with his comment about coming from poorer backgrounds.....my experience was very much that way.....I noted a lot of the long term stayers were from poorer back grounds or from areas of the UK that suffered with lack of jobs.....prospects......opportunities......or just complete sh#t holes.....many that came from affluent areas seemed to return......but that was just my experience.....I also noted how he calls the ozzies......"aussies"......which I was reliably informed some time ago is typically Australian.....maybe he has been in the country too long or maybe he is a bogus poster.....who knows.....who really cares.....:)

Fair enough. I used to think much the same. To a certain extent there is some truth in it, but it is a big generalisation.


I come from an affluent part of England, had a well paid job and all that.


It took a while and a LOT of sorting wheat from chaff in terms of things like friends, house, job, entertainment etc but now, 7 years in, I'm as happy as a pig in the proverbial. I think a lot depends on the people you hang around with TBH. These days my friends (EW aside) are pretty much all Aussies.


I still love Britain and miss it occasionally, love going back there for holidays and could see myself retiring in either place.

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but you just have......several times......:laugh:


Wishing someone well for a move back to the UK is not a waste of time. Arguing the toss why they are moving or defending Australia or picking apart their comments, that is. I definately didn't lose any sleep because of what he said or because I didn't reply to those comments.


But here I go, wasting my time replying to you. Must stop doing that. Excuse me if I don't reply to any future comments from you on this line of conversation. You'll understand I am sure.

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When posters leave the UK full of anger and bitterness,I read between the lines myself.Unless you're leaving behind a life spent living in some scummy,dodgy council estate,no where in the UK is "that"bad.So to be able to leave and justify their reasons,they focus on all the negatives,slate the place,and build up enough anger energy to be able to leave.


Exactly - it's like plucking up the courage to divorce! Same goes, even more so, for people returning to the UK from Australia: they went into the new relationship with Oz full of high hopes and dreams, so when it all goes wrong they have a feeling of betrayal and loss - and on top of that, they have feelings of embarrassment because they feel their friends and family in the UK will think they "failed". It's a potentially toxic mix of emotions.

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As a long time reader, first time poster I decided I should finally contribute my thoughts on why I'm leaving. Brace yourself if you have willingly assimilated into Aus life :wacko:.

My situation: Professional, married (not aussie) with kid, live in Sydney, seen most of Aus due to job. Been here 10 years and will be leaving within the next 12 months.


I find the thought of staying here forever very depressing and for some time I've felt like I'm isolated and missing out on real life somewhere else in the real world and that every concept/service/product/event/etc is just a lousy copy of something out of UK/Europe/America i.e. there is no original cutting edge thinking/innovation in Aus.


Being from UK, I find the underlying problem with Australia is that it feels like an incomplete country and lacking in soul - scratch beneath the glossy plastic surface of their immigration brochure and there is nothing further to see. Incomplete in that the lack of history, constant dumbing down of everything and nannying by government creates a shallow existence for the locals who seem to do as they're told, never question, think little and only focus on material new stuff. This in turn creates a majority of individuals that, to me, are like apathetic cardboard cut outs of real people - they lack a fully developed personality and their goals are very simplistic and materialistic. If you have personality here, you will intimidate a lot of locals during conversation (if you can actually get conversation momentum going) - quite easy to spot as their eyes glaze over. They think personality & character means adopting some over animated wooden caricature of the white anglo nation’s expectations of, for example, a footballer, or slapstick comedian, shock jock, tough guy, news reporter, intellectual and so on i.e. lots of people with the same wooden personality. You only need to look at the TV personalities to confirm it – they’re second rate.


People who love Australia are usually a combination of thick skinned, materialistic, lack good taste, don’t appreciate culture/the arts/history (indigenous history is not aussie)/architecture or have come from a lower socio economic background/place in their home country which they resent/blame (chip on shoulder type - say home country has "gone to the dogs" , etc). The latter are the aussies' favourite immigrant because they don't challenge them and actually (and I think it really demonstrates a weak mind) try to adopt the aussie accent/swagger.


The parochialism, blind nationalism and ignorant “aus is best” mentality is also intolerable as is the nanny state approach to everything which the locals just seem to accept.


Time to start planning a well deserved escape (and no, I won't let the door hit me on the way out for all you hilarious types).



some truths in there. You'll certainly inflame some of the Ego's on here

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One of the few actual friends I have in Australia is a fairly nationalistic Frenchman (he wont take Aus citizenship). My best friend is a Scot, several of my closest mates are Welsh. I have yet to make an Australian friend after 7 years.


I suspect the Frenchman declined citizenship more out of French law not recognising duel citizenship than anything else. No Aussie friends? Not trying hard enough?

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Please don't feel sorry for those who liked the post (I'm one of them btw).Perhaps feel sorry for yourself because maybe the OP needed more compassionate replies.How do we really know whats going on?At a wild guess,the OP could be deeply depressed,maybe had to of stayed for 10 yrs for family/partner reasons,maybe is in two minds about leaving Oz and needs to build up some anger to be able to leave the place.Their lives could be quite complicated when you think about it.

When posters leave the UK full of anger and bitterness,I read between the lines myself.Unless you're leaving behind a life spent living in some scummy,dodgy council estate,no where in the UK is "that"bad.So to be able to leave and justify their reasons,they focus on all the negatives,slate the place,and build up enough anger energy to be able to leave.

Just because someone posts,and then possibly doesn't reply doesn't make them a troll.Reading some of the replies to the OP,I'm not actually surprised they haven't been back on.

Point taken. I can understand someone being unhappy but blaming and slagging off a whole nation and its people is a bit over the top.

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