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Snake Repellent.


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On that link I just posted it shows says:


"Not all snakes are venomous - this image will show you how to tell very easily".


You would have to be pretty close to tell surely!! :laugh:



Interesting as it has cloves in it which is what dog forums are saying works. Its natural and right now I am willing to try anything so I will be giving this a try. I intend to print it off and give

it to the neighbours and ask them to spray there bricks.

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I work in areas with a lot of snakes. So would love a repellent.


However, there is no such thing. I have had a number of proffessional experts run training sessions for my teams over the years. They all advise the same.


The he only thing you can do, is wait it out. Keep the dog away from the yard. If you see it, do not try to harm it. Not only is that illegal, it is also when a lot of bites occur.


For the future, I recomend you speak to your neighbours about clearing up the yard.

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Just leave it alone. The snake will move on of its own accord.

It might sleep for a while but will move away to hunt in due course.


I wouldn't expect it to hang around more than a day.

A day ? Really ? Oh that would make me very happy. I hate snakes. I am still going to try that natural spray, I guess just doing something will make me feel a little better. I intend to spray next doors bricks. Maybe if they see me spraying them they may get the message I am not happy with them being there and they may get around to moving them.

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Just leave it alone. The snake will move on of its own accord.

It might sleep for a while but will move away to hunt in due course.


I wouldn't expect it to hang around more than a day.



Unless of course it's looking for a nice place to give birth. It is the right time of year.

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Interesting as it has cloves in it which is what dog forums are saying works. Its natural and right now I am willing to try anything so I will be giving this a try



Well I would NOT be relying on it 100%


But hey worth a go. Anything is worth giving a go.


I called WIRES once for advice about a snake in the garden. They said it had every right to be there as much as I did. And to leave it alone and it would move on.


Honestly, this was so NOT what I wanted to hear! But I followed their advice and it slithered off of its own accord and I never saw it again. Of course, it may still have been around but I never saw it and the cat never brought it home, so I presume it moved on.



Snakes are attracted by water. So even something as simple as leaving a water bowl out for your dog or cat, is an attraction for them.



I think snakes are protected and killing one is against the law – but don’t quote me on that.


The only animal I have ever had relocated by a professional was a possum who broke into our attic. I felt bad about this as possums like staying in the area they were born in. But I HAD to do something as it was stomping around between 11pm and 4am every day and we could not sleep. And every time we caught it and re-boarded up the hole it just broke in again.

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I wouldn't expect it to hang around more than a day.


We had three snakes that permanently hung around in the area over the years.


They made a permanent home and although moved around; never really moved on.



We heard about them but very rarely saw them. They were very distinctive in colour and markings, so everyone knew it was the same snake each year.



They lived in a sort of triangle between our neighbour’s fish pond, our yard and the other neighbours under house storage area.



I might say to a neighbour “oh I haven’t seen that diamond python for three years now”, and they would say, “we saw it last month by the drain.



Or they would say to me, “that black snake is eating frogs from our pond”, and I would say “BLACK SNAKE - WHAT F**KING BLACK SNAKE”, and then have a paranoid complex for the rest of the summer!


Anyway you get my drift……………..so it may not actually move on to greener pastures.

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They lived in a sort of triangle between our neighbour’s fish pond, our yard and the other neighbours under house storage area.


Or they would say to me, “that black snake is eating frogs from our pond”,……..so it may not actually move on to greener pastures.


They will hang around water sources...especially ponds etc. with a good supply of frogs.


But if Tina's area doesn't have that ...and no other gourmet food supply such as rats and mice...they will move on looking for a better hotel.

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But if Tina's area doesn't have that ...and no other gourmet food supply such as rats and mice...they will move on looking for a better hotel.


But they will always stay close to a water source (i.e.) left out in dog water bowls, around drains and sewage areas, in guttering, hosing the garden.


Snakes like humans can go without food - but cannot go without water

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Unless of course it's looking for a nice place to give birth. It is the right time of year.


I don't think it would make much difference.


My understanding of snakes is they don't care for their young.

They lay the eggs or in some cases live young and they immediately leave them. Baby snakes can immediately take care of themselves and will go off looking for their first meal.

Many of the babies will get taken by birds or other snakes though.

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They will hang around water sources...especially ponds etc. with a good supply of frogs.


But if Tina's area doesn't have that ...and no other gourmet food supply such as rats and mice...they will move on looking for a better hotel.

No ponds or frogs here only thing we have is the grey water that comes out to water the back lawn but even that is only for a short time. There is not even any real bush around Oh having said that the property at the back of the property that has the snake is across a quite road from a bit of scrub so maybe it did come looking for water. I have now removed the dogs water bowl so his water is in the house. Scary though as apparently it was "huge"

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I don't think it would make much difference.


My understanding of snakes is they don't care for their young.

They lay the eggs or in some cases live young and they immediately leave them. Baby snakes can immediately take care of themselves and will go off looking for their first meal.

Many of the babies will get taken by birds or other snakes though.


Wrong, snakes that lay eggs will curl around the eggs to incubate them depending on species. Fortunately for those afraid of snakes that is ordinarily pythons.

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But they will always stay close to a water source (i.e.) left out in dog water bowls, around drains and sewage areas, in guttering, hosing the garden.


Snakes like humans can go without food - but cannot go without water

We have not had rain in weeks so maybe this is the issue, it is looking for water. We came home from town just last week, the back way via a lot of farmers paddocks and saw 2 dead ones on the road, so something is making then far more active

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Agree, that is our main concern. As I said I will be locking the dog inside when we go out from now on.


Bristolman, how long do they normally hang around ? Not been seen before so it may hopefully be passing through. I mean it is not likely to set up home in the neighbours garden is it ?


Impossible to say, it could be days, weeks or it could stay permanently. If there is a lot of cover for the snakes next door there is no reason for it to move on.

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We have not had rain in weeks so maybe this is the issue, it is looking for water. We came home from town just last week, the back way via a lot of farmers paddocks and saw 2 dead ones on the road, so something is making then far more active


Yes they will certainly travel to find water, it isn't something they need every day though, they can quite easily handle weeks without it.

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The crux of the matter is and you will have to trust me on this is that snake repellant don't work, it really is that simple. You might as well stand out in your garden and throw some money around because that's what you will be doing anyway.

The only thing you can do is let the snake move on or if you see it again call a snake relocator. I know that isn't what you want to hear Tina but it is better than giving you flash hope and telling you to use snake repellars.

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The crux of the matter is and you will have to trust me on this is that snake repellant don't work, it really is that simple. You might as well stand out in your garden and throw some money around because that's what you will be doing anyway.

The only thing you can do is let the snake move on or if you see it again call a snake relocator. I know that isn't what you want to hear Tina but it is better than giving you flash hope and telling you to use snake repellars.

Thank you for this, well they hate vibration so running the ride on along the fence every day may at least move it from near my fence to another part of next doors yard. Thanks for everyone's help and advise. Anyone out there who wants a snake you are welcome to come and get it LOL

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Hi Tina


I hate snakes myself too and had 3 'encounters' in the first 4 months of arriving in Brisbane! I have been told by locals if you have a red bellied black around its a good thing as they kill brown snakes!….the lesser of two evils, what an option!



The next door neighbour had a "large" brown snake in there yard today. They called the snake catcher but as it had gone into a pile of bricks they have stored along "our" boundary fence the snake catcher didn't want to disturb it !?


Really worried it will come into our yard and we have a small dog who will chase anything that moves.


Has anyone out there tried using any of the Snake repellents on the market ? I know there are solar type ones to sit in the garden and something called shoo snake. Some people say they don't work others say they work but that could just be someone who is associated with the maker of these products.


Would love to hear if anyone on here has used one. Our yard is large but kept well mowed and no junk lying around.

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