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Are the problems in society as prominent in Australia as in UK ?


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Like some of the above posters, I'm originally from South Yorkshire (Doncaster) and quite glad to be as far away from there as possible; I did live in other places in the UK which were much safer and more pleasant; but I still think in Australia that the distances between places can make some of the outer suburbs and small towns a very pleasant and safe place to be.

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So you know that it was him that has done all this stuff, must have been really busy in a couple of weeks! or is it just local gossip because they know the guy was released from prison?


No - it has been well publicised. They nearly caught him the other day in a car chase, but he got away. I am hoping he is caught soon. At least I will be home on Wednesday.

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OK, the original post asked whether the social problems were the same in Australia as we see in the UK, now the facts which are irrefutable are that generally speaking yes they are exactly the same, some worse some better. It's perfectly possible to live in either country and never witness or be a victim of any sort of crime. To say otherwise or to say you 'feel safer' really is disingenuous.

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Are drugs/alcohol /domestic violence. etc less of a problem in the UK than Australia?


Maybe all those problems ARE more of a problem in Australia, though I don't think so. Those problems are the same everywhere "in my opinion" so I shall have to do some research.


Not really - all you need to do is stop and read people's posts properly before you respond. You were just berating others for making exaggerated statements on another thread - now you're doing the same!


There is NOT ONE person on this thread who is saying that crime is worse in Australia. They are saying what you are saying - that problems are the same everywhere. They are just giving examples of problems in Australia, to enable the OP to judge compared to her experience in the UK.

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As a mod you shouldn't be raising irrelevant issues.

Unless you consider this a problem in society.

If that is the greatest problem in our society we are doing very well.


I did NOT raise the issue - the OP made a comment about more opportunities for her daughter as well as social issues, and I thought that was worthy of comment. In my reply I simply mentioned performing arts as one of two examples of professions where there are fewer opportunities, not more. It was someone else who picked up on that example,presumably because they couldn't think of any other counter argument - but point taken, I should have taken that discussion off line.


Rather than delete other people's posts, I have moved that discussion to another thread.

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I did NOT raise the issue - the OP made a comment about more opportunities for her daughter as well as social issues, and I thought that was worthy of comment. In my reply I simply mentioned performing arts as one of two examples of professions where there are fewer opportunities, not more. It was someone else who picked up on that example,presumably because they couldn't think of any other counter argument - but point taken, I should have taken that discussion off line.


Rather than delete other people's posts, I have moved that discussion to another thread.

I did not know you are a Mod! I must be more respectful!

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Our experience from moving from a large UK town to where we live (and the surrounding areas) in Adelaide have been very positive in terms of quality of life. When we are asked about living in Adelaide, one of our standard responses is that life is more pleasant for us here on a day to day basis. There are suburbs which are less desirable but generally the trouble tends to stay in these suburbs.

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I was brought up in Kent and live in regional WA. I have brought up four children here. Good weather does mean that children get outside much more and many more activities are organised outside, which is really good in my view. People in UK seem to be much more frightened of crime and so much less trusting. I was sitting on a train last year coming out of London, and my husband had got up for this lady to sit down. She got a paper out to read, and as my husband had left his small rucksack on the table in his rush to get up for her, i motioned to him to take it . She retorted loudly that she wasn't going to steal anything from the bag, but I only wanted to give her space for her paper!! You do have be sensible about personal security here as anywhere but I would say that crime is not so much in the forefront of everyone's mind. You do NOT have to worry about your recycled paper rubbish being sold to China and being scrutinised by gangs to steal your personal details from discarded paperwork!! Maybe that is just my families special fear, but geez! I'm not sure what you mean about educational improvement... Australia has taken on many fads long after everyone else has proved them wrong, much to the despair of teachers. However, depending on where you come from, schools may be better equipped with lovely outdoor playing fields and grounds, unless you are going inner city. No asphalt playgrounds around where I live! Good luck! And if you don't like it here after a decent period, you can always go back :-)

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It depends entirely on where you live, whether that's in Australia or in the UK. There's good and bad parts in both countries. On balance I think the lifestyle in Australia is better, healthier, more outdoors-based, family oriented, but it's absolutely true that kids in Australia are just as prone to excess drinking/ drugs use as they are in the UK. And in Australia you won't necessarily have any family support to help you out when there is an issue. I don't know if you've been an expat before but that is always something to bear in mind too...

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