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Working weird hours?


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Before kids came along, I had always worked the 9-5 route, then I give up that work and looked for other employment that would work round them and OH.


Did evening and weekend work in a bar, also early mornings in a newspaper office until they started school. Then I went back to admin, working 10-2 so I was there to drop them off and then pick them up. When they were older I went for the early start 7am and finished at lunchtime ( ahh the joys of a decent employer).


when we moved to Aus I did a few temping jobs, one was for nine months that started in the afternoon, Didnt like the company much, but loved the hours. Then I did a full time job for 18 months back to doing the 9-5. Hated those hours, would much rather have my days free and work evenings, love being able to do what I want during the day while everthing is open.

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It's funny I was only thinking today how things become the new normal. I never thought a few years back that I'd be kissing goodbye to the OH for a 26 days stretch, everyone month but 2 years later that's exactly what's happened and now it's normal. The Unions have managed to change the swing to 20 days away and 10 days home, which is going to feel a bit weird but I suppose a few months in it won't feel weird anymore.


Sounds like hard hard work though Paul how on earth do you manage a social life?

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Anyone else have the joys of working odd hours?


Today... start at 7am, finish at 1130am, start again at 630pm, finish at 1am

Tomorrow start at 6pm, finish whenever i'm too tired to go on lol.... most likely around 3am


I was a vet nurse and then worked with brood mares and foals/yearlings for a few years. During foaling season I would start work at 7:30am work through the day then if a mare was due to foal, I would sit up all night with her. Sometimes they foaled that night - some would hang on 'til the next day. I didn't get much sleep for a few weeks at busy time. Also it was a 6 day a week job. It's a job you do for love not money but I did have a house rent free and electricity/gas was also paid by my employer.

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I currently work 12 hr shifts(my choice)so work 6am-6pm for 4 days and then have 4 days off which is fantastic.I used to work Mon-Fri in an office until Jan this year.It was ok,but I would find Saturday,catching up with housework,which really only left Sunday to do anything.Now I have 4 days off and its actually much better for me.I can knock the household stuff off the first day (I don't spend all day cleaning,just a couple of hours)so I have around 3.5 days free to do what I want.Pay is the same as my managerial job so no loss there either.

I have worked as a support worker in the past and that was far worse.I didn't like the idea that someone in an office was making up my rota,going in each week never knowing what I was working for the week until I got to work.Working until 10pm,coming home,chilling out and unwinding,going to bed,only to get up at 6am for a 7am start.No thanks!

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Anyone else have the joys of working odd hours?


Today... start at 7am, finish at 1130am, start again at 630pm, finish at 1am

Tomorrow start at 6pm, finish whenever i'm too tired to go on lol.... most likely around 3am

Joys of farming Paul we too work odd hours. We've just started our spray season and as the weather heats up we will be working around the heat. Can't spray when it's hot so strange hours are the norm. After the spray season comes harvest and again we can't harvest in the heat. (grapes don't do well when picked in the heat) so odd hours again, Includong 12?14 hour shifts. Love it though.

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I can start at anything from 7am and I work until 7pm most days

Some days until 10pm if required


I find it hard to relax If I know I have a job to finish


I work 7 days a week


But I do have plenty of coffee breaks :wink: in between jobs or while on jobs


When your doing a job you love the hours you put in don't matter too much


Especially when your the boss


The problem with my job is its very mentally draining


But meeting with customers is the best part

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How does that affect your home life though HVH?Can you plan things to do on weekends?

I advertise 7 days a week but I can choose when to work


If urgent then yes I work but again it normally fits in as we go out in the morning and I work the arvo


I normally try and plan to have either Saturday or Sunday off so we can have a day out


Today I had 3 hours down time from 11am-2pm so I took my daughter out shopping had a meal out went to Coles for a bit of food shopping


Then back to work and home by 5.30pm


Did some invoicing


Then cooked a spag bol for our tea


I always make sure I have time with the family

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How does that affect your home life though HVH?Can you plan things to do on weekends?

Certain times of the year for us there is no weekends at all. It's all work, sleep, shower,eat and then it rolls over and it's back to work. We are lucky that we work together. It's just the way it is with the farming, Agriculture industry ( if you are not prepared to do the hours there's no job)

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