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Cats - The debate can rage on here


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I've just had a great idea. We get all the cats in Oz and drop them into Kakadu. The cats will eat all the cane toads and then the cats will be poisoned and die themselves. This way we will get rid of the toads and make the cat haters happy at the same time.


I have to question your definition of a great idea.

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This will be a start but a drop in the ocean overall unfortunately. It that timescale they will just repopulate. I hope this doesn't make me a psychopath because I think it's a good idea though.


Hyocrite alert on so many levels :)




"Shooting animals makes him feel more of a man but in reality makes him look less of one" in reference to shooting a big cat..




"I will cop flack for this but so be it, I have friends who shoot cats, they do it because they have an overriding love of native wildlife. In their eyes a cat outside is fair game and it's hard to disagree as someone who loves Australian wildlife. Cats just shouldn't be loose outside, it's that simple really."


In their (and apparently your) eyes a cat outside is fair game? Even a pet?

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Hyocrite alert on so many levels :)




"Shooting animals makes him feel more of a man but in reality makes him look less of one" in reference to shooting a big cat..




"I will cop flack for this but so be it, I have friends who shoot cats, they do it because they have an overriding love of native wildlife. In their eyes a cat outside is fair game and it's hard to disagree as someone who loves Australian wildlife. Cats just shouldn't be loose outside, it's that simple really."


In their (and apparently your) eyes a cat outside is fair game? Even a pet?


Not a hypocrite in the slightest if you had read what was being said rather than just reacting. How is a rich prick shooting a Lion in anyway similar to someone shooting a pest species that is decimating the native wildlife ?

Sorry, back to trolling through my posts for you :)

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I have had friends' and neighbours' cats get stuck down the big drains and been bitten by snakes, and the damage they do to the local wildlife is immense....


The other alternative is to keep the cat indoors all the time of course......


It's not either or...there is another option and that is to have a cat proof outdoor area.


We built a floppy top fence in our back yard to contain our cats. A floppy top bends over inwards and they won't climb up and under. (Also keeps possums out). All the bird-attracting trees and bushes are on the other side of the fence so they can watch but can't catch. None of them (4) have attempted to climb even the bottom bit.


We didn't have any fencing at all originally so had to build ours from scratch but most people have an existing fence to which the floppy top can be added. There are also special 3 roller fixtures which can be attached to the top of a regular fence which prevent cats gaining any grip.




This site has many other ideas for cat proofing outdoor areas:



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It's not either or...there is another option and that is to have a cat proof outdoor area.


We built a floppy top fence in our back yard to contain our cats. A floppy top bends over inwards and they won't climb up and under. (Also keeps possums out). All the bird-attracting trees and bushes are on the other side of the fence so they can watch but can't catch. None of them (4) have attempted to climb even the bottom bit.


We didn't have any fencing at all originally so had to build ours from scratch but most people have an existing fence to which the floppy top can be added. There are also special 3 roller fixtures which can be attached to the top of a regular fence which prevent cats gaining any grip.




This site has many other ideas for cat proofing outdoor areas:



Fantastic post, it's really refreshing to read something like this from a truly responsible owner. Well done.

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We had cats in the Uk our garden was like fort knox with all the netting etc to keep them in our garden


They chewed there way through it many times and we fixed the netting


They both ended up dead being knocked down


We were sad but we tried our best to do the right thing


At least one member would've been happy to see them by the side of the road

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Wouldn't do that to my yard, personally. But I respect your right to do it yourself.


Even without the wildlife protection factor, it's worth it for the peace of mind ...knowing where they are and safe from cars, dogs, neighbourhood cat squabbles etc.


And even without the cats I would have had to do something similar to grow a few favourite plants: the possums and wallabies demolish them otherwise. :cry:

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I have had cats all my life, many different types from pedigree to alley cats. Not one of them has ever crapped on front lawns - they all bury it and so people who claim they are crapping in their gardens and not covering it up I say bollocks, that is just not what they do. Dirty dogs do that, not cats.


Oh, it's what they do alright....and I do chuck it over the garden wall. And why is it ok that they might (part)bury their sh!t in my veggie patch for me to dig up?? They even crap in the top of my plant pots and in the gravel soakaway around the front of my house. The smell is horrendous.....Ugh!! Cats should be contained in their own gardens, not left to roam and cause damage (digging up my seedlings) etc. And dogs can't get into my garden (if they happen to be roaming, which they usually aren't), it is walled all the way round, but it doesn't stop the cats trespassing and vandalising my garden! If I took a sh!t in the middle of my neighbours garden can you imagine the stink they would kick up (lol tongue in cheek last sentence!).

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Well as long as they only eat the native protected snakes that's fine then because cats are no good for anything, it's not as if they keep rodent numbers down or anything. Good to hear you would at least do the right thing if you move but not sure why you won't do the right thing where you are now.


I have already said they do NOT eat the snakes. They simply catch them and bring them home as a present. The snakes are very much alive I can assure you because I then remove them from my doorstep and set them free.


They cannot catch other wildlife because they have a loud bell attached to their collars. And since I keep them in overnight every night; that also protects nocturnal wildlife like ringtail possums.


I believe I am doing the right thing. The cats have freedom to run around and the local wildlife is protected. I live in the suburbs and there are no endangered species around here. If I was to move to Far North Queensland rainforests (which I won't, as an unsuitable area for cats) I would have a cat run. But that is not needed in the area I live.


Cats are no good for anything...... in your opinion. Otherwise in my opinion they are a loving and affectionate companion animal that is not needy and high maintenance like a dog. They suit my lifestyle better and I love their company.


Humans do far more damage to the environment than domesticated well-cared for cats ever could. Perhaps we should cull a few rouge feral humans instead!

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In their (and apparently your) eyes a cat outside is fair game? Even a pet?


Tell you what. If I ever found out anyone had deliberately harmed one of my cats; I would seek revenge.


I would hurt something they loved with all their heart too. Not an animal obviously. And hurting their child (joke) may land me in prison. But I would deliberately destroy or harm something that they held dear, like their car or house or personal property. Then I would have them arrested and charged with animal cruelty - which may impose a fine or prison sentence on them. Then I would shame them by doing a letter drop to their employer and around the neighborhood. And I may even take an ad out in the paper embarrassing them further, and maybe post their picture and crime on my Facebook page.


Whatever my revenge; they would end up to rue the day they hurt one of my pets.


Eye for an eye and all that.


Pretty sure I now sound quite psycho!

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I have already said they do NOT eat the snakes. They simply catch them and bring them home as a present. The snakes are very much alive I can assure you because I then remove them from my doorstep and set them free.


They cannot catch other wildlife because they have a loud bell attached to their collars. And since I keep them in overnight every night; that also protects nocturnal wildlife like ringtail possums.


I believe I am doing the right thing. The cats have freedom to run around and the local wildlife is protected. I live in the suburbs and there are no endangered species around here. If I was to move to Far North Queensland rainforests (which I won't, as an unsuitable area for cats) I would have a cat run. But that is not needed in the area I live.


Cats are no good for anything...... in your opinion. Otherwise in my opinion they are a loving and affectionate companion animal that is not needy and high maintenance like a dog. They suit my lifestyle better and I love their company.


Humans do far more damage to the environment than domesticated well-cared for cats ever could. Perhaps we should cull a few rouge feral humans instead!


Yes you get to see a proportion of what they catch, unfortunately you probably only see a small % of what they catch and kill. The bell is useless, a cat soon learns to stalk silently. You are doing one thing right by bringing it in at night though.

Oh and if a snake has been caught by a cat it will almost invariably have puncture wounds and chances are it will die later.

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Why do all the cat owners think their cats never do anything wrong because they don't see it? Just because they aren't always brought the dead animal, that the cat isn't killing things? That they occasionally use a litter tray (what a revoulting thing to have in your house) that they aren't crapping in someones garden or on the lawn?. If they have 'freedom' how do you know? Deluded..........

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Why do all the cat owners think their cats never do anything wrong because they don't see it? Just because they aren't always brought the dead animal, that the cat isn't killing things? That they occasionally use a litter tray (what a revoulting thing to have in your house) that they aren't crapping in someones garden or on the lawn?. If they have 'freedom' how do you know? Deluded..........


I have to agree, as I said there is a huge amount of denial in this thread. What the eye doesn't see.

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