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I got my degree!!!


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I passed all my exams and am officially a Podiatrist! Got a job in the NHS too, which is pretty awesome. I wanted to thank you all so much for all the support over the last few years. It's been a long road. 4 years of studying and a couple of years thinking about it before that!


Going to spend some time getting some experience and some money together and then look at potential visa options.


Again, HUGE thanks to everyone who was so kind to me in the beginning. I had my tough times, but you guys convinced me to stick with it. I'll be forever grateful. Who knows; I'm sure I'll be along to ask all manner of questions, when the migration process starts. Now I'm a professional person! xx

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Fantastic news hon,really happy for you!Celebrating tonight?:wubclub:


Thanks Everyone! :D xx


I wish, no am working all weekend, BUT I have managed to score a bottle of Ozzy sparkling red, so I'll be cracking that one open on Sunday!


Haven't had one of those since I was out in Oz the first time! x

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I think it seems to have went in really quickly but i bet you didn't feel like that lol. I told Britchickx and she said hello and congratulations! X


Haha, it feels like it's been going on for a LONG time! Oh thanks Stace, That's lovely. How is she? Send her my best regards. Is she not on here anymore? xx

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Haha, it feels like it's been going on for a LONG time! Oh thanks Stace, That's lovely. How is she? Send her my best regards. Is she not on here anymore? xx


shes good, she's started her access course now too. She left but You guys should swap emails, maybe you can give her some tips lol x

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shes good, she's started her access course now too. She left but You guys should swap emails, maybe you can give her some tips lol x


Glad to hear it. Yeah for sure, if she want's my e-mail, let me know via PM and I'll let you guys have it. Would be great to catch up.


Thanks Kate, very kind. I'll always be grateful to the people of this site, for helping me out when things were tough. :D x

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