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Car boot sales in oz???


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They have them here but not really anything like such a big deal as in the UK. Or as many.


Often I find going to the local markets there are some car booters alongside the professional stalls. Or school fairs have some, that sort of thing.


Garage sales are far more common place round here. Every weekend Saturday and Sunday morning there are always signs out, ads in the local paper and on gumtree for them. We usually nip along to the ones that catch our eye or that list selling everything. Sell it out of your front yard, no hassles.


I am amazed at the crap people want to sell though. Donating here does happen but by and large, the people of Adelaide try to get a $ for anything, even if its broken :laugh:

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  • 4 weeks later...
As the question States, will I be able to do a car boot sale over there ???


I cannot speak for the rest of Australia; as have no idea.


I have occasionally seen them in Sydney.


But they are not very popular.


Seem to happen annually; rather than every weekend like the UK


Garage sales on the other hand are extremely popular.









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