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Jeremy Corbyn, thoughts?


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Just spoke to my Dad who is a socialist at heart and trade union man but married to a true blue. He says he feels torn. Said that the Islamaphobia has reached epic proportions because there are radicals sitting outside the mosques handing out leaflets and police do nothing (can't act, no laws broken) There's a lot of fear.

He says he doesn't agree with Corbyns policies and says older he gets more cynical he gets; he agrees a lot of Corbyns policies are common sense and visionary but feels not workable in 21st century....we're too far gone.


Islamaphobia has reached epic proportions? Where ?

It has nothing to do with being too far gone, I hate that ridiculous view, it is because things have moved on. Unions thankfully no longer rule the roost and hold the country to ransom.

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Islamaphobia has reached epic proportions? Where ?

It has nothing to do with being too far gone, I hate that ridiculous view, it is because things have moved on. Unions thankfully no longer rule the roost and hold the country to ransom.


You can't argue with people's experience? I try not to anyway. Stoke is a hotbed of racial tension, like many other cities. I experienced the same when we were there but apparently has worsened. HQ of a lot of the far right extremist groups in Stoke.

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You can't argue with people's experience? I try not to anyway. Stoke is a hotbed of racial tension, like many other cities. I experienced the same when we were there but apparently has worsened. HQ of a lot of the far right extremist groups in Stoke.


Yeah I suppose it's no different to Sydney or New York or Paris. I hate all cities equally.

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I have no problem with the word god, just another fictional character.


So the Anthem is not based on fact then? Just a nice fictional tune? What meaning does it have for you then to sing it? I can't see how that would work for me, singing the words to something I didn't believe in and it stirring me?

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Islamaphobia has reached epic proportions? Where ?

It has nothing to do with being too far gone, I hate that ridiculous view, it is because things have moved on. Unions thankfully no longer rule the roost and hold the country to ransom.


No now its the banksters and financial institutions and those all power wielding cardboard cut cuts forever lurking behind the scenes and directing government thinking. Islamaphobia has indeed reached epic proportions. Another thing unheard of in the 70's and in a different context in the 80's . Of course fear was centred around the alleged Communist threat in those days. Always requires someone to hate to keep the wheels turning.

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So the Anthem is not based on fact then? Just a nice fictional tune? What meaning does it have for you then to sing it? I can't see how that would work for me, singing the words to something I didn't believe in and it stirring me?


You'd have to be a relic of the 19 century to find anything about that stirring. Positively awful beside the anthems of Germany/France/Russia/South Africa/USA/ the ones I know that spring to mind. Imagine the embarrassment singing after a person not a nation? Seriously laughable in 2015.

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You'd have to be a relic of the 19 century to find anything about that stirring. Positively awful beside the anthems of Germany/France/Russia/South Africa/USA/ the ones I know that spring to mind. Imagine the embarrassment singing after a person not a nation? Seriously laughable in 2015.


I know, I can't get my head around people getting so uppity about it not being sung when they don't believe in it anyway?? Its just another 'societal norm' that people think they must adhere to. It doesn't represent respect one iota, no more so than standing in respectful silence it's all quite meaningless really.

It's all really a lot of man made constructs that have no basis in rational thinking....but people go with it....

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You can't argue with people's experience? I try not to anyway. Stoke is a hotbed of racial tension, like many other cities. I experienced the same when we were there but apparently has worsened. HQ of a lot of the far right extremist groups in Stoke.


Always those looking to take advantage of a situation for their own particular nasty reasons. Never been different. Just I'm a little scared how many question those reasons anymore. Or just follow the drum beat. Anyone who doesn't immediately sus.

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I think it goes deeper than that. I think it's about the inherent contradiction of a person espousing revolutionary socialism and holding a public office. There is going to be a conflict between the public role and the private belief. People like Jeremy Corbyn are necessary in society to provide challenge to the establishment, adopt causes, press for change, make people think. But sometimes they don't translate well into positions of authority. It is not that the press is trying to make him look ridiculous, it is that the situation in which he has found himself is inherently ridiculous. To my mind, the remembrance service is a good illustration that Corbyn is not going to be able to reconcile himself to the role.


I think there is nothing wrong with wearing civvies. It is time the establishment came down a notch to a level at least closer to the people. That is exactly what Corbyn and others want to emulate in Greece and Spain. I think it translates perfectly.


I have said on numerous occasions the system has run its course and needs a change. I cannot fathom why a suit should suggest respect rather than contrary. More rogues, psychopaths, sociopaths, fraudsters, bankers, used car salesmen, real estate spruikers, pretenders and out right criminals getting about in suites than you could poke a stick at.

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