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How quickly after visa grant did you move?


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We are currently waiting for our invite, hopefully in August. So hopefully if all goes to plan, we could have our 189 visa by November time.

Im trying to work out when would be realistic time frame to move. I would have thought 6 months from visa date to sell house, ship everything, book flights etc but just seen some of your timelines and people have moved 2 months after grant.

We have a couple of shippers coming out in next couple of weeks to give us quotes for removals. Cat has had her rabies vaccines, had house valued and decided on agent to go with.

So basically got to book flights, shippers, cat shippers, sell house (will probably put on market September as advised by estate agent)


Also im thinking I would rather arrive in autumn/winter time than middle of summer so we can get used to heat slowly!


Just interested to here how long these things took for you, and did you book some of these things before you got your visas?:wink:

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Hello, we got our visa issued 21 June 2013 and we left the UK on 26 August 2013....so it was 2 months for us! To be fair, my wife had organised pretty much everything prior to visa grant (risky but it worked out for us) so by the time we got our visa grant we had just to book our one-way flights, sell our cars and confirm date of the shipping container.The short time frame worked well as we didn't have too long to think about the move either!!


Like you guys, we didn't want to arrive in Perth in the middle of summer which is why we arrived end August/beginning of September (we had 5 days in Singapore). When we did arrive, it rained for a whole month....worst September rainfall recorded...not what we signed up for The sunshine was soon around the corner though and has been (pretty much) since.


Where in Australia are you & your family thinking of settling? As I said, we came to Perth and absolutely love the decision we made!


Good luck with the progress of your visa and the move....no matter how long you choose to wait between visa grant and when you leave; it won't will feel like it's not long enough and too long a wait some days!!

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Thank you for your reply. We are moving to Adelaide, so I know winter will be cold, although hopefully coming from uk the 1st one won't feel so bad as won't have acclimatised!


I guess if you have everything in place it's just confirming dates. There just feels like so much to sort out and I worry I will forget something important! So with shipping, once we decide who to use, how much notice do they need?

We have already done a couple of car boot sales to get rid of the smaller things, it's amazing how much you have just lying around!


What at did you organise/pay out for before you got your visa?



Hello, we got our visa issued 21 June 2013 and we left the UK on 26 August 2013....so it was 2 months for us! To be fair, my wife had organised pretty much everything prior to visa grant (risky but it worked out for us) so by the time we got our visa grant we had just to book our one-way flights, sell our cars and confirm date of the shipping container.The short time frame worked well as we didn't have too long to think about the move either!!


Like you guys, we didn't want to arrive in Perth in the middle of summer which is why we arrived end August/beginning of September (we had 5 days in Singapore). When we did arrive, it rained for a whole month....worst September rainfall recorded...not what we signed up for The sunshine was soon around the corner though and has been (pretty much) since.


Where in Australia are you & your family thinking of settling? As I said, we came to Perth and absolutely love the decision we made!


Good luck with the progress of your visa and the move....no matter how long you choose to wait between visa grant and when you leave; it won't will feel like it's not long enough and too long a wait some days!!

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When I migrated, we had only 6 months to validate our visa, so we didn't have much choice - we planned to move within 3 months to avoid any chance we might miss the deadline. We were renting so didn't have as many loose ends to tie up.


But anyway, I doubt we would've left it any longer in any case. While we were in the process of applying, we put a lot of things on hold - stopped buying clothes and stuff for the house, put off changing jobs etc - so when it came through, we couldn't wait to get our lives back in gear again.


If you get on with decluttering while you're waiting, and start planning the move (you can get no-obligation quotes from estate agents and shipping companies and just get them to update the quotes once you have a confirmed date), then it needn't take long to move once the decision comes through.

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3 months - my notice period. Wasn't expecting to get job so quickly so although had been to expo and had shippers in mind etc had nothing sorted. Was a swift turnaround but worked for us and just condensed all the admin. You just need a v good "to do" list!

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3 months - my notice period. Wasn't expecting to get job so quickly so although had been to expo and had shippers in mind etc had nothing sorted. Was a swift turnaround but worked for us and just condensed all the admin. You just need a v good "to do" list!


Yes I think I need to sort a proper to do list out, and may post again on herer to make sure I haven't missed anything!!

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We're probably going to wait between 6 and 10 months. We're getting married here in May and we're going to move back to Cornwall either just after or just before to save as we don't own a house. So we'll move on with my mrs dad for 6 months and save every penny we can so when we get there we've got plenty to live off and hopefully plenty to pop to one side for a deposit on a house when the time is right.

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